Research Article
Socratic Method in the Use of Web Tools
Rigail Sandoval Reyes*
Shadia Carolina Sandoval Torres
Volume 9, Issue 4, August 2024
15 July 2024
12 August 2024
20 September 2024
Abstract: In the integral training of the student from the Being, to know, to know-how and to know-how to-be; the American University Corporation within its pedagogical model assumes a systemic model, self-regulating constructivist.; teaching and learning revolve around building knowledge from collaborative work, enabling student training. The constructivist model has its roots in philosophy, psychology, sociology and education. the verb build comes from the Latin struere, which means 'fix' or 'give structure'. Constructivism offers a new paradigm for this new era of information motivated by new technologies that have emerged in recent years. With the advent of these technologies (wikis, social networks, blogs...). In this model learning is active, not passive. people learn when they can control their learning, which generates a relatively permanent change in associations or mental representations as a result of the experience. Teaching addresses discrete learning strategies and models, Those addressed in this space are the Socratic Dialogue for the Development of Critical Thinking that seeks to develop skills in the students of Public Accounting that allow them to perform a reflective critical analysis and the methodology of Applied Projects in which the student is taken, individually or in a group to project something concrete and to execute it, giving you the opportunity to check ideas through your app and stimulate creative thinking.
Abstract: In the integral training of the student from the Being, to know, to know-how and to know-how to-be; the American University Corporation within its pedagogical model assumes a systemic model, self-regulating constructivist.; teaching and learning revolve around building knowledge from collaborative work, enabling student training. The constructivist...
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Research Article
Artificial Intelligence Adoption and Project Success: A Mixed-Method Study
Volume 9, Issue 4, August 2024
17 July 2024
14 August 2024
26 September 2024
Abstract: AI's growing acceptance is changing project management's human-centric approach. Project management is using AI to automate and support duties. This change could improve workflows, decision-making, and project efficiency. The full influence of AI on project success is unknown. There is little empirical evidence linking AI use to project outcomes. This ignorance highlights the necessity to study AI's impact on project management. The project management AI industry is expected to expand 38% annually. Since the late 1980s, AI has improved project management by providing more intelligent and autonomous help. Data privacy, accountability, strategic leadership, communication, innovation, and emotional intelligence are important ethical issues. This study examines how AI adoption affects project success through communication and feedback. This mixed-method study examines how AI adoption affects project success. The quantitative phase measured AI communication, feedback, and project progress via a predefined questionnaire. The sample includes construction, IT, manufacturing, healthcare, and finance project managers and team members. Multiple regression analysis and structural equation modelling were employed in IBM SPSS AMOS to examine AI adoption and project success measures. A qualitative phase of semi-structured interviews with respondents contextualised the quantitative data. Thematic analysis gleaned insights from interview transcripts. AI's impact on project success was examined using integrated data, with ethics in mind. The study examined AI tool-project success relationships using a structural equation model. Communication mode, feedback style, and frequency explained 3% of project success variance. Quantitative research showed that AI communication frequency improves project success, whereas mode and style negatively impact it. Participants' qualitative comments indicated six themes that match quantitative findings, and their replies enhance quantitative results and recommend improvements. The study concluded that AI communication frequency positively increases project success, while mode and style negatively affect it. The mixed-methods approach showed that AI tools alone cannot ensure project success; communication style and frequency are. The study recommended among others that organisations should integrate AI tools into project management systems, match AI communication modes to project team preferences, optimise feedback styles, and provide regular updates to improve AI communication. Project teams need ongoing training.
Abstract: AI's growing acceptance is changing project management's human-centric approach. Project management is using AI to automate and support duties. This change could improve workflows, decision-making, and project efficiency. The full influence of AI on project success is unknown. There is little empirical evidence linking AI use to project outcomes. T...
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