Research Article
Earthing System Analysis for Steel Tower Carrying 33kV Line
Adebayo Adeniyi David*
Ifeagwu Emmanuel Ncheta,
Ogunsakin Olatunji Rufus
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
14 February 2024
8 March 2024
29 June 2024
Abstract: This study examines the critical analysis of earthing systems connected to steel towers that carry 33 kV power lines. Ensuring the safety and dependability of power transmission infrastructure becomes crucial in light of the growing demand for energy. By utilizing sophisticated computational methodologies and simulation approaches, this research carefully investigates how well the earthing system performs in various operational circumstances and fault scenarios. A thorough modeling technique is used in the analysis, which considers a number of variables including fault currents, tower design, soil resistivity, and grounding electrode configurations. In order to give a comprehensive understanding of the behavior of the system and its consequences for operational reliability, the study simulates many situations, including normal operation and fault occurrences. By using sophisticated numerical simulations and sensitivity analysis, the research pinpoints important factors affecting the earthing system's efficiency and suggests creative optimization techniques. These optimization techniques could involve changing the location of the grounding electrode, improving the materials used in the conductor, or putting additional safety precautions in place. The researcher's conclusions have important ramifications for the engineering community since they provide practical advice on how to strengthen the security and robustness of power transmission networks. The study adds to the continuous efforts to improve the efficiency and dependability of electrical grids by addressing potential weaknesses in the architecture of the earthing system. This thorough study advances the field of earthing system engineering by offering a solid platform for next studies and real-world implementations. Through this work, we can better understand the dynamics of earthing systems and optimization methodologies, which will help build more resilient and sustainable power transmission infrastructure that can adapt to society's changing energy needs.
Abstract: This study examines the critical analysis of earthing systems connected to steel towers that carry 33 kV power lines. Ensuring the safety and dependability of power transmission infrastructure becomes crucial in light of the growing demand for energy. By utilizing sophisticated computational methodologies and simulation approaches, this research ca...
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Research Article
Assessment of Maintenance Activities and Strategies for Tractor and Operator Care in Gurage Zone, Wolkite Town, Ethiopia
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
27 February 2024
13 March 2024
6 August 2024
Abstract: Data was collected from 53 tractor operators and stakeholders from the Wolkite. Many types of tractors were used and the common brands were Sonalika, Indo-farm, John Deer, Massey, Fergusson, and New Holland. Of these tractors, about 30.18%, 20.75%, and 18.86% were used for plowing, harrowing, transporting, threshing, planting, and spraying activities by Sonalika, Indo-farm, and John deer respectively. Regarding training to operate the machine, about 71.69% replied yes and about 28.31% replied don't have the training to maintain the machine, but they develop their skills through different experiences. But for their maintenance activities, they replied as 22.64% for daily, 92.45% for weekly, and 100% for monthly. In the case of checking the fluid level of the tractors about 9.43% within 3 hours, 20.75% within 6 hours, and 84.9% within 10 hours with oil level, about 3.77% within 3 hours, 11.32% within 6 hours and 98.11 within 10 hours for checking the water level and lastly about 15.09% within 3 hours, 71.69% within 6 hours and 94.33% within 10 hours to check the level of fuels. Moreover the washing of the tractors after the operation was 1.88% washed their tractors after operation; about 5.66% didn't wash their tractors, and about 92.46 washed without schedule. For lubricating different rotating parts of the tractors, about 56% of the respondents lubricate their tractor parts and about 92.45% of the respondents clean the battery cables and terminals frequently. About 3.77% and 16.98% use shelter for their tractors and record-keeping experience during their work.
Abstract: Data was collected from 53 tractor operators and stakeholders from the Wolkite. Many types of tractors were used and the common brands were Sonalika, Indo-farm, John Deer, Massey, Fergusson, and New Holland. Of these tractors, about 30.18%, 20.75%, and 18.86% were used for plowing, harrowing, transporting, threshing, planting, and spraying activiti...
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