Monitoring the Persistence of Devrinol, Diazinon, and Trifluralin Residues in Soil Following Application of Organic Amendments
Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2022
23 February 2022
18 March 2022
10 May 2022
Abstract: Pesticides have the potential mobility from the site of application to natural water resources leading to surface water quality problems. Binding pesticides to soil lead to immobilization preventing their mobility into surface water and enhancing their availability for degradation by soil microorganisms and their secreting enzymes. The impact of low-cost organic amendments used in agricultural operations on the persistence of three pesticides; devrinol, diazinon, and trifluralin in agricultural soil was investigated. Pesticide residues in sewage sludge (SS), farm compost (Comp), and no-mulch (NM) control treatment following field application were monitored at different time intervals using solvent partitioning and gas chromatographic procedure (GC). Half-life (T1/2) values of the three pesticides in soil were determined under three farming practices to investigate how long each pesticide remains in each soil treatment. Results revealed the retention of devrinol by 30%, diazinon by 55%, and trifluralin by 80% in soil amended with SS compared to sole NM soil used as control treatment. This practice might prevent the off-site movement of pesticides. Devrinol T1/2 value of 14.1 days was significantly (P≤ 0.05) lower in soil amended with Comp compared to SS amended soil due to its high dissipation constant (K). Diazinon residues fluctuated during the first week after spraying and started to decline, reaching a minimum value of 0.004 µg g-1 soil at 35 days after spraying. Its T1/2 value of 10.6 days was significantly lower in SS amended soil compared to Comp waste and control treatments (15.8 and 18.5 days, respectively). Trifluralin residues in NM soil showed a low dissipation constant and greater (T1/2) value of 116 days. Its dissipation and degradation in soil amended with Comp and SS indicated half-life (T1/2) values of 48.5 and 34.6 days, respectively. The low adsorptive capacity of devrinol due to its high-water solubility requires minimizing its application rates in agricultural regions to prevent environmental contamination of natural water resources.
Abstract: Pesticides have the potential mobility from the site of application to natural water resources leading to surface water quality problems. Binding pesticides to soil lead to immobilization preventing their mobility into surface water and enhancing their availability for degradation by soil microorganisms and their secreting enzymes. The impact of lo...
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Cluster Based Large Scale Demonstration of Irrigated Wheat Production Technologies in East Wollega Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia
Temesgen Chimdessa,
Chalsissa Takele,
Garamo Bayeta,
Olifan Fikadu,
Firaol Gemada
Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2022
12 April 2022
18 May 2022
26 May 2022
Abstract: Ethiopian government has initiated a wheat self-sufficiency strategies through increasing wheat productivity and expansion of production to the irrigable land areas. This study investigated Cluster based large scale demonstration of irrigated bread wheat production in Wayu Tuka and Jima Arjo Districts. Irrigated bread wheat production and build local capacity for wider adoption of irrigated bread wheat production technologies practices in East wollega Zone were the main objectives of the activity. A total of 487 farmers were addressed in both districts. It was done in well-functioned eight irrigation schemes in Wayu Tuka and one irrigation schemes in Jima Arjo district. Site and farmers were selected possessively based on irrigation and production potential of the commodity, farmers’ willingness and accessibility for supervision and input transportation. Improved bread wheat variety of “kingbird” for Wayu Tuka and “Dendea” for Jima Arjo District were planted at a rate of 150 kg/ha on a total land size of 124ha. Extension services such as advisory, inputs, training and field day were delivered and organized for the farmers, extension agents and others. Training was given before the implementation of the activity for a total of 80 farmers, 11 extension agents and 18 agricultural experts. Besides, training advisory services were continuously given for farmers from the land preparation up to threshing. Field day was conducted with a participants of 36 agricultural experts, 15 extension agents and 386 farmers. The maximum grain yield (66.06 qt/ha) was recorded from Goto Cluster in Wayu district. While the over all average grain yield obtained from a hectare of land is accounted 44.22 and 39.5 quintals in Wayu Tuka and Jima Arjo District respectively. Totally, 2435 peoples were benefited either directly or in directly from the implemented irrigated wheat production. Therefore, It is better to strengthen current awareness and should be continued for improving productivity of the crop in a sustainable manner.
