Research Article
The Immunomodulatory Effect of Intraperitoneal Injection of Licorice Extract on Giant Salamander
Wenbo Wang*,
Pin Liu,
Yue Ning,
Yalong Feng,
Lingling Dou,
Ping Wang,
Ruimin Xi,
Minfei Yan
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
4 October 2024
18 October 2024
12 November 2024
Abstract: The effect of licorice extract on non-specific immune function of giant salamanders was studied by intraperitoneal injection. The results showed that the lysozyme activity in the drug group increased, and the lysozyme activity increased with the increase of dose. From the 7th day onwards, each sampling of the drug group showed significant differences compared to the control group (P<0.05). The phagocytic activity of macrophages in the drug group showed some fluctuations, but there was no significant difference compared to the control group. The white blood cell volume value of the high-dose group gradually increased in the first three samplings, and showed a significant difference compared to the control group at 14 days (P<0.05). It decreased slightly in the last two samplings, but was still higher than the control group at the same time. The spleen organ coefficient of the low-dose group was (0.7 ± 0.01) % at 28 days, higher than that of the control group (0.4 ± 0.05) %, and the high-dose group was (0.7 ± 0.07) % at 14 days, higher than that of the control group (0.4 ± 0.02) %. Both differences were significant (P<0.05). After the last sampling (28 days), artificial infection with Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria resulted in a mortality rate of 80% in the control group, 50% in the low-dose group, and 30% in the high-dose group, all lower than the control group. The drug group also had higher immune protection rates than the control group. The results indicate that intraperitoneal injection of licorice extract can improve the immune function and disease resistance of giant salamanders to a certain extent.
Abstract: The effect of licorice extract on non-specific immune function of giant salamanders was studied by intraperitoneal injection. The results showed that the lysozyme activity in the drug group increased, and the lysozyme activity increased with the increase of dose. From the 7th day onwards, each sampling of the drug group showed significant differenc...
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Research Article
The Correlation Between Organizational Characteristics and Performance of African Ports: The Moderating Effect of Governance Reforms
Joseph Ouma Atonga
Zachary Bolo Awino,
Kennedy Omondi Ogollah,
Stephen Ochieng Odock
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
7 August 2024
2 September 2024
16 December 2024
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to determine the moderating effect of governance reforms on the relationship between organizational characteristics and organizational performance. Structured questions in the form of questionnaires were employed to collect primary data targeting executive managers of 54 container-handling seaport terminals in Anglophone Africa who are conversant with port operations and management. Some data was also obtained from the websites of the ports and regional port management Associations. The response rate was 83.6%. Out of these responses, 46 terminals (78%) were found to have adopted the landlord model while 10 terminals (22%) were found to be using the public service model of operations. The reliability and validity of the indicator items were ascertained through diagnostic tests. Model fitness was confirmed by the use of Standard Root Means Square Residual (SRMR) and Normed Fit Index (NFI). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) using Smart-PLS 4.0 software was used for data analysis and measurement model estimation to test hypothesis which stated that there is no significant moderating effect of governance reforms on the relationship between organizational characteristics and the performance of seaports in Anglophone Africa. The findings established positive and significant moderating effect of governance reforms on the relationship. The study concluded that the landlord model of governance reforms enhances performance thereby creating competitive advantage for ports in Anglophone African. The study also finds that seaports in Africa, seen from both theoretical and empirical point of view are increasingly identifying themselves with port governance reform models. The study recognizes that the landlord model of port governance is dominant amongst African seaports and concludes with the recommendation that all African seaports that are still operating as public service ports should reform and adopt especially the landlord model in order to experience remarkable performance improvement and maintain competitive advantage.
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to determine the moderating effect of governance reforms on the relationship between organizational characteristics and organizational performance. Structured questions in the form of questionnaires were employed to collect primary data targeting executive managers of 54 container-handling seaport terminals in A...
