Research Article
The Mechanism of Formation and Display of Sacral-value Relations in the Language of Culture
Oksana Leontyeva*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
28 October 2024
11 November 2024
21 November 2024
Abstract: The issue of mutual understanding of cultures is today more relevant than ever and requires careful, deep and comprehensive consideration. This issue does not lie in the plane of one knowledge's direction, but is located in the interdisciplinary field in a complex interweaving of different scientific directions. Today it is an obvious fact that cultures touch each other by ideas and the way of worldview. The world picture of any cultural community is built on clots of ideas. Ideas arise in the human psychic field and are reflected in language through a special mechanism created by a culture, which stores and transmits the way of its worldview for the next generations. The psychic field, unlike the external environment, which consists of a multitude of random factors, is a field of certainty. In the field of certainty, the first sacred-value links between man and the world around him began to emerge and to be established at the dawn of the culture's origin. The first connections were unprecedented, because they formed basic thought-forms and served as an impetus for the creation of a mechanism for their fixation and transmission. This mechanism is based on thought forms, thought images, mental templates and language. If thought-forms are universal for any culture, then the filling of thought-forms with thought images and the formation of mental templates on their basis, as samples for perception and understanding of the culture's value reality, occurs individually in each culture. Acting together they create a special way of worldview, which is represented in any form of culture: language, painting etc. All subsequent ideas in a culture are realised through the way of worldview created by it and arise on the basis of the world's value picture, which was built on the first sacral-value relations. In non-written languages, ideas are not conceptualised. They may exist disparately, but within a value picture of the world. Ideas are conceptualised in written language, which leads to the emergence of the ideology's prototype. The first written languages, while extending to cultures that were in contact proximity, or that were part of one large community, it was not able to fully conceptualise the value systems already existing within the culture. Written language was able to absorb such meanings, but was unable to assimilate or change the mental templates, and the value picture of the world built on them, of these cultures. Mental templates and ways of worldview are not influenced from outside and individualise cultures.
Abstract: The issue of mutual understanding of cultures is today more relevant than ever and requires careful, deep and comprehensive consideration. This issue does not lie in the plane of one knowledge's direction, but is located in the interdisciplinary field in a complex interweaving of different scientific directions. Today it is an obvious fact that cul...
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Research Article
The Last Point in the Evolution of Human-animal Perception and Its Reflection on the News in Turkey
Kazım Tolga Gürel*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
10 May 2024
9 October 2024
26 November 2024
Abstract: The human-animal relationship has changed from time to time with the evolution of cultural history. In the theoretical part of the study, a journey from being one or brother and sister to seeing the animal as an object and from there to be reduced to a means of healing traumas is described to the extent permitted by the dimensions of the article. The main stops in this evolution are emphasized, and the structural constructions of this relationship are analyzed. Following this analysis, the discourse analysis of the news articles was carried out. Through this analysis method, it was show what the real purpose of the news articles was and where this purposes tood in the evolution described in the theoretical part. After constructing the background of the article's narrative with qualitative-historical descriptions and interpretations in the theoretical part, discourse analysis was chosen as the method. Since the November 25th incident at the Konya Animal Shelter created a debate in a large segment of social institutions, four news articles from four newspapers covering the incident on the same day on the internet were selected and analyzed. The newspapers where the news items were published were identified based on their closeness to and opposition to the government. Findings on how the same news item was constructed were shown and interpreted. The attitude of the newspapers while reporting the event and the point in the evolution of the animal-human relationship were discussed. Thus, in the light of anthropological interpretations, this study has also revealed how animals are objectified in newspapers.
Abstract: The human-animal relationship has changed from time to time with the evolution of cultural history. In the theoretical part of the study, a journey from being one or brother and sister to seeing the animal as an object and from there to be reduced to a means of healing traumas is described to the extent permitted by the dimensions of the article. T...
