Research Article
Evaluating Rural Land Administration Institutional Efficiency from Modern Land Administration Systems Perspective: In Case of Awi Zone, North-Western Ethiopia
Dereje Shitu Shiferaw,
Mihret Fentahun Yeneneh*
Teha Romanu Benti
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
22 June 2024
5 August 2024
6 September 2024
Abstract: This study is aimed to evaluate the institutional efficiency of rural land administration from the perspective of modern land administration systems in Awi zone Amhara region Ethiopia. The study employed a mixed research approach to evaluate the efficiency of rural land administration. Moreover, the study used various data collection tools such as questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussion, observation, and document review to acquire relevant data. The study pursued the influence of explanatory variables namely legal framework, digitalization, valuation and compensation, good governance, data quality, capacity building, and customer satisfaction on the efficiency of rural land administration. Furthermore, descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze quantitative data. Consequently, the study found that the legal framework and customer satisfaction are the most significant factors that affect the efficiency of rural land administration. However, the study finding revealed that lack of clear and uniform legislations and service delivery negatively affected the success of rural land administration. Thus, the prospects to assure efficient rural land administration are provision of unambiguous laws, delivering services impartially, and providing capacity-building training for experts are suggested as a vital to implement modern land administration systems to modern society.
Abstract: This study is aimed to evaluate the institutional efficiency of rural land administration from the perspective of modern land administration systems in Awi zone Amhara region Ethiopia. The study employed a mixed research approach to evaluate the efficiency of rural land administration. Moreover, the study used various data collection tools such as ...
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Research Article
The Role of the Law in Protecting Individuals from Electronic Blackmail
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
5 July 2024
7 August 2024
6 September 2024
Abstract: The main idea centers on describing the role of the law in defending people against the phenomenon of electronic blackmail by defining the term, outlining its types and characteristics, and outlining the role of the law in combating this phenomenon. This is because laws will inevitably be created to address the enormous advancements in technology and human behavior that have coincided with these advancements. The real problem, which is the incapacity to prosecute those who commit these electronic crimes, has emerged because of the tremendous scientific advancement in the field of technology. This has led to the emergence of new patterns and a new class of criminals who have taken advantage of these sciences and modified them to serve their criminal goals. Crime has gone up, as it has in every nation on the planet. Recent years have seen instances of electronic extortion in Egypt, and judges find it challenging to prosecute these contemporary crimes—especially the offense of electronic extortion. The Egyptian lawmaker demanded prompt action to update the legislation against information technology crimes, include provisions for electronic blackmail, and impose harsh punishments on anyone who engage in such behavior. The psychological and social effects to which individuals are exposed to electronic blackmail were also discussed, and we touch on the impact of these effects on the psychological health and social relationships of individuals. In conclusion, the importance of legal safeguards for victims of cyber extortion in Egypt cannot be overstated, given the ever-changing landscape of cybercrime and the inherent challenges it poses to traditional legal systems. It is necessary to review Egypt's current legal framework. Strict protocols must be established for reporting cases of blackmail against members of society to ensure their protection under Egyptian law.
Abstract: The main idea centers on describing the role of the law in defending people against the phenomenon of electronic blackmail by defining the term, outlining its types and characteristics, and outlining the role of the law in combating this phenomenon. This is because laws will inevitably be created to address the enormous advancements in technology a...
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Review Article
Political and Legal Disarrays of Separation of Powers in the Oromia Regional State Structure
Sibhat Kefyalew Kelbessa*
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
30 July 2024
24 August 2024
11 September 2024
Abstract: In principle, a functional division of powers is a prerequisite for limited government. Oromia Regional State, the largest sub-national state in the Ethiopian federation, can exercise upward influence if it develops a limited government with a strong separation of power within its borders. The purpose of this paper is to make an effort to look into the political and legal difficulties that threatened separation of power among the major participants in the region's power dispersion structure. In order to achieve this, the study employed interviews with a few specifically chosen experts and officials from the three arms of regional government, as well as a pertinent literature analysis and personal observation. This led to the discovery that several political and legal constraints significantly restrict the power structure in the region. Ultimately, it was proposed that in order for the region to ensure genuine separation of powers, political players would need to work together to create a political culture that supports constitutionalism and maintain their commitment to the rule of law.
Abstract: In principle, a functional division of powers is a prerequisite for limited government. Oromia Regional State, the largest sub-national state in the Ethiopian federation, can exercise upward influence if it develops a limited government with a strong separation of power within its borders. The purpose of this paper is to make an effort to look into...