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Research Article
The Instrumental Beyond the Human: Transhumanism, Emanation Theory, and Critical Posthumanities for the 21st Century
Nathan Matthias Moore*
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
22 November 2024
5 December 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: Being “Instrumental Beyond the Human” proposes a radical reconceptualization of transhumanism through the lenses of emanation theory, post-humanist critique, and avant-garde cultural studies. It builds upon the traditional foundations of classical liberalism and the history of science by juxtaposing it with emerging digital humanities. Informed by the works of historical and contemporary cultural theorists, this treatise explores how socioeconomic narratives shape technological prosperity and its implications for humankind’s enhancement toward the avant-garde. By drawing upon critical infrastructures, this essay will move beyond traditional techno-optimism to interrogate how power, labor, gender, and race all intersect with emerging technologies including artificial intelligence, prosthetics, and even virtual reality in enigmatic ways. They do so by combining speculative narratives with an examination of sociocultural hauntologies rooted in anthropology. Avant-garde scholarship also investigates how immersive storytelling and posthuman narratives challenge conventional notions of selfhood, agency, and justice. By integrating new perspectives from the critical posthumanities, transhumanist discourse argues for a more inclusive and ethically reflective transhumanism rooted in the modern avant-garde. Rather than envisioning human enhancement as a centered, neutral, or utopian project, it highlights the necessity of confronting biases, power imbalances, and sociopolitical consequences embedded in the development of new technologies from all ends. Ultimately, this treatise provides a blueprint for the ongoing cultural, ethical, and political negotiation that reflects the broader avant-garde academic currents of the 21st century.
Abstract: Being “Instrumental Beyond the Human” proposes a radical reconceptualization of transhumanism through the lenses of emanation theory, post-humanist critique, and avant-garde cultural studies. It builds upon the traditional foundations of classical liberalism and the history of science by juxtaposing it with emerging digital humanities. Informed by ...
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Research Article
Socioeconomic Determinants of Domestic Violence Against Women in Nigeria: Empirical Evidence from National Demographic and Health Survey Data
Olubunmi Olanike Alawode*
Volume 5, Issue 4, December 2024
4 November 2024
18 November 2024
31 December 2024
Abstract: Many Nigerian women experience various forms of domestic violence, most of which was carried out by their spouses. This abuse occurs across all socioeconomic groups and strata. Women's human rights are violated when they are subjected to violence. This study analysed the socioeconomic determinants of domestic violence against women in Nigeria with empirical evidence from secondary data which were sourced from the National Demographic Health Survey (NDHS) 2018. The cleaned data comprised 6,603 ever-partnered women aged 15-49 years. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, and binary logistic regression. Results show that high proportion (35%) of women in Nigeria have ever experienced domestic violence which is higher than the 30% globally acceptable level of violence. Emotional abuse is the most prevalent in Nigeria as it was experienced by about one-third (33.64%) of the respondents. At p<0.01, having higher education, religion (Islam), being in the rich and richest wealth quintile, and being in the North West, South East and South West zones were significantly and negatively related to (reduced) domestic violence in Nigeria. Also, at p<0.05, having urban residence reduced the likelihood of domestic violence. However, being employed (p<0.05), and at p<0.01, partners’ alcoholism, women having history of violence, husband/partner’s jealousy, household head being male, as well as being in the North East zone were significant and positively related to (increased) domestic violence. In conclusion, domestic violence, especially emotional violence, is prevalent in Nigeria. Thus, human rights activists and NGOs fighting violence against women in Nigeria should intensify their efforts to eliminate domestic violence. Also, gender awareness programmes should be incorporated in school curriculum from primary to higher education levels so that children will be sensitized on the implications of violence, especially against women, and this would bring about reduced level of violence in the future.
Abstract: Many Nigerian women experience various forms of domestic violence, most of which was carried out by their spouses. This abuse occurs across all socioeconomic groups and strata. Women's human rights are violated when they are subjected to violence. This study analysed the socioeconomic determinants of domestic violence against women in Nigeria with ...
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