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Gender Equality in Employment Opportunities in the Implementation of Public Policies

Received: 15 January 2022     Accepted: 7 February 2022     Published: 16 February 2022
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The purpose of this paper is to describe the analysis of the meter & horn model. In implementing policies on conditions that occur in gender equality in employment opportunities in the Lagoi tourist area of Bintan, Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative and analyzed in-depth using triangulation techniques. The results show that communication carried out by stakeholders of gender equality policies has not been maximally implemented, especially by the government to entrepreneurs, being one of the factors that gender equality policies in the Lagoi tourist area have not been achieved. Size and Objectives The policy implementation of the gender equality policy is carried out unilaterally according to the company's only benefit, namely the gain by not paying attention to the objectives of the policy itself, that the gender equality policy aims to build working relations for all parties, including increasing employment and job opportunities for women. Then the attitude of the implementers in the way of thinking about the benefits and support for policy implementation, namely the government with the presence of women workers assesses that they have met the criteria for the gender basis. Likewise, employers consider that gender equality is not the most important thing because for the company it is the achievement of company profits, so the strong attitude to influence from trade unions, NGOs, community leaders does not have a strong influence on the achievement of gender policies. The characteristic of implementing agencies in supporting the implementation of equality policies shows that the attitude of gender policies in the Lagoi area of the government is more passive.

Published in Journal of Public Policy and Administration (Volume 6, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.jppa.20220601.15
Page(s) 30-37
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Gender Equality, Employment Opportunity, Implementation, Policy, Lagoi Tourism, Bintan, Indonesia

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  • APA Style

    Lamidi, Agus Sukrisyanto, Novaria Rachmawati. (2022). Gender Equality in Employment Opportunities in the Implementation of Public Policies. Journal of Public Policy and Administration, 6(1), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.jppa.20220601.15

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    ACS Style

    Lamidi; Agus Sukrisyanto; Novaria Rachmawati. Gender Equality in Employment Opportunities in the Implementation of Public Policies. J. Public Policy Adm. 2022, 6(1), 30-37. doi: 10.11648/j.jppa.20220601.15

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    AMA Style

    Lamidi, Agus Sukrisyanto, Novaria Rachmawati. Gender Equality in Employment Opportunities in the Implementation of Public Policies. J Public Policy Adm. 2022;6(1):30-37. doi: 10.11648/j.jppa.20220601.15

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    AB  - The purpose of this paper is to describe the analysis of the meter & horn model. In implementing policies on conditions that occur in gender equality in employment opportunities in the Lagoi tourist area of Bintan, Indonesia. The research method used is descriptive qualitative and analyzed in-depth using triangulation techniques. The results show that communication carried out by stakeholders of gender equality policies has not been maximally implemented, especially by the government to entrepreneurs, being one of the factors that gender equality policies in the Lagoi tourist area have not been achieved. Size and Objectives The policy implementation of the gender equality policy is carried out unilaterally according to the company's only benefit, namely the gain by not paying attention to the objectives of the policy itself, that the gender equality policy aims to build working relations for all parties, including increasing employment and job opportunities for women. Then the attitude of the implementers in the way of thinking about the benefits and support for policy implementation, namely the government with the presence of women workers assesses that they have met the criteria for the gender basis. Likewise, employers consider that gender equality is not the most important thing because for the company it is the achievement of company profits, so the strong attitude to influence from trade unions, NGOs, community leaders does not have a strong influence on the achievement of gender policies. The characteristic of implementing agencies in supporting the implementation of equality policies shows that the attitude of gender policies in the Lagoi area of the government is more passive.
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Author Information
  • Public Administration Post Graduate Programme, University of Tujuh Belas Agustus, Surabaya City, Indonesia

  • Public Administration Post Graduate Programme, University of Tujuh Belas Agustus, Surabaya City, Indonesia

  • Public Administration Post Graduate Programme, University of Tujuh Belas Agustus, Surabaya City, Indonesia

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