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Research Article
A Juridical-Canonical Perspective on the Rights and Duties of Christians in Active Participation in Politics for the Common Good
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
23 September 2024
28 October 2024
26 November 2024
Abstract: Our objective with this article is to analyze the need and the raison d'être of the participation of the faithful in the perspective of faith in politics and in the reworking of the constitution. In it we identify the fundamental elements, the representational forms and participations, seeking to understand how these elements interfere in the people's liberation militancy from the point of view of the Church's Magisterium and the Church's Social Doctrine. Thus, to show that politics, although there are few good examples of those who exercise it, there is no doubt that, in essence, it is a good for everyone. Yes, because politics is, originally, a way of thinking and living in society, with a healthy and community objective, that is, the good of the human person in society, the common well1. Hence, in politics, it does not matter the diversity of thoughts or position, what matters is the objective for the common well. That is why it has already been said that politics is the healthy coexistence of contrary thoughts / manifestations. The important thing is that the desire for a good always arises in us, a demand for valuing the other, as a human person, image and likeness of God2. This work is based on the theory of Social Representation since the Christian social and political faith present in that society and in the life and practice of politicians. Thus, it is possible to verify whether the political-social representation of faith is a constitutive element for the common well and the dignity of the human person, that of politics in the faith.
Abstract: Our objective with this article is to analyze the need and the raison d'être of the participation of the faithful in the perspective of faith in politics and in the reworking of the constitution. In it we identify the fundamental elements, the representational forms and participations, seeking to understand how these elements interfere in the peopl...
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Research Article
Krishna: The Matrix of the Wise Old Man
Binod Kumar Acharya*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
1 September 2024
16 October 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: This article reads Krishna through the perspective myths and archetypes. Carl Gustav Jung postulates different archetypes in his Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious which are the building blocks of myths. He argues that the wise old man stands as a dominant archetype in different narratives. Consequently, The Mahabharata unveils its messages through the archetypes. Similarly, this study explores Krishna as a wise old man to the Pandavas. It also digs out the multidimensionality of Krishna who grooms the Pandavas as the winners. He rises as the counselor, guide and peace ambassador. In the same way, he psychologically motivates Arjuna for his real action through the Gita Darsana. Additionally, he manifests the proactive role killing Sisupal to make the Rajasuya a grand success and creating illusionary sunset to terminate Jayadrath with the help of the Sudarsana. This study fundamentally deals with these research questions: How does Krishna bring changes as he arrives into the life of the Pandavas? In what way does he breach the code for empowering his mentees? How does he manifest his guardianship during the Post Kurukshetra combat? His roles as the proactive mentor, psychosocial motivator and peace ambassador are used as the research tools. Similarly, the objectives are: to justify Krishna as a Jungian wise old man, to point out his strategic move to empower the Pandavas and to explore the long-term effect of his assistance in their life. This research does not incorporate Krishna’s role that remains away from the Pandavas. Moreover, it has used hermeneutic phenomenology as the research methodology because it relates subjective insight of the author. Finally, The Mahabharata consists of archetypal characters, archetypal actions and archetypal themes. It carries its themes through the underlying pattern of myths and archetypes.
Abstract: This article reads Krishna through the perspective myths and archetypes. Carl Gustav Jung postulates different archetypes in his Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious which are the building blocks of myths. He argues that the wise old man stands as a dominant archetype in different narratives. Consequently, The Mahabharata unveils its messages ...
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Research Article
Exploring Managers' Views on Government Support for Special Care Centres for Learners with Severe Intellectual Disabilities in Gauteng, South Africa
Zondani Zimba*
Renier Jacobus Botha
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
2 August 2024
15 October 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: This study investigates managers' perceptions of the support provided by the Gauteng provincial government to Special Care Centres for Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disabilities. It examines the challenges these managers face and evaluates the adequacy of governmental support from their perspective. Utilizing a Mixed Methods Research (MMR) approach with an exploratory sequential design, the research comprised two phases. In Phase 1, qualitative data were collected through face-to-face semi-structured interviews with 10 managers, followed by Phase 2, where 31 participants completed a questionnaire. Out of 45 centre managers, 14 did not return the questionnaire. The findings reveal that managers struggle to obtain support from various provincial government departments. While the Departments of Education, Health, and Social Development provide assistance in accordance with policy, departments such as Transport, Cooperative Governance, and Infrastructure fail to meet their obligations. The study recommends enhanced collaboration among provincial departments to improve support for the centres, focusing on transportation for learners to and from the centres, upgrading centre infrastructure, and establishing effective communication channels between managers and government departments.
