Research Article
Determination of Physico-chemical Parameters of Well Water in the Central Niayes Area of Mboro (Senegal)
Mame Mor Dione
Sitor Diouf,
Birame Ndiaye*,
Maoudo Hane,
Dame Cisse,
Cheikh Tidiane Dione,
Ibrahima Diagne,
Seydou Ba,
Momar Ndiaye
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
15 April 2024
6 May 2024
20 September 2024
Abstract: The Niayes of Mboro zone has significant hydro-agricultural potential and is marked by a diversity of crops. It is Senegal's main market-garden production zone. The Mboro area is characterized by a landscape of depressions and dunes resting on a shallow water table. There are generally no permanent watercourses, and the region's only significant water resource is the water table located in the quaternary coastal aquifers, which is influenced by several anthropogenic factors. The aim of this study was to determine the physico-chemical quality of water from four wells in the Mboro region, located in the hydromorphic zone of the Niayes. pH, temperature, total dissolved solids (TDS) and electrical conductivity (EC) were measured using a portable multiparameter, and chemical parameters by UV-visible spectrophotometry. The results show that the physical parameters comply with WHO standards (2000 for EC, 1000 for TDS and between 6.5 and 8.5 for pH), with the exception of the temperature of wells P2, P3 and P4, which varied between 25.9 and 28.4°C. The chemical study shows the presence of phosphate, sulfate, nitrate, fluoride and chloride ions at levels ranging from 0.1 mg/L (F-) to 400 mg/L (Cl-). The chloride content (400 mg/L) and CaCO3 hardness (284.8 mg/L) in well P2 exceed WHO standards of 250 and 200 mg/L respectively. Phosphate (PO4-P) ion levels in all four wells are equal to 0.8 mg/L. This value is higher than the recommended guide. This value is higher than the recommended guide value of 0.5 mg/L. Spatio-temporal variations in physico-chemical parameters appear to depend on the direction of water flow, the geological nature of the terrain crossed, the geographical position of the wells, the depth of the water tables tapped, industrial activities, the intrusion of marine water and the use of fertilizers. On the whole, the water from the wells studied is of good quality and suitable for irrigation and human consumption.
Abstract: The Niayes of Mboro zone has significant hydro-agricultural potential and is marked by a diversity of crops. It is Senegal's main market-garden production zone. The Mboro area is characterized by a landscape of depressions and dunes resting on a shallow water table. There are generally no permanent watercourses, and the region's only significant wa...
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Research Article
Phytochemical Study and Radical Scavenging Activity of Three Leafy Vegetables Grown in Zitenga Region of Burkina Faso
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
2 August 2024
2 September 2024
20 September 2024
Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the phytochemical composition and radical scavenging activity of three leafy vegetables from Burkina Faso: Cleome gynandra, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Corchorus olitorius. Samples of these plants were collected in Zitenga region, dried, powdered and extracted by decoction using water and a hydroethanolic solvent. Phytochemical screening was carried out by thin layer chromatography. Bioactive compounds, notably flavonoids and phenolic compounds, were measured respectively by the aluminum trichloride (AlCl3) method and the Folin-Ciocalteu method. The radical scavenging activity of the extracts was also investigated using the DPPH method. Phytochemical analyzes revealed the presence of bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, tannins and saponosides in the three species studied. The highest total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were obtained respectively with the hydroethanolic extract of Cleome gynandra (223.54 ± 0.18 mg TEA/g DM) and the aqueous extract of Cleome gynandra (69.09 ± 0.26 mg QE/g DM). The best antioxidant activity was obtained with the hydroethanolic extract of Corchorus olitorius (IC50: 31.93 ± 1.95 µg /mL). The results showed that the extracts of Cleome gynandra, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Corchorus olitorius all exhibited radical scavenging activity, indicating their potential to reduce oxidative stress. These results suggest that Cleome gynandra, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Corchorus olitorius are rich sources of health-promoting phytochemicals. These food plants from Burkina Faso could therefore be transformed into nutraceuticals to promote health and prevent diseases linked to oxidative stress.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the phytochemical composition and radical scavenging activity of three leafy vegetables from Burkina Faso: Cleome gynandra, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Corchorus olitorius. Samples of these plants were collected in Zitenga region, dried, powdered and extracted by decoction using water and a hydroethanolic solvent. Ph...
