Social Sciences

Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013

  • The Current Situation of Vietnam Education

    Phu Hop Mai, Jun Wu Yang

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 168-178
    Received: 22 August 2013
    Published: 20 October 2013
    Abstract: In Vietnam, the workforce is in the "gold" period, it will be the implementing motivations of the strategy socio-economic development. However, with methods of education for so long which do not fit the requirements of the new era, is producing passive "people" who is good at theory but bad at practice. School violence has still occurred; activitie... Show More
  • An Empirical Analysis of Transport Infrastructure Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria

    Oyesiku Kayode, Onakoya, Adegbemi Babatunde, Folawewo Abiodun

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 179-188
    Received: 2 September 2013
    Published: 20 October 2013
    Abstract: The paper investigated the impact of public sector investment in transport on economic growth, using Nigeria as a case study. The empirical model for the study was developed from the endogenous growth framework in which transport investment entered into the production function as input, using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) estimation technique an... Show More
  • The Achilles’ Heel of Police Reforms in Kenya

    Douglas Lucas Kivoi, Casty Gatakaa Mbae

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 189-194
    Received: 6 September 2013
    Published: 20 October 2013
    Abstract: The genesis of policing in Kenya dates back to the pre-independence times. After independence, the constitution at that time had provisions for the establishment of a neutral police service. However that was just on paper because political leaders turned the police service into a political tool for suppressing and/or repressing political opponents,... Show More
  • The Current State of the Private Investigation Industry in Korea and Its Legislation Process

    Chang-Ho Kim, Ju-Lak Lee

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 195-199
    Received: 6 August 2013
    Published: 20 October 2013
    Abstract: The demand for security services in Korea has been on the rise with the increased income of the citizens as well as awareness about individual rights. Two representative sectors that reflect this change is the privatized security and investigation fields of the country. However, the private investigation industry has not been legally authorized, so... Show More
  • The Influence of Geopolitics and Strategical Factors upon the Development of Natural and Human Resources in Indonesia

    Ukar Wijaya Soelistijo

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 200-211
    Received: 16 October 2013
    Published: 10 November 2013
    Abstract: The understanding of geopolitics based on the Nusantara outlook (Wawasan Nusantara), Indonesia requires to raise the effort of mastering and developing technology which has roots in the nation’s culture as an important means of national productivity hop towards resulting qualified and global competitive national products achieving national prosperi... Show More
  • Shifting the Paradigm in Nigeria’s Foreign Policy: Goodluck Jonathan and Nigeria’s Vision 20:2020

    Okechukwu B. C. Nwankwo

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 212-221
    Received: 4 October 2013
    Published: 20 November 2013
    Abstract: Against the backdrop of Nigeria’s comprehensive framework for transforming herself into one of the twenty leading economies by the year 2020, this paper examines the foreign policy initiatives of current Nigeria’s President Goodluck Jonathan. Identifying the welfare of the State and its people as the ultimate goal of foreign policy, it interrogated... Show More
  • The Assessment of Quality of Life in Sub Peripheral Urban Areas in Lithuania

    Marija Burinskienė, Vitalija Rudzkienė, Dovilė Lazauskaitė

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2013
    Pages: 222-230
    Received: 29 November 2013
    Published: 30 January 2014
    Abstract: After political changes and transformations, many large cities in Eastern Europe in the last decade are confronted with decline in population, privatization patterns, deterioration, raised the land prices, lower life satisfaction. In the point of macro level view this process is estimating as a controversial spatial flow. It changes the traditional... Show More