Abstract: This study investigates managers' perceptions of the support provided by the Gauteng provincial government to Special Care Centres for Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disabilities. It examines the challenges these managers face and evaluates the adequacy of governmental support from their perspective. Utilizing a Mixed Methods Researc...
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Research Article
Exploring the Mediating Role of Self-Esteem in the Relationship Between Recreation Activities and Quality of Life Among Youth with Visual Impairment
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
26 December 2023
7 September 2024
10 December 2024
Abstract: The objective of this study was to explore the mediating role of self-esteem in the correlation between participation in recreational activities and quality of life among youth with visual impairments (VI). This research is particularly significant given the unique challenges faced by youth with VI, who often experience limitations in their social interactions and opportunities for engaging in recreational pursuits. data were collected from AllNoor Institutes and schools catering, I utilized a comprehensive approach, incorporating the Two-Dimensional Self-Esteem Scale, the KIDSCREEN 27 questionnaire, and the Perceived Freedom in Free Time Scale. The findings revealed significant and positive associations among self-esteem, participation in recreational activities, and overall quality of life. Specifically, engagement in recreational activities was positively correlated with enhanced self-esteem and improved quality of life among the participants. This suggests that recreational activities not only provide enjoyment but also play a vital role in personal development and emotional well-being. Moreover, the analysis demonstrated that self-esteem emerged as a crucial factor in enhancing the quality of life for youth with VI. Importantly, self-esteem was identified as a mediating variable in the relationship between recreational activities and quality of life, indicating that the benefits of engaging in such activities can be partly attributed to their impact on self-esteem. This study emphasizes the importance of fostering recreational opportunities for youth with visual impairments, as these activities contribute significantly to their self-worth and overall life satisfaction. The results underline the need for targeted programs that encourage participation in recreational activities, ultimately helping to improve the quality of life and emotional health for this vulnerable population.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to explore the mediating role of self-esteem in the correlation between participation in recreational activities and quality of life among youth with visual impairments (VI). This research is particularly significant given the unique challenges faced by youth with VI, who often experience limitations in their social ...
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Research Article
Shui Dui Dou Mu Shrine: A Pillar of Protection and Inheritance for Phuket’s Jia Cai Festival
Jularat Kamnoi*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
17 November 2024
29 November 2024
16 December 2024
Abstract: This study examines the strategies employed by the Shui Dui Dou Mu Shrine to preserve the Jia Cai festival in the face of contemporary challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and declining interest among younger generations. The research focuses on the shrine's adaptive leadership, highlighting its innovative approaches to sustain the festival's cultural integrity while ensuring its relevance in a rapidly changing world. These strategies include implementing public health measures during the pandemic, leveraging digital platforms to reach broader audiences, and actively engaging younger generations in festival activities. By balancing the preservation of traditional values with the necessity of modernization, the shrine navigates complex societal dynamics that influence cultural continuity. This study also explores broader themes tied to the shrine's efforts, such as government initiatives promoting tourism, the festival's role in fostering community pride, and its function as a medium for transmitting cultural and spiritual values to future generations. Through its governance, the shrine serves as a case study on how cultural institutions can respond to crises while maintaining authenticity and spiritual significance. The findings contribute to global discourses on cultural preservation, adaptive leadership, and the sustainability of heritage practices in the context of globalization. This research offers valuable insights into the delicate interplay between tradition and modernization, demonstrating that cultural heritage can be both preserved and innovatively adapted to meet contemporary needs. By documenting the strategies and outcomes of the shrine's efforts, this study underscores the importance of proactive governance in ensuring the longevity and relevance of cultural practices for future generations.
Abstract: This study examines the strategies employed by the Shui Dui Dou Mu Shrine to preserve the Jia Cai festival in the face of contemporary challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and declining interest among younger generations. The research focuses on the shrine's adaptive leadership, highlighting its innovative approaches to sustain the festival's c...
