Abstract: Rice is becoming increasingly an important crop in Ethiopia. Owed to the post harvest losses, evaluation and demonstration of an imported pedal thresher was conducted. In addition, a proto type was developed using reverse engineering. Data was collected using structured data sheet and analyzed using descriptive statistics and parametric tests. Duncan and Tukey mean tests showed the absence of significant mean threshing output difference between the pedal type (127.5kg/hr) and the modified (120kg/hr) one. The result showed statistically different threshing output using these technologies as compared to the traditional method (92kg/hr). The financial analysis showed that an average Fogera farmer (0.35ha rice land) could thresh his annual rice yield within 9.25hrs and 8.68hrs using modified and pedal threshers with a cost reduction of ETB 320.58 compared to the traditional system. The low awareness of the farmers on the consequences and advantages of threshing on quality of rice and subsequently on preference and marketing resulted in low priority for adoption. Hence, large scale awareness creation activities should be done and the technology ought to be promoted widely in order to contribute for the government’s aim as a millennium crop and benefit from the market opportunity reassuring in the country.Abstract: Rice is becoming increasingly an important crop in Ethiopia. Owed to the post harvest losses, evaluation and demonstration of an imported pedal thresher was conducted. In addition, a proto type was developed using reverse engineering. Data was collected using structured data sheet and analyzed using descriptive statistics and parametric tests. Dunc...Show More