Funding Strategy Bali-Mandara Toll Road Rest Area Investment Plan
Erwin Rasyid,
Sri Saraswati
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2019
22 May 2019
17 July 2019
5 August 2019
Abstract: Construction of toll roads in Bali by PT. Jasamarga Bali Tol (JBT) as by PT. JBT has to pay the loans used for due to the loans of building the road. Even, though PT. JBT’s income is increasing, it has not been able to cover the obligations of the company to pay the loan. Then, PT. JBT considers making a rest area as a business unit to multiply their income. An effective analysis of investment will provide financial solutions for PT. JBT. This study aims at identifying the best funding pattern that can be implemented for the rest area investment plan. This research focuses on three funding patterns, namely the pattern of loans/debts, own costs, and Build-Operate-Transfer. After the results of the study, the following results were obtained: In the room rental pattern + business concession, there was a 7 year 9 month payback period, internal rate of return 9.52% (IRR <13%), and net present value of –Rp 75.72 billion in I = 13% and a period of10 years (NPV < 0). Meanwhile, the revenue-sharing pattern obtained a 6-year 8-month payback period, internal rate of return 13.55% (IRR > 13%), and the net present value of Rp. 12.93 billion (NPV > 0). Lastly, the loan pattern is not feasible because the NPV project is smaller than 0 (zero) and IRR <13%. The cost pattern is not feasible because it takes a long time to raise funds and the BOT pattern is possible because the NPV value is greater than 0 (zero) and IRR > 13%.
Abstract: Construction of toll roads in Bali by PT. Jasamarga Bali Tol (JBT) as by PT. JBT has to pay the loans used for due to the loans of building the road. Even, though PT. JBT’s income is increasing, it has not been able to cover the obligations of the company to pay the loan. Then, PT. JBT considers making a rest area as a business unit to multiply the...
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Evaluating Employee Retention Strategies on Job Performance
Ibrahim Abdulai Sawaneh,
Fatmata Kanko Kamara
Volume 7, Issue 3, June 2019
24 July 2019
19 August 2019
29 August 2019
Abstract: Due to the increasing demand in the job market as a result of several job opportunities, good employee retention strategies are vital for achieving organizational success and performance. Considering skilled and innovative employees leaving an organization, will subsequently have negative effects on the organization’s survival. Employees normally abandoned their jobs when they feel dissatisfied and de-motivated by either their supervisor and /or other de-motivating factors such as low salary, annual leave allowance, maternity leave, rewards and incentives, remuneration, politics, poor communication among employees, lack of respect to employees by supervisor and management, undermining organizational culture by supervisor, training, and others. This will lead to an employer to loose valuable and determined employees to rivals in job market, loss of corporate memory, fracture employee customer relationship and most importantly, the moral standing of the organization goes down to the drain. Therefore, it is essential for an organization to retain the most valuable and experienced employees. Employee retention is referred to a method where employees are motivated to stay longer working in an organization, or for a specified timeframe of a project execution. The study examines the role of HR policies in retaining valuable employees in an organization. It further try to bridge the communication gap between employers and employees on salient issues in the organization by maintaining skilled and innovative employees of the organization for infinite time. The research also indicated that, green pasture, lack of opportunities, work-life balance, lack of recognition, low salary scale, poor reward and remuneration system, and study leave were among some of the reasons employees leave their jobs for better opportunities elsewhere. Retaining skillful and innovative employees should be of the utmost priority for all organizations and good retention strategies should be intended to retain highly innovative and talented employees. Motivation and free flow of communications produces best cultural commitment that will ultimately achieve organizational blueprint.
Abstract: Due to the increasing demand in the job market as a result of several job opportunities, good employee retention strategies are vital for achieving organizational success and performance. Considering skilled and innovative employees leaving an organization, will subsequently have negative effects on the organization’s survival. Employees normally a...
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