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Research Article
Transformative Learning and the Development of Young Peoples' Intercultural Competencies
Tomm Stewart
Hillamaria Seauve*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
10 October 2024
20 November 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: We evaluated the effects of transformative learning and intercultural shared experiences with Russian university students. Specifically, we studied their perspectives and attitudes toward others (those with different ethnic backgrounds, world views, and attitudes) for an intervention group of 47 students and a comparison group of 51 students. Methods: Ten intercultural seminars were conducted over six years in this mixed methods study; participation in the seminars was the independent variable. The same pre-/post- self-assessment questionnaire was analyzed to measure perceptions of the students participating and not participating. Students in the comparison groups received neither instruction, intervention, nor interaction. Test scores were the dependent variable. Qualitative data were collected as ethnographic action data for the emergence of themes, patterns, and corroboration. Findings: The seminars resulted in statistically significant differences in perceptions of others among and between intervention and comparison groups. Intervention group members showed measurable growth of intercultural competencies and positive perceptions of others as indicated by quantitative data, discussions, and interviews. Qualitative data provided explanation and elaborative meaning for the quantitative data. Conclusions: This study supports the hypothesis that student informants participating in transformative learning and language and culture seminars experience increases in their development of intercultural competencies. Qualitative and quantitative data support the proposed theory. True education, whatever that may be, will have the greatest tendency to civilize and humanize people in their relations to one another. Plato
Abstract: We evaluated the effects of transformative learning and intercultural shared experiences with Russian university students. Specifically, we studied their perspectives and attitudes toward others (those with different ethnic backgrounds, world views, and attitudes) for an intervention group of 47 students and a comparison group of 51 students. Metho...
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Research Article
The Application and Impact of Plant Dyes in Renaissance Art: Historical Analysis and Cultural Significance
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
21 November 2024
18 December 2024
25 December 2024
Abstract: Plant dyes played a crucial role in the artistic practices of the Renaissance, possessing both cultural and symbolic significance. As naturally derived pigments, their application demonstrated advancements in craftsmanship and technological innovation, while also shaping artists’ creative paradigms, visual methodologies, and aesthetic frameworks. This study examines key Renaissance artworks to highlight the distinctive characteristics of plant dyes in color application and their innovative visual impacts, emphasizing their roles in oil painting and textile arts. The vivid and emblematic hues of plant dyes were intricately tied to the era’s religious, philosophical, and socio-cultural milieu, often symbolizing themes of nature, spirituality, and social hierarchy. Furthermore, the utilization of plant dyes was deeply connected with advancements in early botanical studies, the expanding art trade, and the development of craft industries like weaving and dyeing. The widespread adoption and enhanced accessibility of plant dyes during the Renaissance underscore the period’s intellectual engagement with the natural world and the resurgence of classical humanistic values. Adopting an interdisciplinary methodology, this research combines insights from art history, cultural studies, and material science to investigate the diverse influences of plant dyes on Renaissance art. This study provides fresh perspectives on the role of plant dyes in shaping artistic practices, uncovering the intricate interplay between art, culture, and the natural world during this transformative epoch.
Abstract: Plant dyes played a crucial role in the artistic practices of the Renaissance, possessing both cultural and symbolic significance. As naturally derived pigments, their application demonstrated advancements in craftsmanship and technological innovation, while also shaping artists’ creative paradigms, visual methodologies, and aesthetic frameworks. T...
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Research Article
The Question of Evil in Philosophy: A Critical Reading of Leibniz’s Thinking
Herve Djilo Kuate*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
8 October 2024
6 November 2024
27 December 2024
Abstract: Among the major themes that govern, the question of evil is one of the most troubling issues that many theologians and philosophers have been confronted with. Many thinkers have clearly admitted their dismay and uncertainties in the face of this problem, and others have complained of their inability to provide a satisfactory answer. Many atheists have tried to take advantage of this difficulty. They have then used this question to try to call into question the existence of God and thus arouse doubt in believers. More than a theme, it is a guiding idea although it changes value during the journey. Thus, the question of evil, which raises different types of questions, interests mythology, theology and philosophy. Evil is this transhistorical and inescapable pandemic, to which it is useless to add, is universal. It is indifferent to no one and the adiaphoras of the Stoics only concern what does not depend on us. In the very extension of the concept, several possible approaches must be taken into account: does evil come from our physical suffering, from the sensible; or is it moral in the sense that it touches on sin? Or finally, is it simply a metaphysical evil, this anguish of man in the face of his imperfection? Some philosophers, including Leibniz, have looked into the question. This article presents some reflections of philosophers and especially a critical reflection of the thought of the illustrious man of science Leibniz, on the subject.
