Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of a Three-Phase Gravity Separator
Bishoy Magdi Abdu Sabir,
Ibrahim Hassan Mohammed Elamin,
Hisham Rabie Sadiq
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
1 November 2022
23 November 2022
17 January 2023
Abstract: Many studies have investigated the crude oil separation process's separation mechanisms, size, and design, employing horizontal 3-Phase Gravity Separators in depth. There are, however, very few articles on their dynamics, modelling, simulation, and control. Understanding its dynamic behaviour will aid in designing and tuning the device that can manage water level, oil level, and gas pressure in response to feeding variations. This Scientific Paper gives a complete mathematical analysis, modelling, and simulation of a crude oil separation process using a horizontal 3-Phase Gravity Separator using Mathworks Matlab R2016b-x64 and Aspen Hysys V10. Bishoy's Equations, which were constructed, will assist in operating this gadget, locating various variables, and observing the effect of modifying variables on the system's variables. The rationale for this study was developed in response to the small number of articles discovered, which may be a covert issue held up by large oil companies, as well as the complicated equations related to this process that remain unsolved, and to monitor what is happening in this complex dynamic process. This paper provides everything related to a three-phase gravity separator, including changing of variables and observing the effect on the system when those variables were modified. The equations determined the following variables: The height of gas, water, oil, the height of oil when it jumped the weir, the pressure of the gas (in and out), water pressure (in and out), oil pressure (in and out), and the effect of increasing α (control valve's stem position) and decreasing Q_in (inlet volumetric flowrate) on these variables have all been studied. This article discovered that increasing the control valve stem position and decreasing the inflow volumetric flowrate of both oil and water was highly unsafe and caused significant variations in the system's heights and pressures using Matlab. The Aspen Hysys analysis optimally separates the oil, gas, and water to determine material, energy streams properties, and compositions. As a result, this complex dynamic behaviour was observed, and no additional articles were discovered that addressed this subject. This process monitoring will determine the best conditions for flawless separation, with the selectivity of the desired product or products as the primary goal. This research can revolutionize the way people think about oil and gas extraction and processing and benefit colossal oil and gas firms in Europe, Asia, and Africa.
Abstract: Many studies have investigated the crude oil separation process's separation mechanisms, size, and design, employing horizontal 3-Phase Gravity Separators in depth. There are, however, very few articles on their dynamics, modelling, simulation, and control. Understanding its dynamic behaviour will aid in designing and tuning the device that can man...
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Bioenergy Potential and Kinetic of Biogas Production in Anaerobic Digestion of Slaughterhouse Effluent
Dègninou Houndedjihou,
Tomkouani Kodom,
Ibrahim Tchakala,
Moctar Limam Bawa,
Gbandi Djaneye-Boundjou
Volume 11, Issue 1, January 2023
23 January 2023
20 February 2023
4 March 2023
Abstract: Many studies have investigated the technology of anaerobic digestion for waste treatment and its benefits. However, most of those studies have reported on solid waste. So, there are few articles on the anaerobic digestion of effluent, especially anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse effluent and its bioenergy potential. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the bioenergy potential in slaughterhouse wastewater treatment. Then, anaerobic digestion (AD) was used in this study to assess the bio-energy potential and kinetics of biogas production during processing. The slaughterhouse wastewater collected was characterized before the experiments using french standard method “AFNOR”. pH, Temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (O2dis.), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), Conductivity, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand in five days (BOD5), total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) and total phosphorus (Ptot) were analyzed and the ratio BOD5/COD was calculated to evaluate the biodegradability of the biomass. Laboratory-scale anaerobic batch digesters consisting of a 1 L plastic container were used in all the experiments and the biogas produced in the digesters was measured daily by the water displacement method. The wastewater produced by slaughterhouses is biodegradable with a ratio between biological oxygen demand and chemical oxygen demand (BOD5/COD) > 0.5. An effective AD design shows that over 90% of organic matter was removed when inoculation and the carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio were adjusted. The cumulative volume of biogas increased from 415 mL to 2,150 mL as the substrate/inoculum (S/I) ratio has decreased from 2.028 to 0.337 and increased from 1,140 mL to 5,250 mL as the C/N ratio increased from 6 to 22. The biogas produced has a high calorific value, as the methane content is 74%. Among the three kinetic models used to describe biogas production, a modified Gompertz model was found to be the best with R2 between 0.983 and 0.993. This study points out energy potential of slaughterhouse wastewater and its benefit as it is managed efficiently.
Abstract: Many studies have investigated the technology of anaerobic digestion for waste treatment and its benefits. However, most of those studies have reported on solid waste. So, there are few articles on the anaerobic digestion of effluent, especially anaerobic digestion of slaughterhouse effluent and its bioenergy potential. The purpose of this study is...
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