Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal

Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013

  • Some Properties of the Line Graphs Associated to the Total Graph of a Commutative Ring

    Aleksandra Lj. Erić, Zoran S. Pucanović

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 51-55
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: Let be a commutative ring with identity and its total graph. The subject of this article is the investigation of the properties of the corresponding line graph In particular, we determine the girth and clique number of In addition to that, we find the condition for to be Eulerian.
  • Partial Derivatives of Some Types of Two-Variables Functions

    Chii-Huei Yu

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 56-61
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: This paper mainly studies the evaluation of partial derivatives of four types of two-variables functions. We can obtain the infinite series forms of any order partial derivatives of these four types of functions by using differentiation term by term theorem, and hence reducing the difficulty of calculating their higher order partial derivative valu... Show More
  • Generating Functions for Generalized Mock Theta Functions

    Sameena Saba

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 62-70
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: We consider generalized mock theta functions and give generating functions for the partial generalized mock theta functions.
  • Time-Frequency Analysis and Harmonic Gaussian Functions

    Tokiniaina Ranaivoson, Raoelina Andriambololona, Rakotoson Hanitriarivo

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 71-78
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: A method for time-frequency analysis is given. The approach utilizes properties of Gaussian distribution, properties of Hermite polynomials and Fourier analysis. We begin by the definitions of a set of functions called Harmonic Gaussian Functions. Then these functions are used to define a set of transformations, noted T_n, which associate to a func... Show More
  • Geometric Series of Numbers Approximating Positive Integers

    Martin W. Bredenkamp

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 79-93
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: The predictability of cycles in the series of Pythagorean triples led to an investigation that yielded numbers (x) that are associated with irrational square roots (√n). The cycles recur with geometric factors (cycle factors y) that are comprised of a positive integer x where y = x + √(x^2±1). On raising the cycle factors to the positive integer po... Show More
  • Analysis of M/G/1 Queue Model with Priority

    Pan Quanru

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 94-97
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: Due to the queue phenomenon different customers needing different service quality, a model is established as follows: there are two types of customers in the system and their arrival rates are different; first-class customers have no preemptive priority, the different service time for the different customers and all the service time obeys the gener... Show More
  • Sub Hilbert Spaces in a Bi-Disk

    Niteesh Sahni, Niteesh Sahni

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 98-100
    Published: 2 April 2013
    Abstract: Recently, Sahni and Singh [7] have solved an open problem posed by Yousefi and Hesameddini [12] regarding Hilbert spaces contained algebraically in the Hardy space H2(T). In fact the result obtained by Sahni and Singh is much more general than the open problem. In the present note we examine the validity of the main results of [7] and [12] in two va... Show More
  • Asymptotic Method for Certain over-Damped Nonlinear Vibrating Systems

    Pinakee Dey

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 101-105
    Received: 2 May 2013
    Published: 20 May 2013
    Abstract: Krylov-Bogoliubov-Mitropolskii (KBM) method has been extended and applied to certain over-damped nonlinear system in which the linear equation has two almost equal roots. The method is illustrated by an example.
  • Condition for Existence of Positive Periodic Solution of Hepatitis B Virus Infection Model with Immune Response

    Min Long, Tiejun Zhou

    Issue: Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2013
    Pages: 106-109
    Received: 21 April 2013
    Published: 30 May 2013
    Abstract: In this paper, we consider a periodic Hepatitis B Virus infection model with immune response. By using continuation theorem of coincidence degree theory, a condition for the existence of positive periodic solution is obtained