Abstract: Among the major themes that govern, the question of evil is one of the most troubling issues that many theologians and philosophers have been confronted with. Many thinkers have clearly admitted their dismay and uncertainties in the face of this problem, and others have complained of their inability to provide a satisfactory answer. Many atheists h...
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Research Article
The Relationship Between Moral Values and Food Wasting Behavior Among Consumers at All-You-Can-Eat Restaurants
Andi Purnawan*,
Arundati Shinta,
Amin Al Adib
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
28 November 2024
11 December 2024
27 December 2024
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between moral values and the behavior of wasting food that is still fit for consumption. Two hypotheses were proposed. Hypothesis I suggests a negative relationship between moral values and the frequency of discarding edible food. Hypothesis II suggests a negative relationship between moral values and the amount of food waste produced. The research instrument used to measure food waste behavior was the Food Waste Behavior Scale (FWBS), which consists of 5 statements. The validity of the scale was tested using three professional judgments, resulting in a Content Validity Ratio (CVR) between 0.6 and 1.0. The reliability of the FWBS is 0.84. The instrument used to measure the amount of food waste produced involved creating a list of food waste categories along with their weights. These categories included carbohydrates, meat, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and snacks. The responses were categorized into five ranges, from 1 to 4 tablespoons. The instrument used to measure moral judgment was the Moral Judgments of Food Wasting Behavior Scale, consisting of 6 items. The validity of this scale was tested with 38 students enrolled in an Environmental Psychology course. The validity coefficient ranged from 0.316 to 0.618, with a reliability coefficient of 0.738. The study involved 100 all-you-can-eat restaurant customers. Hypothesis testing results showed that for Hypothesis I, rho = -0.281, p = 0.002, and for Hypothesis II, rho = -0.333, p = 0.000. The discussion highlights several limitations of the study.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between moral values and the behavior of wasting food that is still fit for consumption. Two hypotheses were proposed. Hypothesis I suggests a negative relationship between moral values and the frequency of discarding edible food. Hypothesis II suggests a negative relationship between moral v...
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Research Article
The Major Challenges Faced in the Education 3.0 Era and Evidence-Based Solutions
Xiaoliang Ding*
Volume 9, Issue 6, December 2024
3 December 2024
17 December 2024
30 December 2024
Abstract: This paper analyzes the history of educational development using the organizational approach, teaching methods, educational purposes, and target audiences as a coordinate system. It distills the three stages of educational development and their main characteristics. Based on the teaching resource allocation model, talent supply and demand analysis, and extensive field investigations, the paper identifies the three major challenges that contemporary education must address: promoting individualized talent development, bridging the significant gap between educational content and practical work, and providing not only professional education but also holistic education. In response to these challenges, the paper proposes an Education 3.0 solution based on teaching reform and experimentation: implementing the combined credit system at the resource allocation level, allowing students to choose courses according to their own interests; applying the five principles of instructional design, the PDCA iterative improvement pedagogy, and peer instruction at the classroom teaching level; establishing the comprehensive education and teaching organizational system that includes the "research-teaching-study nexus," grade-based residential colleges, and student learning societies at the organizational structure aspect; creating a project-based learning curriculum system; and implementing internationalization education at home that benefits all students to enhance international competitiveness. Evidence suggests that this solution is universally significant for addressing the aforementioned challenges and for enhancing the competitiveness of students and higher education institutions.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the history of educational development using the organizational approach, teaching methods, educational purposes, and target audiences as a coordinate system. It distills the three stages of educational development and their main characteristics. Based on the teaching resource allocation model, talent supply and demand analysis,...
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