Research Article
Contribution of Banana Production on Household Income Generation Among Smallholder Farmers in Kitagata Town Council, Sheema District
Abel Mugume*
Rebecca Kalibwani,
Gershom Nuwemuhwezi
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
7 March 2024
24 June 2024
15 July 2024
Abstract: The study was about contribution of banana production on house hold income generation among Smallholder farmers in Kitagata town council, Sheema District. The specific objectives included to; examine the socio-economic characteristics of smallholder banana farmers, establish innovative strategies to improve banana production and income among smallholder banana farmers and identify the factors affecting banana production and income among smallholder banana farmers. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey that applied both quantitative and qualitative approaches for data collection. Data was captured from a sample of 302 respondents using both questionnaire and interviews. Data was analyzed using SPSS software version 22.0 to generate both descriptive and inferential statistics. The study concluded that there were socio-economic characteristics of farmers which also affected banana production. Such characteristics included; age, marital status, level of education land size and gender. The study also concluded that there were innovative strategies to improve banana production and income among smallholder banana farmers in Kitagata town council, Sheema district. These included; Integrated Pest Management, use of hybrid varieties, Irrigation, mulching, climate-Smart Agriculture through use of drought resistant varieties, agro-forestry, use of fertilizer application and organic manure to replenish soil fertility. The study finally concluded that there were factors affecting banana production and income among smallholder banana farmers. Such as; access to extension and advisory services which had a significant effect on production and smallholder farmer’s income at (p=.004), access to financial services was a strong predictor of production improvement and farmer’s income at (p=.002), a positive and a significant relationship were observed between availability of quality farm inputs and banana production (at p=.023), The study further discovered that ready market was a strong predictor of production and small holder farmer’s income at (p=.003) and Lastly, a positive and a significant relationship were observed between banana varieties grown and banana production as well as income at (p=.005). The study recommends that the government, NGOs, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal, Industry and Fisheries in collaboration be established with the aim of implementing innovative agricultural strategies geared towards banana productivity increments, there is also a need for the government to provide enough facilities to extension agents that will help them facilitate enhanced training to farmers and inform them of new techniques in farming, there is a need for the government to provide some production inputs at subsidized cost.
Abstract: The study was about contribution of banana production on house hold income generation among Smallholder farmers in Kitagata town council, Sheema District. The specific objectives included to; examine the socio-economic characteristics of smallholder banana farmers, establish innovative strategies to improve banana production and income among smallh...
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Research Article
Level of Contamination and Alteration of Cuttlefish Fished and Processed in Companies in Côte d’Ivoire
Kablan Tanoh Koua Lucien,
Kouame Toto*,
Goore Bi Gnamien Willy Taunin
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
10 June 2024
9 July 2024
23 July 2024
Abstract: This study was carried out from 2019 to 2021. Its aim was to assess the quality of cuttlefish intended for local and international markets in a company processing fishery products in Côte d'Ivoire. The biochemical analyses (Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVBN)) were based on the distillation method of an extract deproteinised by perchloric acid (HClO4). Microbiological analyses (total aerobic mesophilic flora (TAMF), staphylococci (SPP), anaerobic sulphite-reducing bacteria (RAS), faecal coliforms (FC) and salmonella) involved isolation and identification techniques. The various analyses carried out by the National Laboratory for Support to Agricultural Development (LANADA) made it possible to assess the median contamination values and satisfaction percentages (TAMF, FC, SPP), which are respectively 2.2.104 CFU/g with 94%; less than 10 CFU/g with 94%; less than 100 CFU/g with 100%. RSA and salmonella were absent in all the products analysed. The temperature of the cuttlefish was high just after processing. The maximum temperature value (26.4°C) was obtained after processing, while the minimum temperature value (1.6°C) was recorded during storage in a positive cold room. However, it is essential to improve manufacturing practices and preservation methods in order to avoid poisoning the population. These data should also encourage fishermen to practise good preservation methods.
