Research Article
Spectra Analysis of Endocrine Related Compounds and Heavy Metals in Petroleum Hydrocarbon Impacted Soil
Ezenwelu Chijioke Obinna
Ilechukwu Cyril Chijioke,
Iloanya Lauretta Eberechukwu,
Onwah Joy,
Chigbo Malachy Chidiebere,
Oparaji Emeka Henry*
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2024
25 September 2024
28 October 2024
22 November 2024
Abstract: There has been increasing influx of noxious pollutants into the ecosystem, these recalcitrant affect all biosphere of life including human progression. Petroleum compounds are the chief source of hydrocarbons and their processing contributes to various fractions of potent poisons into the ecosystem. Petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil was sampled from spilled sites located within the hinters of Rivers state Nigeria and using a spectroscopic assay method, they were examined for the presence of heavy metals and chemicals associated to bisphenol-A bioaccumulation. The collection point for the control experiment was roughly 1.04 kilometers away from the suburban city. The test and control studies revealed the presence of heavy metals Fe, Pb, and Cu, respectively. However, the concentrations of Fe and Pb were rather high, measuring 14.01±0.05b and 3.52±0.2a mg/ml, respectively. Cu was found at 3.22±025c and 1.08±045c mg/ml for the test and control experiment respectively while 4.56±0.15c mg/g of Pb was identified in the test experiment only Heavy metals of Cd, Ni, As, Pb and Mn were below detectable limit in both experiments, respectively. FTIR spectroscopy revealed that sample II's amide I was severely deformed, but all of the damaged soil samples had significant hydroxylation at about 3300 cm-1. The impacted soil sample also exhibited evidence of amide I bending. Because of the population's increasing demand for elite supplies, there is a growing number of oil drilling and exploration businesses in our nation, making the current study of clinical and environmental health vital. The results of this assessment will serve as a suitable manual for monitoring organizations, enabling them to strictly enforce policies for exploration and tighten all departure ports in order to safeguard the ecosystem right away.
Abstract: There has been increasing influx of noxious pollutants into the ecosystem, these recalcitrant affect all biosphere of life including human progression. Petroleum compounds are the chief source of hydrocarbons and their processing contributes to various fractions of potent poisons into the ecosystem. Petroleum hydrocarbon impacted soil was sampled f...
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Research Article
Influence of Physico-Chemical Parameters on the Seasonal Dynamic of Salmonella spp Isolated from Urban Streams in Yaounde (Cameroon)
Henriette Ateba Bessa*
Mireille Ebiane Nougang
Ghislaine Madjiki Adjia
Gloria Eneke Takem
Bernadette Nka Nnomo
Blandine Pulchérie Tamatcho Kweyang,
Chrétien Lontsi Djimeli
Olive Noah Ewoti
Jean Samuel Eheth
Moïse Nola
Thomas Njine
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2024
26 August 2024
21 September 2024
26 November 2024
Abstract: As water resources in urban areas are becoming increasingly degraded, due in large part to poor sanitation, a study has been was conducted to examine the influence of physicochemical parameters and seasonal variation on the distribution of the enterobacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp that have been isolated from the urban streams in the city of Yaounde. Bi-monthly water samples were collected from nine rivers during 12 months (April 2010 to March 2011). The isolation of bacterial germs was done according to the classical method. Physicochemical parameters were analyzed according to Standard methods. Salmonella spp was detected all over the studied year with a high prevalence of 49.4%. This prevalence varies from one season to another. Escherichia coli ranged between 2.5 x 103 to 67.1 x 103UFC/100ml with highest prevalence observed during the long dry season. Physicochemical parameters revealed neutral to slightly alkaline waters (pH6.7 – 8.8), with low mineralization (EC= 126 – 743 µS/cm). Dissolved oxygen was generally less than 4 mg/l. Physicochemical parameters also showed temporal homogeneity in most of the variables (pH, EC, TDS, total hardness, alkalinity, Na, K, Mg, Ca). None of the physicochemical environmental variables analyzed had any specific influence on the presence of Escherichia coli or Salmonella. Furthermore, there was no significant correlation between the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp, as the sources of Salmonella spp contamination are probably different from those of E. coli. The observed pollution of rivers is related to the large anthropogenic activities in particular, the multiplicity of small farming closed to markets and houses, and husbandry activities along the streams which are important sources of organic matter. These rivers constitute a pool of Salmonella that can be easily disseminated in to different ecological systems and therefore represent a serious health risk for people who may come into direct or indirect contact with this pathogen.