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Research Article
Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Thermal Stability of the Schiff Base N,N'-bis(2,4-dichlorobenzylidene-3-propylammonium) Amine Chloride
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
7 August 2024
2 September 2024
20 September 2024
Abstract: New Schiff base compound N,N'-bis(2,4-dichlorobenzylidene-3-propylammonium)amine chloride obtained by a condensation reaction between 3,3’-iminidipropylamine (C6H17N3) and 2,4-dichlorobenzaldehyde (C7H4Cl2O) in 1:2 ratio in methanol. The compound is characterized by elemental analyze (CHN) and FT-IR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectroscopic technique which shows the presence of the imine group resulting from a condensation reaction and two potentiel donor sites. Crystal structure was obtained by single-crystal X-ray diffraction (RX). Compound crystallize in the orthorhombic system, space groupe Pnma with unit cell parameters: a = 7.0681(2) Å, b = 29,7679 (10) Å, c = 11.4545(4) Å, α =β =Ɣ = 90°, V = 2410.06 (14) Å3 and Z = 4. Due to a mirror plane through the molecule, the asymmetric unit consists of only half the molecule. In the crystal structure of the compound, the dihedral angle formed between an aromatic ring C08/C06/C07/C10/C13/C09 and the aliphatic group C11/C15/C14/N04/C14/C15/C11 is equal to 77.42°. In addition, the aromatic rings are in the Trans position with the aliphatic group compared to the imine bonds C12-N05 and the angle formed around C12 is 120.78 (11)° whose is sufficient to maintain the cycles in Trans configuration. Thermogravimetric analysis (TG) of the compound shows very good thermal stability and decomposition from 180°C.
Abstract: New Schiff base compound N,N'-bis(2,4-dichlorobenzylidene-3-propylammonium)amine chloride obtained by a condensation reaction between 3,3’-iminidipropylamine (C6H17N3) and 2,4-dichlorobenzaldehyde (C7H4Cl2O) in 1:2 ratio in methanol. The compound is characterized by elemental analyze (CHN) and FT-IR (Fourier-transform infrared) spectroscopic techni...
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Research Article
Phytochemical Screening and Evaluation of the Antioxidant and Antiplasmodial Activities of "Ahoutou", a Recipe Used in the Treatment of Malaria in Ivory Coast
Gouegoui Serge-Pacome Bohui*
Sylvain Beourou,
Djibiliour Sanogo,
Jean David N’guessan,
Koffi Barthelemy Attioua,
Augustin Amissa Adima
Volume 12, Issue 5, October 2024
24 August 2024
12 September 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: Recipes based on medicinal plants are frequently used to treat malaria in Ivory Coast. Among these recipes is Ahoutou, made from a mixture of the leaves of three plants, one of the most widely used in the village of Djahakro in the commune of Yamoussoukro. However, the use of medicinal plant-based recipes in the fight against malaria must be based on scientific evidence of safety, efficacy and quality. The aim of this study is to provide a scientific, phytochemical and pharmacological basis for the traditional therapeutic use of Ahoutou. To this end, a phytochemical study of the Ahoutou extract was carried out, the antioxidant activity was assessed using the DPPH test and then the in vitro anti-plasmodial activity was carried out on clinical isolates and on the reference strain Dd2. The phytochemical study revealed the presence of polyphenols, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, saponins, steroids and triterpenes. The antioxidant activity test showed that Ahoutou was capable of reducing the DPPH free radical. Ahoutou showed promising anti-plasmodial activity (IC50 =12.86 µg/mL) in the clinical strain and moderate activity (IC50 =23.40 µg/mL) in the reference strain. Our results would justify the use of this recipe in the treatment of malaria. We plan to study the toxicity of Ahoutou.
Abstract: Recipes based on medicinal plants are frequently used to treat malaria in Ivory Coast. Among these recipes is Ahoutou, made from a mixture of the leaves of three plants, one of the most widely used in the village of Djahakro in the commune of Yamoussoukro. However, the use of medicinal plant-based recipes in the fight against malaria must be based ...
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