Research Article
Multi-criteria Decision Making Using KEMIRA-Sort Method for Assessing the Suitability of Wild Animals to Promote Sustainable Management of a Wildlife Farm
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
17 December 2024
31 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: In Burkina Faso, most of the wildlife farms hosting touristic visits, which started out with great enthusiasm, are now closed, highlighting the need for sustainable wildlife farm management. Although also of interest for wildlife farming, most of the study dealing with sustainable animal farm management are focus on livestock farming. This study was motivated by the need to provide an answer to the question of sustainable management of wildlife farming in Burkina Faso. To this end, our aim is to assess the suitability of wild animals to promote sustainable management of an ex-situ wildlife farm, hosting touristic visits. The implementation of a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) process enabled us, among other things, to identify the wild animals and the criteria against which their suitability to promote sustainable management has been assessed. Our concern, on the one hand, to enable the stakeholders to easily express their preferences and thus fully adhere to the decision-making process, and on the other hand, to respect the heterogeneous dimensions implied by sustainability led us to choose the KEmeny Median Indicator Ranks Accordance-Sort (KEMIRA-Sort) multi-criteria sorting method. The evaluation phase was guided by the consideration of decision-maker’s preferences for ranking criteria and empirical examples of assigning wild animals to ordered categories of suitability to sustainable management. The complete implementation of the decision-making process enabled us to identify the categories of wild animals according to their suitability to promote sustainable management in the case study of the Wédbila wildlife farm (WWF) in Burkina Faso. More specifically, we showed that the group of wild animals most likely to promote WWF sustainable management was made up of pork-spicy, aulacodes, and red-necked ostrich. These results obtained was in line with empirically estimation of the principle stakeholder playing the role of Decision maker. These relevant results obtained thus validate the effectiveness of the KEMIRA-Sort multi-criteria sorting method. In addition, the flexibility of the proposed approach predisposes it, subject to adaptation, to be used in other sustainable management wildlife farm contexts.
Abstract: In Burkina Faso, most of the wildlife farms hosting touristic visits, which started out with great enthusiasm, are now closed, highlighting the need for sustainable wildlife farm management. Although also of interest for wildlife farming, most of the study dealing with sustainable animal farm management are focus on livestock farming. This study wa...
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Research Article
The Symmetry of Solutions for a Class of KIRCHHOFF Equations on the Unit Ball and in the Entire Space
Yubo Ni*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
18 December 2024
30 December 2024
14 January 2025
Abstract: This paper is mainly concerned with the symmetry and monotonicity of solutions to a fractional parabolic Kirchhoff equation. We first establishes the asymptotic narrow region principle, the asymptotic maximum principle near infinity, the asymptotic strong maximum principle and the Hopf principle for antisymmetric functions in bounded and unbounded domains. By the method of moving plane, it then derives the symmetry of positive solutions on the unit sphere and in the entire space. Next, we point out how to apply these tools and methods to obtain asymptotic radial symmetry and monotonicity of positive solutions in a unit ball and on the whole space. By some researches, we find that no matter how we set the initial value, it will not affect the property of the solution approaching a radially symmetric function as t approaches infinity. Throughout the paper, establishing the maximum principle plays a central role in exploring and studying the fractional parabolic Kirchhoff equation. After establishing different maximum principles, one can study the properties of a solution to the parabolic equation under different conditions. Finally, the novelty of this article is that it is the first time to apply method of moving plane to fractional parabolic Kirchhoff problems and the ideas and methods presented in this article are applicable to studying different non local parabolic problems, various operators and the symmetry of solutions in different regions.
Abstract: This paper is mainly concerned with the symmetry and monotonicity of solutions to a fractional parabolic Kirchhoff equation. We first establishes the asymptotic narrow region principle, the asymptotic maximum principle near infinity, the asymptotic strong maximum principle and the Hopf principle for antisymmetric functions in bounded and unbounded ...