Abstract: As water resources in urban areas are becoming increasingly degraded, due in large part to poor sanitation, a study has been was conducted to examine the influence of physicochemical parameters and seasonal variation on the distribution of the enterobacteria Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp that have been isolated from the urban streams in the c...
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Research Article
Practices and Knowledge of Smallholder Farmers Towards Safe Pesticide Management in East Gojjam Zone, Northwest Ethiopia
Abebaw Adamu*
Anduamlak Assaye
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2024
13 October 2024
4 November 2024
26 November 2024
Abstract: In recent years, safe pesticide management has become increasingly important. Thus the research was aimed to evaluate the current state of pesticide management practices and farmers knowledge. The study deployed a multistage sampling technique to select participant districts and the respondents. About 268 sample respondents were drawn from six districts of East Gojjam zone. The results revealed that the majority of the farmers (69.45%) store their pesticides in their houses that they perceive anybody can’t be reached. Farmers were found to have poor practices of using face masks, overalls, goggles, and gloves. Farmers frequently engaged in good practices of washing and calibrating spraying machines. Around 57.22%, 41.9%, and 38.9% of farmers visit their freshly sprayed fields within 24 hours of spraying insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides, respectively without using personal protective equipment. Farmers demonstrated proficiency in several hygienic practices including taking a bath, changing clothes, and washing cloths immediately after spraying. Participant farmers experienced various health symptoms after spraying pesticides. The majority of the farmers were cognizant on exposure routs of pesticides. However, they didn't understand the intended pictogram messages from pesticide containers. The study demonstrated that improper pesticide management had an impact on both the environment and farmers' health. Thus, there is a need to improve farmers' knowledge and skills by offering regular awareness-raising training on safe pesticide management techniques.
Abstract: In recent years, safe pesticide management has become increasingly important. Thus the research was aimed to evaluate the current state of pesticide management practices and farmers knowledge. The study deployed a multistage sampling technique to select participant districts and the respondents. About 268 sample respondents were drawn from six dist...
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Research Article
Spatial Based Analysis of Internally Displaced People in The Case of East Harerge Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2024
3 October 2024
29 October 2024
28 November 2024
Abstract: Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are individuals or groups forced to flee their homes due to human-induced or natural causes. This study aims to analyze IDPs in East Harerge Zone using Geographic Information System, focusing on spatial aspects of internal displacement. The research examines the causes, hotspot areas, spatial patterns, trends, and statistics of displacements in the Zone. A mixed research approach was employed to understand the contextual situation of IDPs, incorporating their own meanings, experiences, and challenges. Primary data sources included observations and key informant interviews with Zonal, Woreda Disaster Risk Management Office (DRMO) officials, and humanitarian workers in East Harerge. Secondary data sources comprised published and unpublished documents such as Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) datasets from 2017-2022, humanitarian reports, journals, books, administrative boundary data, and IDP population figures. The study reveals a high number of displacements in East Harerge Zone from 2017 to 2022, with IDPs originating from 15 out of 24 Woredas (63%) and displaced to various locations within the country, including Dire Dawa, Somali Region, and other regions. Conversely, IDPs were also displaced to East Harerge Zone from the Somali region, residing in 22 out of 24 Woredas (92%). The spatial distribution of displacement, causes, hotspot areas, and existing IDP sites were discussed in a spatial context using ArcGIS software. The causes of displacement were analyzed in conflict, drought, and flood-induced bases. Therefore, this study will be an input for All disaster risk management offices starting from National to Woreda level to make better decision and policy to strengthen spatial bases disaster management mechanism using GIS and remote sensing technologies.
Abstract: Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are individuals or groups forced to flee their homes due to human-induced or natural causes. This study aims to analyze IDPs in East Harerge Zone using Geographic Information System, focusing on spatial aspects of internal displacement. The research examines the causes, hotspot areas, spatial patterns, trends, an...