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Research Article
Policy Windows and Protests: Black Lives Matter Protests and Calls to Defund the Police in the United States
Jessica DeShazo*
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
3 August 2024
24 August 2024
11 September 2024
Abstract: The murder of George Floyd fueled local level protests calling to defund the police. The study examines if a policy window was opened for decreased allocations to police department funding after the murder of George Floyd and the protests. The study focuses on 26 politically left-leaning cities with a population of 100,000 or more that had protests with at least 500 people in the United States. Budget allocation to each city’s police department were examined using descriptive statistics to determine if the budget allocation to police departments changed following the protests. The results show that 19% of cities in the study decreased funding to police departments in 2021, and 50% cities decreased funding to police departments in 2022. The results support the argument that a national focusing event can open a policy window for changes to local level budget allocation by connecting the concept of policy windows to the open systems theory of budgeting. However, cities remain constrained by circumstances in their external environment, meaning some cities were not able to reduce resource allocations to police departments. These constraints include counter actions by state governments to prevent reducing the allocation of funds to police departments and increasing crime rates. This research presents insights into local government budgetary decision-making in response to a national focusing event.
Abstract: The murder of George Floyd fueled local level protests calling to defund the police. The study examines if a policy window was opened for decreased allocations to police department funding after the murder of George Floyd and the protests. The study focuses on 26 politically left-leaning cities with a population of 100,000 or more that had protests...
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Research Article
From Policy Advisors to Transfer Agents: Understanding the Role of Policy Advisors in the Circulation of Good Governance Principles in the Global South
Njanjo Ekoungkang Aimee Laure*
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
13 April 2024
5 June 2024
20 September 2024
Abstract: By the moment policy advisory system (PAS) gains field as a scientific object in public policy; different studies on the subject explore its importance in political systems. They reveal that PAS provides a significant support to public policy decision for central and local governments, thereby highlighting its impact in decision and policy-making process within these systems. While agreeing with this evidence, the present paper focuses on the role of Policy Advice Actors (PAA) in the diffusion and transfer of good governance principles at the international level. The aim of this paper is therefore to contribute to the debate on the multiple facets of policy advisory system in Africa by analyzing the dynamics of policy advisors in policy decision. It eventually tries to link PAS to policy diffusion and highlights how the PAS is being used by these actors to crystallize their knowledge and ideas into different political systems. The present paper is a qualitative analysis based on empirical evidence and the existing literature on the issue in Africa and particularly in Cameroon. Henceforth, it is argued that policy transfer especially diffusion is an important mechanism of PAS in the global south, of course as external policy advice is concerned, international organizations that constitute the main actors of this system are engaged into providing global solution for southern countries rather than policy innovation. Despite this evidence these actors may somehow be confronted to different degrees of complexity into the local context.
Abstract: By the moment policy advisory system (PAS) gains field as a scientific object in public policy; different studies on the subject explore its importance in political systems. They reveal that PAS provides a significant support to public policy decision for central and local governments, thereby highlighting its impact in decision and policy-making p...
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Research Article
Challenges of Street Vending Market in Urbanization from Gender Perspective: The Case of Nifas Silk Lafto Sub City, Jemo-01 Area, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Beletu Mebrahtom Tekie*
Dodge Getachew
Volume 8, Issue 3, September 2024
28 July 2024
3 September 2024
23 September 2024
Abstract: Street vending is informal market. There are debates about street vendors, some argue that they cause problems in urbanization activities like pedestrian & traffic congestion, pollution, crime, illegality and should be eliminated and other argue that they are essential for promoting urban economic activities and reduce unemployment. The aim of this study is to identify the main driving causes and challenges of street vending in Nifas Silk Lafto sub-city, Jemo- 01 Site from gender perspectives. Quantitative data collected from 216 questionnaires and qualitative data obtained from 36 key informants and in-depth interviewee. The quantitative data analyzed using, percentage frequency, correlation, Chi-square & Mann-Whitney U test and qualitative data processed using thematic analysis. The result indicate that the driving cause for street vending are, high family poverty (P, 0.001) and easy to enter (P, 0.001) to street vending are more significant in male than female. However, lack of other job option (P, 0.001) is more significant in female. Regarding the consequence of street vending market, traffic congestion and car accident (P, 0.004), encourage illegality (p, 0.003) were the major significant negative consequence of street vending market. Whereas street vending support economic activities and mobilize work force is the positive consequence that the p, 0.034 < 0.05 at 95%. Regarding challenge of vending market, the result found that great challenge for female than male (P, 0.002), according to qualitative analysis, theft, physical harassment, confiscation of goods, health problem were major challenge. In conclusion, street vending market has both negative and positive consequence in urbanization process and different root cause for both male and female.
Abstract: Street vending is informal market. There are debates about street vendors, some argue that they cause problems in urbanization activities like pedestrian & traffic congestion, pollution, crime, illegality and should be eliminated and other argue that they are essential for promoting urban economic activities and reduce unemployment. The aim of this...
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