Effect of Different Sterilization Methods on the Quality of Antarctic Krill (Euphausia superba) Sauce
Lukai Zhao,
Ping Lu,
Shuai Li,
Chunlei Feng,
Hai Chi
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2023
17 June 2023
8 July 2023
13 July 2023
Abstract: The Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) sauce was used as the experimental object to evaluate the effects of various sterilizing methods on the quality and safety of Antarctic krill sauce by measuring sensory, texture, rheology, color and taste. The findings revealed that Antarctic krill sauce has a distinct flavor, a rich texture, and a high acceptance. As a result of these findings, the odor and sensory ratings are bad. When compared to other treatment groups, the ultraviolet (UV) treated group had worse taste and smell scores (p<0.05) than the control group (CG). Meanwhile, the UV had the greatest L* value (28.97) in color, as well as hardness and hardness work values of 166.90 g and 9.33 mJ, suggesting that the hardness values and hardness work values of Antarctic krill sauce, on the other hand, displayed low tissue structural uniformity. The hardness and hardness work values of Antarctic krill sauce with microwave (MV) treatment, on the other hand, were 128.80 g and 6.59 mJ, respectively, while the rheological value was 17.49 Pa•s. The rheological value showed that Antarctic krill sauce treated with MV had low shear force and acceptable texture uniformity. Importantly, the MV treatment had little effect on the flavor, odor, and color of Antarctic krill sauce. In general, supply fundamental facts and innovative ideas for high-value commercial technology, quality enhancement, and comprehensive Antarctic krill usage. The study's findings will be presented in the following publications in the future.
Abstract: The Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) sauce was used as the experimental object to evaluate the effects of various sterilizing methods on the quality and safety of Antarctic krill sauce by measuring sensory, texture, rheology, color and taste. The findings revealed that Antarctic krill sauce has a distinct flavor, a rich texture, and a high accep...
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An Overview of the Level of Heavy Metals Concentration in Fruits and Vegetables
Volume 8, Issue 2, June 2023
21 June 2023
7 July 2023
20 July 2023
Abstract: Fruit juices are extracted from one or more fruits for their liquid content. They supply vitamins, minerals; such as iron, copper, potassium, folate minerals, and vitamins A, B, and C and easily absorbed fruit sugar to our bodies. Fruit consumption on a regular basis is critical for providing the body with the nutrients it requires to stay healthy since we get important mineral elements such as copper (Cu), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn), are important for human life since they are required for growth and respiration. However, these drinks may contain toxic metals that are extremely harmful to human health. Accumulation of toxic heavy metals in food can be dangerous to all individuals due to they may include heavy metals such as lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), and palladium (Pd) which are toxic to humans even at low levels. Toxic heavy metals have the potential to transfer from soil or water to vegetables and fruits. As a result, the purpose of this paper was to review heavy metal concentrations and health risk issues. Most fruits are consumed raw, without being processed or cooked. In most situations, untreated waste water discharges result in significant concentrations of toxic heavy metals. Untreated wastewater discharges usually result in high concentrations of toxic heavy metals. It bears no attention to regulatory bodies. We recommend that regulatory bodies focus on controlling the release of heavy metals from various sources, such as untreated waste water discharges from manufacturing industries like leather and textile that flow to irrigation areas, monitoring automobile services that cause pollution by lead (Pb), and establishing good household waste disposal systems as soon as possible. Waste water discharges contribute to heavy metal contamination in fruits and vegetables when they are exposed to farms and irrigation regions. Furthermore, it is preferable to analyze the quantity of hazardous heavy metals in fruits and vegetables.
Abstract: Fruit juices are extracted from one or more fruits for their liquid content. They supply vitamins, minerals; such as iron, copper, potassium, folate minerals, and vitamins A, B, and C and easily absorbed fruit sugar to our bodies. Fruit consumption on a regular basis is critical for providing the body with the nutrients it requires to stay healthy ...
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