Abstract: This study was undertaken to determine by simulation, the factors affecting the amplitude and the waveform of the human colon slow waves recorded with cutaneous electrodes. The study examined if the inter-electrode distance, the electrode positioning with respect to the projection of the longitudinal axis of the colon on the abdominal surface (technical factors) and of the thickness of the abdominal wall (anatomical factor) could have some effect on the peak amplitude and on the waveform of the cutaneous recordings. The simulation results indicated that there is an electrode configuration that optimizes the signal recorded with cutaneous electrodes and that the abdominal thickness has a profound effect on the slow wave amplitude due to the change in the distance between the source of the electrical signal (the colon) and the measuring electrodes. Moreover the simulation results indicated that the waveform of the cutaneous slow waves is complex with many peaks in each period and varies with the inter-electrodes distance.Abstract: This study was undertaken to determine by simulation, the factors affecting the amplitude and the waveform of the human colon slow waves recorded with cutaneous electrodes. The study examined if the inter-electrode distance, the electrode positioning with respect to the projection of the longitudinal axis of the colon on the abdominal surface (tech...Show More