Abstract: This study was carried out from 2019 to 2021. Its aim was to assess the quality of cuttlefish intended for local and international markets in a company processing fishery products in Côte d'Ivoire. The biochemical analyses (Total Volatile Basic Nitrogen (TVBN)) were based on the distillation method of an extract deproteinised by perchloric acid (HC...
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Review Article
The Significance of Food Fortification for Prevention of Major Health Challenges due to Micronutrient Deficiencies (MND) for Under 5 Years Children in Bangladesh
Zahidul Hasan*
Iffat Margana,
Sabbir Ahmed Tarik,
Nilufar Yeasmin,
Tahfim Ahmed,
Asma Begum
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
27 June 2024
29 July 2024
15 August 2024
Abstract: Vitamins and minerals, known as micronutrients, are needed in trace levels for healthy growth and development as well as heightened immunity against illness. They need to come from outside sources because the body isn't able to produce them. Inadequate and inappropriate physical and intellectual development results from malnutrition in vulnerable people, including early childhood, expectant and nursing mothers, and the aged people. Meals fortification is a safe and practical way to boost consumption of macronutrients by providing essential nutrients in meals. Long-term developmental goals are impacted by vitamin deficiencies. In order to raise public awareness of the advantages of food fortification, an educational program is required. An extensive summary of Bangladesh's current women's and children's micronutrient deficient status is provided in this article. This study also covers the effectiveness of current intervention programs as well as their current issues. Almost half of all expectant and nursing mothers suffer from anemia. High levels of deficiencies are associated with several critical factors, including sickness, malabsorption, infestation, inadequate nutrition, and poor cleanliness. There have been several attempts at interventions, and some success has been achieved. Issues with coverage, quality, and compliance still exist. Even though severe deficiencies have been somewhat addressed by current intervention initiatives, micronutrient deficiencies in Bangladesh continue to be a major concern. A more comprehensive strategy is required to enhance the current intervention initiatives. Additionally, fresh approaches of intervention are proposed in order to prevent and treat specific micronutrient deficiencies.
Abstract: Vitamins and minerals, known as micronutrients, are needed in trace levels for healthy growth and development as well as heightened immunity against illness. They need to come from outside sources because the body isn't able to produce them. Inadequate and inappropriate physical and intellectual development results from malnutrition in vulnerable p...
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Research Article
Association and Path Coefficient Analysis of Some Arsi Coffee Accesions (Coffea arabica L.) for Quality Traits at Mechara, Ethiopia
Sintayehu Girma*,
Wassu Mohammed,
Ashenafi Ayano
Volume 12, Issue 4, August 2024
11 March 2024
9 August 2024
27 August 2024
Abstract: Coffee is still one of Ethiopian’s primary agricultural export crops accounting for more than 25% of export earnings. Arsi coffee is known to produce Harar C coffee quality grade and known for its unique flavor and aroma. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine association among coffee bean quality traits and, the direct and indirect effects of bean quality traits on overall quality of coffee. A total of 56 Arsi coffee accessions and four Hararghe coffee varieties were evaluated for bean physical and organoleptic coffee quality traits using Completely Randomized Design with three replications. The analysis of variance results showed significant variation among Arsi coffee accession for all traits except astringency, bitterness, and odor. The overall coffee quality had positive and significant phenotypic and genotype correlations with aromatic intensity, aromatic quality, acidity, body, flavor, overall standard quality and overall cup quality. These traits also had positive direct effects on overall coffee quality however; aromatic intensity and body exerted negligible negative direct effects at genotypic level whereas aromatic quality had negative direct effect at phenotypic level. All these traits through overall standard quality, and aromatic intensity, aromatic quality and acidity via each other and through body and flavor exerted positive direct effects on overall coffee quality at genotypic level. Thus majority of quality traits could be used for indirect selection of genotypes for overall coffee quality.
Abstract: Coffee is still one of Ethiopian’s primary agricultural export crops accounting for more than 25% of export earnings. Arsi coffee is known to produce Harar C coffee quality grade and known for its unique flavor and aroma. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine association among coffee bean quality traits and, the direct and indirect effec...
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