Review Article
Review on Potential Urban Development Site Selection Using Geospatial-Based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) Techniques in the Context of Ethiopia
Adimasu Tafesse Gontte*
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
2 July 2024
23 July 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: This review paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the opportunities and challenges in leveraging geospatial-based technologies, particularly Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques, to enhance the effectiveness of urban development site selection in Ethiopia. The overarching findings highlight several critical focus areas for improvement. Firstly, the review emphasizes the need to strengthen the availability, quality, and accessibility of geospatial data through the development of robust data infrastructures and innovative data collection methods. Secondly, it recommends adopting a more inclusive and collaborative approach to stakeholder engagement, coupled with targeted capacity-building initiatives to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of urban planners, GIS experts, and local stakeholders. Thirdly, the paper suggests incorporating advanced spatial modeling and simulation techniques to capture the dynamic nature of urban growth patterns, as well as integrating climate change impact assessments and disaster risk analyses into the decision-making framework. Fourthly, it emphasizes the importance of strengthening institutional and organizational frameworks to promote cross-sectoral collaboration, data sharing, and integrated decision-making processes. Finally, the review underscores the significance of designing user-friendly and customizable Spatial Decision Support Systems (SDSS) that cater to the specific needs and constraints of the Ethiopian urban development context. The review concludes that the use of geospatial-based MCDA approaches holds immense potential in addressing Ethiopia's complex urban development challenges, as it enables a comprehensive evaluation of suitability factors and the exploration of alternative urban development strategies.
Abstract: This review paper provides a comprehensive assessment of the opportunities and challenges in leveraging geospatial-based technologies, particularly Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) techniques, to enhance the effectiveness of urban development site selection in Ethiopia. The overarching findings highlight several critical focus areas for impr...
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Review Article
Precision Nutrient Management Amid Climate Change Challenges: A Review
Kalifa Nasiro*
Taju Mohammednur
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
22 July 2024
14 August 2024
30 August 2024
Abstract: Increasing food demand and climate change present significant challenges to sustainable food production systems and environmental health. Nitrogen, crucial for plant metabolism and growth, also poses risks such as water pollution through nitrate leaching and the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. Despite ongoing efforts to reduce nitrogen fertilizer application, inefficient use persists. Precision agriculture emphasizes optimizing nitrogen application to mitigate climate change and enhance productivity, sustainability, profitability, and climate resilience. While soil testing has historically improved grain production, focusing on crop nutrient demands rather than soil nutrient levels is gaining traction. This approach synchronizes nutrient supply with plant needs more effectively, ensuring nutrients are applied when and where they are most beneficial. Implementing precision nutrient management enhances efficiency, maintains or increases yields, and minimizes nutrient runoff, safeguarding water supplies. This strategy adheres to the principles of the "4 Rs" – Right rate, Right source, Right application method, and Right timing – to deliver nutrients effectively. Advances in technologies like optical sensors and leaf color charts enable real-time nitrogen application adjustments during the growing season, supporting cost-effective and farmer-friendly practices. While developed countries lead in adopting precision nutrient management for nitrogen and other nutrients, developing nations are increasingly exploring similar strategies. Effective policies and programs are essential to address nitrogen fertilizer use and mitigate its impact on climate change in agriculture.
Abstract: Increasing food demand and climate change present significant challenges to sustainable food production systems and environmental health. Nitrogen, crucial for plant metabolism and growth, also poses risks such as water pollution through nitrate leaching and the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas contributing to global warming...
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Research Article
On a New Point of View Toward the Mechanism of Those Electrochemical Reactions Driven by the External Potential
You yi Sun*
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2024
2 September 2024
14 September 2024
29 September 2024
Abstract: In the search of electrochemical reaction, uncovering the reaction mechanism plays a decisive role in analyzing the production of diverse products. We believe that all types of electrochemical reaction driven by external potential should follow a general process. In this paper, we propose that in those electrochemical reactions driven by the external potential, the formation of radicals via electron transfer between electrode and the species carrying electric charge serves as the first step, triggering subsequent reactions. This suggestion might be considerable electrochemical interest.
Abstract: In the search of electrochemical reaction, uncovering the reaction mechanism plays a decisive role in analyzing the production of diverse products. We believe that all types of electrochemical reaction driven by external potential should follow a general process. In this paper, we propose that in those electrochemical reactions driven by the extern...
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