Abstract: Ethiopian government has initiated a wheat self-sufficiency strategies through increasing wheat productivity and expansion of production to the irrigable land areas. This study investigated Cluster based large scale demonstration of irrigated bread wheat production in Wayu Tuka and Jima Arjo Districts. Irrigated bread wheat production and build loc...
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Factors That Determine International Competitiveness of Agricultural Products in Latin America 1990-2020
Oluwasefunmi Eunice Irewole,
Enrique Armas Arévalos
Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2022
28 April 2022
23 May 2022
31 May 2022
Abstract: Agriculture has played a crucial role in the economy and the development of many countries. Moreover, the basic needs for human survival are; food, shelter and cloth are link on agricultural production. Most developed countries see that agriculture provides them with food and raw materials for different goods such as (shelter, medicine, fuel and clothing) which has led to increase in incomes, livelihoods and standard of living. This study aimed at analysing the relationship between International competitiveness of agricultural products, with area, fertilizer, labour force, economic growth, foreign direct investment, exchange rate and inflation rate in Latin America during the period of 1991-2019. In this study, panel data econometric method was used, as well as cross-section dependence (Pesaran test), unit root (cross-section Augumented Dickey Fuller and Cross-sectional Im, Pesaran, and Shin tests), cointergration (Pedroni and Fisher-Johansen tests), and heterogeneous causality (Pedroni and Fisher-Johansen tests) (Hurlin and Dumitrescu test). The results reveal that the model has cross-sectional dependency and that they are integrated at one I (1). The "fully modified OLS and dynamic OLS estimators" were used to examine the existence of a long-term relationship and it was found that a long-term relationship existed between the selected variables. The study revealed a positive significant relationship between International Competitiveness of the agricultural raw material and area, fertilizer, labour force, economic growth, foreign direct investment, while international competitiveness has negative relationship with exchange rate, and inflation. The economy policy recommendations deducted from this investigation is that Foreign Direct Investment and labour force have a positive contribution to the increase of International Competitiveness of agricultural products.
Abstract: Agriculture has played a crucial role in the economy and the development of many countries. Moreover, the basic needs for human survival are; food, shelter and cloth are link on agricultural production. Most developed countries see that agriculture provides them with food and raw materials for different goods such as (shelter, medicine, fuel and cl...
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Assessing Regeneration Status of Indigenous Woody Species in Kata Forest, Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, Horro District, Doyo Beriso Kebele
Worku Ajema,
Ebisa Likasa
Volume 8, Issue 3, May 2022
2 March 2022
31 May 2022
9 June 2022
Abstract: Natural forest is retaining due to the regeneration of seed bank and stump shoot and sprout. A study was conducted in Keta forest Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, western Ethiopia to assess the diversity, regeneration status of indigenous woody species. The natural regeneration of plant species in natural forest stand of Keta forest was studied by systematic sampling design since as Nov. 2019 E.C. Sample plots having 400m2 area were taken from the forest. Result indicates that, there was 32 regenerating plant species investigated from the surveyed forest. The abundantly regenerating species is Calputiana quera (1722 seedling/hectare) followed by Carissa edulis (91102 seedling/hectare). Similarly, from their important value index (IVI) value, the over dominant species in terms of regenerating is found to be Calputiana qurea (IVI 41.72). There was high species diversity seedling in the areas found apart from the municipality than the closer sites. Similarly, there is high species richness in the site apart from the town than closer to town which describes there is a highly significant difference between site categories. The woody species distribution of the two categories is almost fairly distributed. There is a significant difference between areas closer to the town and apart from the diversity indexes; species richness, and density. Contrarily, species distribution within the surveyed site is evenly distributed.
Abstract: Natural forest is retaining due to the regeneration of seed bank and stump shoot and sprout. A study was conducted in Keta forest Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, western Ethiopia to assess the diversity, regeneration status of indigenous woody species. The natural regeneration of plant species in natural forest stand of Keta forest was studied by system...
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