Abstract: Soil test based crop response phosphorous calibration study was conducted Degem district on bread Wheat crop during the main cropping season of 2017 -2019 with the objectives to determine Pc and Pf for bread wheat crop, to establish site-specific soil test based phosphorus fertilizer recommendation and to prepare guideline for bread Wheat fertilizer application. RCBD design was used with 3 replication using 4 rates of N (0, 46, 92 and 138 kg ha-1) and 5 rates of P2O5 (0, 23, 46, 69 and 92 Kg ha-1) in a factorial combination to determine optimum level of N- rate for bread wheat crop production. And in the second and third year 6 levels of P2O5 (0, 23, 46, 69, 92 and 115 Kg ha-1) and 92 kg N ha1 of optimum nitrogen rate obtained were applied uniformly for all plots to determine P-critical value (Pc) and P-requirement factor (Pf) for bread Wheat. A total of experimental plot size 5m*4m (20 m2) and Seeds were sown using a seed rate of 150 kg ha-1 in a plot size of 5 m x 4 m (20 m2) by broadcasting. Fertilizers were applied based on the treatments. Grain yield of bread wheat was analyzed using R-Software. Composite Surface soil samples from 0-20 cm depth were collected from each experimental plot before planting for laboratory analysis of selected soil chemical properties. Similarly, after 21 days of planting, composite soil samples were taken at (0-20 cm depth) using auger for each treatment and replications separately and the sample were subjected to laboratory analysis using Olsen method to analyze available P content in the soils. The result of the study showed that low to extremely high available P ranged from 4 -55.06 ppm. The mean maximum grain yield (3665 kg/ha) was obtained from the application of 92 kg N /ha and 92 kg P2O5 /ha where as the lowest (1260 kg /ha) was obtained from control (with out fertilizer). Fertilizer combination of 138 kg N/ha and 92 kg P /ha compared to 92 kg N /ha and 92 kg P / ha showed no significant difference on bread wheat grain yield. Therefore, 92 kg N /ha was selected as N fertilizer recommended for Degem district. From phosphorous calibration study, P-critical value (22 ppm) and P-requirement factor (5.85) was determined for phosphorus fertilizer recommendation for bread wheat crop production in the area. Therefore, the obtained result has to be verified and the economic benefit must be studied across farmers’ fields.Abstract: Soil test based crop response phosphorous calibration study was conducted Degem district on bread Wheat crop during the main cropping season of 2017 -2019 with the objectives to determine Pc and Pf for bread wheat crop, to establish site-specific soil test based phosphorus fertilizer recommendation and to prepare guideline for bread Wheat fertilize...Show More
Abstract: The objective of the study is to describe the socio-economic characteristics of households growing high yielding teff varieties; and to investigate the factors influencing intensity of adoption of high yielding teff by small holder farmers in the study area. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data was collected by using questionnaire from randomly selected of 144 teff producer household heads from the study areas. Three districts namely Ambo, Dendi and Toke kutaye of West showa zone and four PAs from each district were purposively selected on the ground that they are the leading producer of teff. Descriptive statistics and econometric model were employed for analyzing the data. Descriptive analysis result shows that variables such as experience on teff, farm size and distance to the market from continuous variable and sex of household head, participating on farmers association, extension, availability of credit, attending demonstration and agricultural extension training were significantly influences high yielding teff varieties adoption intensity. Tobit model result reviled that age of house hold head, market distance and farmers association were negatively influences adoption while, intensity of adoption of high yielding teff varieties was positively influenced by experience on teff farming, farm size, average income, extension, availability of credit, training, demonstration and owning radio for the technologies. The overall finding of the study underlined the high importance of institutional support by strengthening extension services, attention also should be given to the research and extension linkages, and frequent training must be organized for development agents and supervisors about existing and newly developed improved technologies and new methods of agricultural practices.Abstract: The objective of the study is to describe the socio-economic characteristics of households growing high yielding teff varieties; and to investigate the factors influencing intensity of adoption of high yielding teff by small holder farmers in the study area. Both primary and secondary data were used for the study. The primary data was collected by ...Show More