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A Psychosocial Comparative Analysis of Woman in Islam and Woman in Feminism

Received: 22 November 2023     Accepted: 6 December 2023     Published: 14 December 2023
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The article explores normative aspects of Islam concerning women, asserting the necessity for women to possess specific cognitive attributes of belief, judgment, thinking, and perception, along with emotional and behavioral aspects. It advocates for an Islamic social program tailored for women, to be implemented through the Islamic legal system. Despite potential issues like replicability and biases in psychology, the paper predominantly relies on widely accepted psychological theories. For dissenting perspectives, the author incorporates theories aligned with Islamic-prescribed psychology. The paper acknowledges occasional non-functioning of psychological theories but emphasizes the cumulative efficacy and functioning of established probabilistic-statistical theories. Focused on a narrow aspect of gender studies, the research posits that the proposed social program, once realized, could profoundly and positively impact human civilization, fostering collaborative collective conscience at the individual, familial, and societal levels. The emphasis is on promoting gender roles not as a means of male dominance or persecution but as a revelation of each gender's contributive evolutionary roles. The article underscores the significance of understanding human psychology in shaping effective policies for survival, reproductive success, and overall well-being, encompassing mental health, wealth, and societal progress. It juxtaposes the female gender in both Islamic and feminist contexts, delineating differences based on essential nature, virginity, chastity, hijab, gender mixing, free sex, and patriarchy. As a policy-oriented document grounded in psychological science, the paper proposes an alternative gender construct, challenging the prevailing paradigm. Notably, it upholds the relevance and intellectual competitiveness of Islam in contemporary society.

Published in Social Sciences (Volume 12, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/
Page(s) 312-325
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Woman in Islam, Feminism, Patriarchy, Polygamy, Marriage, Family

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  • APA Style

    Rahman, M. M. (2023). A Psychosocial Comparative Analysis of Woman in Islam and Woman in Feminism. Social Sciences, 12(6), 312-325.

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    ACS Style

    Rahman, M. M. A Psychosocial Comparative Analysis of Woman in Islam and Woman in Feminism. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12(6), 312-325. doi: 10.11648/

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    AMA Style

    Rahman MM. A Psychosocial Comparative Analysis of Woman in Islam and Woman in Feminism. Soc Sci. 2023;12(6):312-325. doi: 10.11648/

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  • @article{10.11648/,
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      abstract = {The article explores normative aspects of Islam concerning women, asserting the necessity for women to possess specific cognitive attributes of belief, judgment, thinking, and perception, along with emotional and behavioral aspects. It advocates for an Islamic social program tailored for women, to be implemented through the Islamic legal system. Despite potential issues like replicability and biases in psychology, the paper predominantly relies on widely accepted psychological theories. For dissenting perspectives, the author incorporates theories aligned with Islamic-prescribed psychology. The paper acknowledges occasional non-functioning of psychological theories but emphasizes the cumulative efficacy and functioning of established probabilistic-statistical theories. Focused on a narrow aspect of gender studies, the research posits that the proposed social program, once realized, could profoundly and positively impact human civilization, fostering collaborative collective conscience at the individual, familial, and societal levels. The emphasis is on promoting gender roles not as a means of male dominance or persecution but as a revelation of each gender's contributive evolutionary roles. The article underscores the significance of understanding human psychology in shaping effective policies for survival, reproductive success, and overall well-being, encompassing mental health, wealth, and societal progress. It juxtaposes the female gender in both Islamic and feminist contexts, delineating differences based on essential nature, virginity, chastity, hijab, gender mixing, free sex, and patriarchy. As a policy-oriented document grounded in psychological science, the paper proposes an alternative gender construct, challenging the prevailing paradigm. Notably, it upholds the relevance and intellectual competitiveness of Islam in contemporary society.
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    T1  - A Psychosocial Comparative Analysis of Woman in Islam and Woman in Feminism
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    PY  - 2023
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    AB  - The article explores normative aspects of Islam concerning women, asserting the necessity for women to possess specific cognitive attributes of belief, judgment, thinking, and perception, along with emotional and behavioral aspects. It advocates for an Islamic social program tailored for women, to be implemented through the Islamic legal system. Despite potential issues like replicability and biases in psychology, the paper predominantly relies on widely accepted psychological theories. For dissenting perspectives, the author incorporates theories aligned with Islamic-prescribed psychology. The paper acknowledges occasional non-functioning of psychological theories but emphasizes the cumulative efficacy and functioning of established probabilistic-statistical theories. Focused on a narrow aspect of gender studies, the research posits that the proposed social program, once realized, could profoundly and positively impact human civilization, fostering collaborative collective conscience at the individual, familial, and societal levels. The emphasis is on promoting gender roles not as a means of male dominance or persecution but as a revelation of each gender's contributive evolutionary roles. The article underscores the significance of understanding human psychology in shaping effective policies for survival, reproductive success, and overall well-being, encompassing mental health, wealth, and societal progress. It juxtaposes the female gender in both Islamic and feminist contexts, delineating differences based on essential nature, virginity, chastity, hijab, gender mixing, free sex, and patriarchy. As a policy-oriented document grounded in psychological science, the paper proposes an alternative gender construct, challenging the prevailing paradigm. Notably, it upholds the relevance and intellectual competitiveness of Islam in contemporary society.
    VL  - 12
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Psychology, Northumbria University, Newcastle, United Kingdom

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