Research Article
Characterization of a Large Family of Convergent Series That Leads to a Rapid Acceleration of Slowly Convergent Logarithmic Series
Joseph Gaskin*
Volume 10, Issue 3, June 2024
3 September 2024
19 September 2024
10 October 2024
Abstract: Logarithmic series are known to have a very slow rate of convergence. For example, it takes more than the first 20,000 terms of the sum of the reciprocals of squares of the natural numbers to attain 5 decimal places of accuracy. In this paper, I will devise an acceleration scheme that will yield the same level of accuracy with just the first 400 terms of that power series. To accomplish this, I establish a relationship between all monotonically decreasing sequence of positive terms whose sum converges, a positive number ρ and a differentiable function φ. Then, I use ρ and φ to define the Tφ, ρ transformations on the partial sums of any convergent series. Furthermore, I prove that these Tφ, ρ transformations yield a rapid rate of convergence for many slowly convergent logarithmic series. Finaly, I provide several examples on how to compute φ if one is given the convergent series of decreasing, positive terms.
Abstract: Logarithmic series are known to have a very slow rate of convergence. For example, it takes more than the first 20,000 terms of the sum of the reciprocals of squares of the natural numbers to attain 5 decimal places of accuracy. In this paper, I will devise an acceleration scheme that will yield the same level of accuracy with just the first 400 te...
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Research Article
The Upshots of Dufour and Soret in Stretching Porous Flow of Convective Maxwell Nanofluid with Nonlinear Thermal Emission
Michael Williams*
Isah Bala Yabo
Volume 10, Issue 3, June 2024
15 August 2024
6 September 2024
18 October 2024
Abstract: In this paper, the combined upshot of Soret and Dufoue of a convective Maxwell nanofluid on a porous perpendicular surface with nonlinear thermal emission was investigated. In the present work, the impact of permeable stretching sheet, nonlinear thermal emission, heat sour sink, Dufour and Soret effect, chemical reaction, Brownian motion and thermophoresis in a convective Maxwell nanofluid flow is widely discussed. The governing equations derived for the problem are highly nonlinear coupled partial differential equations. The governing equations were transformed into ordinary differential equations using Lie symmetry group alterations. The BVP4C MATLAB solver was employed to solve the ordinary differential equations numerically after validating the convergence of the method with existing results in the literature. The numerical results were established and discussed using tables and graphs. It was found that variations in porosity parameter (K), Dufour (Du) and Soret (Sr) improves velocity, temperature and concentration profiles respectively and the present of nonlinear thermal radiation and heat source emit more heat for the flow. Also, it is exciting to report that both porosity (K) and Dufour (Du) parameters has a strong impact on the flow of skin frictions, Nusselt number and Sherwood number. However, the current results may present applications in the areas of petroleum reservoir, heat exchangers, steel industries, cooling applications, nuclear waste disposal and so on.
Abstract: In this paper, the combined upshot of Soret and Dufoue of a convective Maxwell nanofluid on a porous perpendicular surface with nonlinear thermal emission was investigated. In the present work, the impact of permeable stretching sheet, nonlinear thermal emission, heat sour sink, Dufour and Soret effect, chemical reaction, Brownian motion and thermo...
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