Abstract: If the mathematics is to be interesting rather than a dull experience for the students, the first steps must be to make it a positive rather than negative emotional experience for the teachers. The importance placed on the subject is derived from the fact that it would help the nation meet its quest for science and technological advancement. A lot required from the mathematics teacher in terms of methods and strategies for effective teaching and learning of mathematics in secondary schools to meet the learning expectation of the students and other stake-holders. You need satisfied, competent and confident teacher to produce satisfied and confident students. The teacher is a major learning resource in mathematics at any level. If he is effective, he is catalyst, a stimulator, an inspirer and facilitator. He has to be able to facilitate learning by creating opportunities which enable learner to investigate situations. He has to have internalized techniques which enable him to go beyond ordinary routine questions ending at the knowledge level, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation which may together be called higher intellectual skills and abilities have to be viewed by the mathematics teacher as important attributes to be acquired by his students. Teaching process cannot be said to be complete if assessment of the students, teachers and the, methods and strategies employed are not thoroughly carried out, The teacher must know the best techniques and methods of presenting his ideas to the students putting into consideration students interest, needs, individual differences, difficulties and abilities. Thus, for effective teaching and learning of mathematics, a teacher must embrace active learning as against the traditional method of teaching mathematics.Abstract: If the mathematics is to be interesting rather than a dull experience for the students, the first steps must be to make it a positive rather than negative emotional experience for the teachers. The importance placed on the subject is derived from the fact that it would help the nation meet its quest for science and technological advancement. A lot ...Show More