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Research Article
Hydromagnetic Casson Nanofluid Flow Past a Wedge in a Porous Medium in the Presence of Induced Magnetic Field
Nyaga Danson*,
Ochwach Jimrise
Kirimi Jacob,
Okongo Mark
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
19 September 2024
8 October 2024
20 January 2025
Abstract: Casson fluid is a shear thinning liquid assumed to have an infinite viscosity at zero rate of shear and a zero viscosity at an infinite rate of shear. Casson fluids at times flow past wedge-shaped objects, as is the case in crude oil extraction and geothermal systems. Nanoparticles tend to improve thermal conductivity of base fluids. The impact of Magnetohydromagnetics (MHD) and induced magnetic field on heat and mass transfer flow finds application in engineering and industries. It plays an important role in design of transpiration cooling and aerodynamics extrusion of plastic sheets. Several authors have studied effects of induced magnetic field on different types of fluid flow. However, little has been studied on the impact of induced magnetic field on Casson Nanofluid flow past a wedge. In this study, the equations governing the nanofluid flow were reduced to a system of highly nonlinear ordinary differential equations by using boundary layer theory. The resulting boundary value problem is then numerically solved in MATLAB by using the Boundary Value Problem 4th-order collocation (BVP4C). The local skin friction, mass transfer rate, and heat transfer rate are displayed in a table while graphs illustrate the influences of pertinent physical entities on the temperature, nanofluid velocity, concentration of nanoparticles and magnetic induction. The study’s findings will improve the body of knowledge on Casson Nanofluid flow past a wedge, which is important for plasma, fossil fuels, blood flow in the circulatory system, glass fibre manufacture, petroleum production, and magma dynamics. Due to their low thermal conductivity, electrically conducting Casson fluids have rather poor heat transfer; however, thermal conductivity is improved when nanoparticles are introduced and induced magnetic fields are considered significant. As a result, manufacturers can create solutions using the findings of this study. The issues surrounding induced magnetic fields are significant in several industrial applications, including geothermal systems, liquid metals, fibre or granular insulation, electrolytes, and ionised gases.
Abstract: Casson fluid is a shear thinning liquid assumed to have an infinite viscosity at zero rate of shear and a zero viscosity at an infinite rate of shear. Casson fluids at times flow past wedge-shaped objects, as is the case in crude oil extraction and geothermal systems. Nanoparticles tend to improve thermal conductivity of base fluids. The impact of ...
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Research Article
Representation with Index Matrices Discrete Random Variables
Stela Todorova*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
4 January 2025
18 January 2025
10 February 2025
Abstract: With the Theory of probabilities it is made a mathematical description of a finite set of probability trials with random outcomes. Basically, the results from a given laboratory experiment are illustrated with tables, diagrams, ordinary matrices. Index matrices are a new approach of presenting and analyzing information of data. In this article the author will represent with Index Matrices, which elements are real numbers; function-type of elements, with which results of formulas with different parameters can be calculated and predicates, with which can be checked if a random outcome meets certain conditions according to a finite set of interval order. In order the data that we analyze to be more precisely verified, is not only ordered sequentially, but also a result of calculation of parameters from a given diapason at equal intervals. In this way the number of desired outcomes can be compared with not desired outcomes and with the data from different experiments, which can result in prediction of alternative values in the future. An illustration with Excel is described with an Index matrix, which elements are voltages between 0 and a value read by analog pin of Arduino Uno board, which is also presented with X and Y axis of a Chart diagram.
Abstract: With the Theory of probabilities it is made a mathematical description of a finite set of probability trials with random outcomes. Basically, the results from a given laboratory experiment are illustrated with tables, diagrams, ordinary matrices. Index matrices are a new approach of presenting and analyzing information of data. In this article the ...
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Research Article
An Accurate Two-Step Optimized Hybrid Block Method for Integrating Stiff Differential Equations
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
14 January 2025
1 February 2025
20 February 2025
Abstract: An accurate two-step optimized hybrid block method is proposed for integrating stiff initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. The techniques of interpolation and collocation were applied to a power series polynomial for the derivation of the method using a three-parameter approximation of the hybrid points. The hybrid points were obtained by minimizing the local truncation error of the main method. The discrete schemes were produced as by-products of the continuous scheme and used to simultaneously solve initial value problems (IVPs) in block mode. The analysis of the basic properties of the method revealed that the schemes are self-starting, consistent, zero-stable, and A-stable. Furthermore, the analysis of the order of accuracy of the method showed that there is a gain of one order of accuracy in the main scheme where the optimization was carried out thereby enhancing the accuracy of the whole method. The accuracy of the method was ascertained using several numerical experiments. Comparison of the numerical results of the new method with those of the existing methods revealed that the newly developed method performed better than some of the existing hybrid block methods. Hence, the new method should be employed for the numerical solution of stiff ordinary differential equations to obtain more accurate results.
