Review Article
CFD Analysis of Coolant Flow Characteristics in Reactor Pressure Vessel: A Comprehensive Review
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
12 March 2024
25 March 2024
11 April 2024
Abstract: This comprehensive review explores the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in analyzing coolant flow within Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPVs) of nuclear power plants. By synthesizing existing research, methodologies, and advancements specific to RPVs, the paper offers in-depth insights into critical aspects such as boundary conditions, turbulence modeling, heat transfer mechanisms, and validation techniques. Examining a range of studies encompassing various reactor types from Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) to Integral Pressurized Water Reactors (IPWRs), the review underscores CFD's pivotal role in enhancing safety, efficiency, and performance optimization in nuclear reactors. Through systematic exploration, this study underscores the critical importance of precise modeling in facilitating safety assessments, operational optimization, and design enhancements across various reactor systems. Accurate modeling serves as a cornerstone for informed decision-making processes aimed at maximizing reactor performance while ensuring the highest standards of safety and reliability. The paper navigates through challenges such as computational limitations and turbulence modeling intricacies, while also discussing emerging trends like the porous media method aimed at improving computational efficiency. By offering a comprehensive understanding of thermal-hydraulic behavior in nuclear reactors, the review underscores CFD's contribution to enhancing safety and reliability in nuclear power generation. Overall, this review underscores the indispensable role of CFD in advancing our understanding of nuclear reactor dynamics, thereby contributing significantly to the overarching goals of improved safety and reliability in nuclear power generation.
Abstract: This comprehensive review explores the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in analyzing coolant flow within Reactor Pressure Vessels (RPVs) of nuclear power plants. By synthesizing existing research, methodologies, and advancements specific to RPVs, the paper offers in-depth insights into critical aspects such as boundary conditions, ...
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Research Article
Development of Blind Campus Navigation System with Obstacle Detection Device
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
28 March 2024
13 April 2024
28 April 2024
Abstract: This study focuses on integrating Text-To-Speech software, Global Positioning System (GPS) and other technologies attached to existing white cane to create a robust navigation system that provides real-time feedback and assistance to Students with Visual Impairment (SVI) using Nigerian accent. It uses the design science research methodology for the development and validation of the GPS based mobility into object detection white cane for orientation and mobility of SVI. A speech-corpus database was created to serve as a dictionary for the Text-To-Speech and synthesized through machine learning and artificial intelligence to enable the object detection white cane to detect objects and identify common places at 30 meters in Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo campus, Oyo state, Nigeria. The developed object detection white cane was evaluated with 20 SVI selected for the study using the purposive sampling technique and data were collected through interviews and questionnaires. Two research questions were raised for the study. Data collected were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively, using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Atlas.ti. The results revealed that the mean response of the participants to all the items on the integration of Text-To-Speech software into object detection white cane is “1” an indication that Text-To-Speech software enhances the independent navigation of students with visual impairment. The study recommended that the components used were imported and expensive, hence the need for locally source components that can be used in producing the devices in large quantities and at reduced cost.
Abstract: This study focuses on integrating Text-To-Speech software, Global Positioning System (GPS) and other technologies attached to existing white cane to create a robust navigation system that provides real-time feedback and assistance to Students with Visual Impairment (SVI) using Nigerian accent. It uses the design science research methodology for the...
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Research Article
Performance Assessment of Commercial Building for Symmetric and Asymmetric Plan Configurations in Different Seismic Zones of Bangladesh Using ETABS
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
5 April 2024
17 April 2024
28 April 2024
Abstract: Bangladesh is among the nations most vulnerable to earthquakes worldwide. Being a developing country, it has been a challenging issue to ensure commercial prosperity along with safety against seismic hazards. Structural engineers also face difficulties in accurately designing buildings with maximum economy and efficiency. ETABS, a leading global engineering software with BNBC 2020 guidelines plays a vital role in these cases. In this study, analysis of a B+G+6 storied building for Symmetric & Asymmetric Plan configuration has been performed using ETABS software. Both kinds of structures have experienced a range of loads for example- dead loads, live loads, partition loads, wind loads, and seismic loads, as well as load combinations that have been pursued following BNBC 2020 requirements. The objective of this work is to evaluate the seismic impact resulting from varying seismic coefficients for four seismic zones in Bangladesh, given identical symmetric and asymmetric plan arrangements. Four required metrics were evaluated between the structural performances of symmetric and asymmetric structures: storey drift, overturning moment, storey shear, and storey stiffness. The structural software provided the analytical results and parameter computations. The comparison's result demonstrates that the asymmetric structure exhibits greater storey rigidity and less storey drift over the longer axis.
