Earth Sciences

Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024

  • Research Article

    Geology and Geochemistry of Aberma and Its Environ Sheet 54se Gusau, Zamfara State, Nigeria

    Bello Aliyu*

    Issue: Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
    Pages: 86-96
    Received: 11 May 2024
    Accepted: 7 June 2024
    Published: 25 June 2024
    Abstract: The study area falls within the northwestern part of Nigeria and is underlain by crystalline rocks of the Basement Complex. Field mapping in Aberma and its environs were carried out using topographical map sheet of 54 SE Gusau on a scale 1: 25,000 with an area extends of about 30.8052km2. This field work was carried out using traverse method in con... Show More
  • Research Article

    Prospecting Tungsten (Scheelite) Mineralization in the Djouzami Area (Adamawa Cameroon) Using Ultra-Violet (UV) Fluorescence and Landsat-8 OLI Images

    Yingyang Wanbitching Raoul*, Nomo Negue Emmanuel*, Nguihdama Dagwaï, Ayiwouo Ngounouno Mouhamed, Mbowou Gbambie Isaac Bertrand, Ngounouno Ismaïla

    Issue: Volume 13, Issue 3, June 2024
    Pages: 97-115
    Received: 17 May 2024
    Accepted: 11 June 2024
    Published: 27 June 2024
    DOI: 10.11648/
    Abstract: Remote sensing technology and X-rays fluorescence are largely used in the applied geology field. In this study, we combine field observations and petrography, remote sensing applications through the processing of the Landsat-8 OLI, and Ultra-violet fluorescence to map geological structures, hydrothermal alteration minerals, and characterize tungste... Show More