Abstract: An accurate two-step optimized hybrid block method is proposed for integrating stiff initial value problems of ordinary differential equations. The techniques of interpolation and collocation were applied to a power series polynomial for the derivation of the method using a three-parameter approximation of the hybrid points. The hybrid points were ...
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Research Article
New Six Formulas of Radical Roots Developed by Using an Engineering Methodology to Solve Sixth Degree Polynomial Equation in General Forms by Calculating All Solutions Nearly in Parallel
Yassine Larbaoui*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
30 December 2024
17 January 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: This paper proposes new six formulas allowing to calculate all roots of sixth degree polynomial equation nearly in parallel while including the use of radical expressions, which is extending a new engineering methodology to solve polynomial equations of nth degree where the value of n can exceed five. This methodology is based on developing the roots of nth degree polynomial equation according to a distributed structure of radical terms, where each term is built by multiplying two radicals presenting the roots of polynomial equations with inferior degrees. This distributed structure of terms is allowing them to neutralize each other during multiplications, which forward calculations toward eliminating radicalities, suppressing complex terms and reducing degrees. As a result, this paper is proposing new two theorems solving sixth degree polynomial equation in complete forms while relying on two different approaches built on the same engineering methodology of roots architecting, which allow calculating solutions nearly in parallel. This engineering methodology is scalable to solve higher degrees of polynomial equations while extending the same distributed architecture of terms whereas re-engineering the expressions of included sub-terms in order to manifest the same outcomes of reciprocal neutralization, radicality suppression and degrees reduction during calculations. Therefore, this paper is also presenting the engineered requirements and techniques along with details in order to scale the used methodology by projecting it on nth degree polynomial equations where the possibility of calculating the values of all roots nearly in parallel whereas the polynomial degrees can exceed the quantic form. The new proposed engineering methodology in this paper is listing all necessary logic, techniques and formulas to solve nth degree polynomial equations in general forms stage-by-stage while relying on the use of radical expressions, which will scale the results of this paper toward solving highly complex equations.
Abstract: This paper proposes new six formulas allowing to calculate all roots of sixth degree polynomial equation nearly in parallel while including the use of radical expressions, which is extending a new engineering methodology to solve polynomial equations of nth degree where the value of n can exceed five. This methodology is based on developing the roo...
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Research Article
Mathematical Peace: Exploring the Role of Euler’s Number in Global Strategy and Cooperation
Md. Ziaur Rahman*
Volume 13, Issue 1, February 2025
25 January 2025
11 February 2025
21 February 2025
Abstract: Mathematics, humanitarian political leadership and world peace require a combination of these three issues, which is specifically considered as mathematical peace. This paper explores the concept of "mathematical peace" through the lens of Euler's number (e), a fundamental constant in mathematics. The study examines how Euler’s number, known for its appearance in various fields of science and mathematics, can be used to model and foster cooperation, harmony, and conflict resolution in global strategies. Drawing on mathematical models, network theory, and systems theory, this paper seeks to demonstrate how Euler's number may offer insights into building frameworks for global peace. Mathematical Peace is a mathematical model for establishing world peace, the input of which will be humanitarian political leadership. The importance of humanitarian political leadership in establishing peace is immense. It is possible to monitor and verify the role that humanitarian political leadership is playing in establishing peace through mathematical modeling. Peace is a natural subject, like mathematics. Therefore, mathematics naturally has a close relationship with peace. By integrating mathematical constants into real-world applications, this research aims to highlight the potential for improved diplomatic relations, resource allocation, and conflict management.
Abstract: Mathematics, humanitarian political leadership and world peace require a combination of these three issues, which is specifically considered as mathematical peace. This paper explores the concept of "mathematical peace" through the lens of Euler's number (e), a fundamental constant in mathematics. The study examines how Euler’s number, known for it...
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