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Research Article
Assessment of the Influence of Safety Training on the Technicians Safety Culture in the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industries in Kenya
Josephine Miring’u*
Erastus Gatebe
Benson Karanja
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2024
3 November 2024
15 November 2024
16 December 2024
Abstract: Introduction: Technicians in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries work in a high risk occupational setting. They are routinely exposed to chemical hazards due to the nature of their work. In order for them to perform, safety is paramount. This research intended to assess the influence of safety culture of technicians in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. Methods: In order to achieve the objective, descriptive survey research design was used. Purposive sampling was used to select ten pharmaceutical Manufacturing industries which formed the research sample. Data was collected through questionnaires. The collected data was subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis by use of SPSS. The results showed that the safety maturity level of 85% of the PMI’s were continually improving safety maturity level and only 15% in the involving safety maturity level. This was based on an analysis of the safety culture in four key dimensions. The study also established that majority of the respondents at 75.4% had their first encounter with OSH training at work environment commonly referred to as On the Job Training and only 23.3% were trained during their academic/professional education. The findings show that the majority of the respondents; 89.0 % and 80.8% of the respondents had been trained on the requirements of OSH Act 2007 and Evacuation procedures respectively. Notably, the training area with the least awareness was Exposure Limits of hazardous chemicals and substances at 29.1% across all PMI’s. The p values for OSH Training and Safe work documentation are p<0.001 and 0.421 respectively, indicating that OSH training is a statistically significant predictor of safety Culture. Conclusion: The hypothesis, there is statistically significant influence of training on safety culture of technicians among pharmaceutical manufacturing industries in Kenya, was accepted. Therefore we can conclude that OSH training has a significant positive influence on safety culture in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries in Nairobi, Kenya. The study therefore recommends that there is need to incorporate an OSH competency in the professional training of potential employees in the PMI’s in Kenya. This will enhance awareness of hazards and shape attitudes towards safety, well in advance hence enhance the safety culture maturity levels. The government thought the Ministry Of Labour And Social protection should ensure frameworks are able to enforce the implementation of OSHA (2007) training requirements to fill the gap in the training topic on handling of hazardous chemicals for workers in the PMI’s.
Abstract: Introduction: Technicians in pharmaceutical manufacturing industries work in a high risk occupational setting. They are routinely exposed to chemical hazards due to the nature of their work. In order for them to perform, safety is paramount. This research intended to assess the influence of safety culture of technicians in pharmaceutical manufactur...
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Research Article
Study of the Microbiological Quality of Groundwater Consumed by the Population of the Messassi District in the City of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Lucien Honore Etame Sone
Cédric Gueguim*
Yannick Zombo Otoulou,
Anne Christine Ndzana Abomo,
Damase Serge Assiene Oyong,
Marie Julie Manga Sipewa,
Laurent Akono,
Marius Noubi Feuzeu,
Corneille Lawo Banga,
Jean Lagarde Betti,
Richard Ghogomu Tanwi
Volume 10, Issue 4, December 2024
18 November 2024
3 December 2024
23 December 2024
Abstract: The lack of an efficient drinking water management and distribution system across the territory of developing countries has forced populations to turn to other sources of water supply including wells and boreholes. The objectives of this study were to assess the microbiological quality of groundwater consumed by the population of the Messassi district in the city of Yaoundé. After a household survey to identify sources of drinking water supply, water samples were taken from the boreholes and wells most frequented by the population. The microorganisms were isolated after filtration of 100 ml of sample through a nitrocellulose membrane, with a microporosity of 0.22 µm. This membrane was then placed on the surface of the agar plates and incubated at 37°C and 44°C for 24 +/- 2 hours. After subculture on different media, pure bacterial isolates were identified by their cultural characteristics and commercialized biochemical galleries. Of the 101 households surveyed, 23 were supplied with borehole water and 21 with water from developed wells, i.e. 43.56% of households that consumed and used groundwater for their various needs when the other 56.44% households consumed tap water supplied by Cameroonian Water or mineral water. Of the 20 water samples that were taken in total, 04 came from boreholes, 07 from developed and regularly disinfected wells and 09 from developed and not regularly disinfected wells. The probable source of pollution was that of latrines located less than 15m from the wells (70℅). The 04 water samples taken from the boreholes were all compliant with total flora (TF), total coliforms (TC) and fecal coliforms (FC). Of the 07 wells developed and disinfected regularly, 06 samples were non-compliant with TF while 05 were non-compliant with TC and FC. Concerning the samples from the 09 wells developed and not disinfected, they were non-compliant with both TF and TC and FC. Bacterial species such as Salmonella arizonae (40℅), E. Coli (30℅), Proteus mirabilis (20℅) and Salmonella choleraesuis (10℅) were isolated. The results of the current survey show risks of microbiological contamination among the drinking water samples studied and consumed by the population. Regular and proper disinfection of the boreholes and wells in the town of Messassi is necessary to ensure a better quality of life for the population that consumes groundwater.
Abstract: The lack of an efficient drinking water management and distribution system across the territory of developing countries has forced populations to turn to other sources of water supply including wells and boreholes. The objectives of this study were to assess the microbiological quality of groundwater consumed by the population of the Messassi distr...
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