Abstract: Watershed development is an important component of rural development and natural resource management strategies in many countries. To implemented community based participatory integrated watershed management program by CALM P4R at selected watershed, the baseline survey study is important to solve biophysical and socioeconomic related problems. The study was conducted to assess the socioeconomic status, potential and constraints of selected watershed identified, to assess biophysical data of model watershed documented and to prioritize issues for interventions in model watershed indicated in the East Hararghe zone for further improvements to promote Sustainable and productive livelihood through the integration of different watershed components in participatory approach. Household interview and biophysical resources assessment followed by watershed mapping techniques were used for the data collection. Purposive sampling methods were used to select 121 households in three watersheds. Descriptive statistics by frequency distributions, means and percentage and diversity indices were used for data analysis. The results indicated that problems were identified and prioritized by the community of the watershed. Overall results indicated that land degradation and soil erosion were a serious concern and watershed management programs could be strengthened. Different prioritized problems in relation to soil fertility management, soil, water conservation and water shade management and Agro-forestry, forage development and forestry practices concerns across the watershed. Soil erosion control measures, soil fertility enhancement practices, SWC practices, niche compatible multipurpose trees introduction, home garden agroforestry and other interventions were proposed. Awareness creation and strengthening capacity of rural communities on integrating natural resource management technologies for effective soil and water conservation measure should be enhanced through participatory integrated watershed management were proposed.Abstract: Watershed development is an important component of rural development and natural resource management strategies in many countries. To implemented community based participatory integrated watershed management program by CALM P4R at selected watershed, the baseline survey study is important to solve biophysical and socioeconomic related problems. The...Show More