Abstract: One of the core principals of Human Resource Management is Performance Appraisal and it basically is a win-win situation in both aspects because employee gains benefits in terms of rewards, bonuses and management targets and objectives are fulfilled. In this research we have analyzed performance in keeping in view of Management. For this purpose, we have conducted an empirical study of the staff members keeping in view of banking sector and data has been collected through questionnaire. We have established the relation between performance appraisal and work motivation which depends on performance appraisal types used in Banking sector and transparency of the process of performance appraisal, which is carried out are merely shared to employees only rating and appraisal letter is disseminated so therefore it impacts a downfall on employee engagement and employee gets demotivated if appraisal cycle is not conducted transparently which results in turn over. We have studied different performance methods which are implemented in organizations and tried to generate a new appraisal method keeping in view of COVID-19 and modern changes implemented in current era. We have reached out a point that employee should be educated about performance appraisal method so that it can be more effective and plays a positive role in building future leaders and increase organization profitability and maintain a healthy culture in an organization. Modern Banking has been digitalized and transformed in current era where technology plays a vital role and people get benefited in their homes due to advancement and current pandemic situation which arises it is important that smart work should be implement in combination of working from home and physical presence of employees so that organization work can be easily be done and more customer can be facilitated. We have reached at a point that employee training and education shall be prevailed related to digitalization and shall be aware about his JD and KPI’s respectively so that his appraisal can be done in an effective way which results in employee retention and organization profitability. It is concluded that combination of 360 degree appraisal and Human Resource Cost Accounting method shall be implemented as a new appraisal methodology which can be successful in keeping employee retention and playing a positive role in organization goals and objectives. If employees are not involved in financial benefit of an organization in that case we have to convert impact of his performance which results in achieving organizational goals and objectives.Abstract: One of the core principals of Human Resource Management is Performance Appraisal and it basically is a win-win situation in both aspects because employee gains benefits in terms of rewards, bonuses and management targets and objectives are fulfilled. In this research we have analyzed performance in keeping in view of Management. For this purpose, w...Show More
Abstract: Many developing countries like Ethiopia has weak accounting information system which hamper investment decisions, policy issues and contribute at large to make the entire systems in the countries inefficient. The objective of this study is examining the level of AISs implementation in large and medium scale manufacturing enterprises of Amhara region. For the purpose of this study census sampling method was employed and all large and medium scale manufacturing enterprises of Gondar and Bahirdar cities has been surveyed. Data has been collected from those enterprises through self-administered questionnaire and an in-depth unstructured interview was conducted with key informants about the subject of the study. The Collected data from the questionnaire was analyzed by using SPSS version 20 software. The regression and correlations are made to find answers for specific objectives on the basis of the result obtained from the statistical tool. Assuming the dichotomous response to the dependent variable (AISs implementation), binary logistic regression model has been used to identify the factors which influence the implementation of AISs in the study area. The finding of the study reveals that, implementation of AISs in Amhara region large and medium scale manufacturing enterprises is at its lowest level. In addition, factors such as financial capacity, organizational structure, environmental factors and relative advantage of AISs have positive and significant influence over the implementation of AISs while, complexity of AISs is found negatively influencing factor for AISs implementation. The researcher recommends that these factors should be considered by those experts of the enterprises at the time when they decide to implement AISs.Abstract: Many developing countries like Ethiopia has weak accounting information system which hamper investment decisions, policy issues and contribute at large to make the entire systems in the countries inefficient. The objective of this study is examining the level of AISs implementation in large and medium scale manufacturing enterprises of Amhara regio...Show More