International Journal of Science, Technology and Society

Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2018

  • Preservation of a Textile Culture Through a Digital Cultural Heritage

    Fehmiye Dilek Himam Er, Ender Yazgan Bulgun, Elvan Özkavruk Adanır

    Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2018
    Pages: 25-32
    Received: 1 March 2018
    Accepted: 23 March 2018
    Published: 8 May 2018
    Abstract: This study will directly address an overview of digitalization practices on how Sümerbank fabric archive could add value to the preservation, protection and of Turkish textile cultural heritage. Sümerbank was one of the state-centered institutions, which was producing affordable printed cotton textile products in Turkey between the years of 1930-20... Show More
  • Existing Situation of on Street Parking and Impacts on Effective Carriageway Width and V/C Ratio: A Case Study of Rajshahi City Corporation Area

    Aftabun Nahar, Rupesh Chakma, Nayem Uddin, Anutosh Das

    Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2018
    Pages: 33-42
    Received: 18 February 2018
    Accepted: 28 April 2018
    Published: 25 May 2018
    Abstract: Rajshahi is an important and divisional city of Bangladesh. Rajshahi city has well organized internal communication as well as connection to other parts of the country. But, the growth of slow moving vehicles such as easy bike and auto rickshaws in Rajshahi has created many problems. One of the worst issues is, being parked these vehicles at the ma... Show More
  • Research on Dynamic Closed-Loop Remanufacturing Decision-Making Model

    Liang Tu Chen, Shih Wen Chien, Chun Chin Wei

    Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2018
    Pages: 43-46
    Received: 18 July 2018
    Published: 19 July 2018
    Abstract: This study proposes a dynamic multi-period pricing-ordering decision model for a closed-loop remanufacturing system with product substitution between the new and remanufactured goods. In particular, this study considers both new and remanufactured versions of a single product that are both subject to continuous decay and a multivariate demand funct... Show More
  • Exploration of the Critical Factors of Spa Tourism in Taiwan

    Cheng Che Lin, Lin Fang Chen, Chi Min Wu, Tso Jen Chen

    Issue: Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2018
    Pages: 47-51
    Received: 9 August 2018
    Published: 13 August 2018
    Abstract: The abundant natural resources in Taiwan enable the development of the tourism industry flourish; hot spring resource not only provides visitors taking a bath, but also becomes an exclusive tour spot. In the recent experiential tendency, travelers are more willing to consume the hot spring in a resort hotel and enjoy the beautiful and pleasant scen... Show More