Research Article
Physicochemical Parameters of Soils in Tepi Campus South Western Parts of Ethiopia
Gamada Begna Sisay*
Eskedar Getachew Feleke
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
28 June 2024
17 July 2024
29 July 2024
Abstract: Soil is an important part of agriculture applications. An understanding of physical and chemical condition of any soil is essential for proper implementation of the other soil management practices. Therefore the physico-chemical study of soil is very important because both physical and chemical properties which affect the soil productivity. This physico-chemical study of soil is based on various parameters like pH, electrical conductivity, moisture, soil organic matter, and soil organic carbon. This knowledge will create awareness among the farmers about economic productivity. In this study the physicochemical properties of soil samples obtained from Tepi campus was determined. Their value could be pH 6, Electrical conductivity 7.31µS/m, moisture content 5.038%, organic matter content 4.1% and organic carbon content 3.3%. Physical and chemical properties listed above indicate that this soil sample is productive and suitable for agricultural use. Based on the result in this study soil sample in the Tepi campus garden is slightly acidic, wet, and high organic matter content. Most of the south western parts of Ethiopia get high rain fall through the year more than eight month and its forest area. This makes the soil in this area high moisture content and organic matter content. Corn, maize, sugar cane and coffee are the most cultivated crops in this area.
Abstract: Soil is an important part of agriculture applications. An understanding of physical and chemical condition of any soil is essential for proper implementation of the other soil management practices. Therefore the physico-chemical study of soil is very important because both physical and chemical properties which affect the soil productivity. This ph...
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Research Article
Quantitative Structure Photovoltaic Properties Relationship of Coumarin Dyes Derived
Nobel Kouakou N’guessan,
Mamadou Koné Guy Richard,
Ouattara Wawohinlin Patrice,
Dembélé Georges Stéphane*,
Kafoumba Bamba,
Nahossé Ziao
Volume 12, Issue 2, June 2024
18 July 2024
26 August 2024
11 September 2024
Abstract: The performance of an organic solar cell is strongly influenced by the structure of the photosensitizer. In this work, the open-circuit voltage (VOC) and conversion efficiency (η) of a series of coumarin dyes are quantitatively related to the structure of nine coumarin derivatives. The Quantitative Structure Property Relationship (QSPR) is performed using the statistical method of multiple linear regression. In addition, descriptors determined from the ground state at the Cam_B3lyp/6-31G(d, p) level of theory and from the 2D structure of the molecules are mathematically related to the photovoltaic properties. These VOC and η models are accredited with very good statistical indicators (R2 = 0.906 and 0.918; Qcv2= 0.845 and 0.849; S= 0.045 and 0.112; F = 14.524 and 16.846). These statistical indicators confirm the robustness and performance of the models developed. The results show that Voc improves with decreasing surface tension (ts) and increasing number of cycles (cycle). As for the conversion efficiency of light radiation into electrical energy, it is optimal when the light harvesting efficiency (LHEth) and the excited state lifetime (τth) are high. In conclusion, these models have good predictive capabilities and can be used to predict and explain the open-circuit voltage and efficiency of coumarin derivatives that belong to the same field of application.
Abstract: The performance of an organic solar cell is strongly influenced by the structure of the photosensitizer. In this work, the open-circuit voltage (VOC) and conversion efficiency (η) of a series of coumarin dyes are quantitatively related to the structure of nine coumarin derivatives. The Quantitative Structure Property Relationship (QSPR) is performe...
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