Abstract: Bangladesh is among the nations most vulnerable to earthquakes worldwide. Being a developing country, it has been a challenging issue to ensure commercial prosperity along with safety against seismic hazards. Structural engineers also face difficulties in accurately designing buildings with maximum economy and efficiency. ETABS, a leading global en...
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Research Article
Pit Slope Configuration for Open Pit Mining – A Case Study
Richard Gyebuni*
Festus Kunkyin-Saadaari
Douglas Mensah-Kane
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
2 April 2024
3 May 2024
24 May 2024
Abstract: To achieve stable pit wall slopes, it is imperative to obtain a fair knowledge of the rock mass characterisation before designing the pit. Insufficient knowledge of the competency of the country rock could lead to using unsupported slope configuration in the design process which can consequently lead to slope failure. In this study, the geomechnical properties of the Bremen-Nkosuo concession are analysed using Bieniawski’s classification scheme to determine the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) for defining safe pit slope configuration of the Nkosuo pit. The findings show that the rockmass are best described as ‘fair’ for the two main lithologies existing at the concession. Subsequently, localised adjustment factors are applied to the calculated RMR to arrive at Mining Rock Mass Ratings (MRMR). These MRMR values are correlated with 50 m fixed stack height and 1.2 safety factor to determine optimum Bench Slack Angle (BSA) of 54° and 57° for host sedimentary and granitic rocks respectively. For individual benches, optimum slope design configurations were 10 m, 800, and 6.6 m respectively for bench height, bench face angle and catch berm for metasedimentary rocks. Likewise, that for granitic formation were 10 m bench height, 800 face angle and 6.0 m catch berm width. These configurations are in conformance with mineral and mining regulations of Ghana. Slope stability assessment was performed which included Slope Mass Rating (SMR), Kinematic and Limit equilibrium analysis. From the analysis, multi-bench scale slope instability occurrence was found to be rare but single-double scale could be possible at the western wall of the planned pit with probability of failure of about 0.4. Presplit and trim shots perimeter blasting techniques are recommended to maintain the integrity of the final pit walls at certain areas.
Abstract: To achieve stable pit wall slopes, it is imperative to obtain a fair knowledge of the rock mass characterisation before designing the pit. Insufficient knowledge of the competency of the country rock could lead to using unsupported slope configuration in the design process which can consequently lead to slope failure. In this study, the geomechnica...
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Design and Construction of an Anaerobic Digester for the Ingestion of Waste from the Cocoa Industry in Nigeria
Nzubechukwu Ugochukwu Iluno*
Aigbomain Akhigbe,
Mene Namene,
Annabel Worgu,
Churchill Inwang,
Paul Okpala
Volume 9, Issue 2, June 2024
22 December 2023
25 January 2024
14 June 2024
Abstract: The Anaerobic Digester designed and constructed for waste ingestion from the Nigerian cocoa industry aims to harness abundant renewable energy from crop residues like cocoa rinds and groundnuts. This study evaluates the biogas potential of these sources in contributing to the country's overall energy needs, emphasizing the imperative for environmental sustainability. Focusing on reducing fossil energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and minimizing environmental impact, the project advocates for a shift towards biogas for day-to-day energy requirements, presenting direct cost savings. The utilization of fossil fuel-derived energy is known to contribute to temperature increase, greenhouse gas emissions, noise pollution, and ground-level air pollution, all of which can be mitigated through biogas utilization. This initiative involves the design and construction of a 0.24m3 pilot plastic fossil plant for biogas generation, aiming to "green" various applications, including domestic and industrial usage as well as transportation. The digester, constructed from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic, demonstrates leak-free operation, further supporting its potential for long-term sustainability. Results from a 28-day retention period show a cumulative biogas yield, with a daily assessment indicating a gas yield of 0.0496 m3 on the 12th day. The study highlights the positive and negative influences of temperature inequality gradients ≥34°C≤38°C on biogas production. This comprehensive research contributes valuable insights for the sustainable management of waste and the utilization of biogas as a viable alternative energy source.
Abstract: The Anaerobic Digester designed and constructed for waste ingestion from the Nigerian cocoa industry aims to harness abundant renewable energy from crop residues like cocoa rinds and groundnuts. This study evaluates the biogas potential of these sources in contributing to the country's overall energy needs, emphasizing the imperative for environmen...
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