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Confirmatory Factorial Model of Searching for Information on the Internet During COVID-19

Received: 12 June 2022     Accepted: 29 June 2022     Published: 31 March 2023
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The pandemic directly impacted the educational system by moving from the traditional classroom to the electronic blackboard. In this transition process, an educational habitus emerged that consisted of facing the health, economic, social and educational crisis in a self-management of opportunities. In this sense, the search for information was a fundamental tool to promote self-knowledge. The objective of the present was to establish the reliability and validity of an instrument that measures the intention to search for information in digital networks with a non-probabilistic selection of 253 students from a public university in the State of Mexico. The results show the establishment of eight factors among which the intention to select information explained 21% of the total variance. Lines of research are noted regarding the construction of an agenda with central information processing axes and issues to anticipate discussion scenarios and shared agreements. In relation to the state of knowledge in which stigma prevails towards the proximity of people and distancing as well as confinement as central strategies of anti-COVID-19 policies, the establishment of an agenda focused on the self-management of knowledge is recommended. The management, production and transfer of knowledge is recommended from the self-management of resources and opportunities, as well as from the interrupted collaboration between the parties involved in the public education system.

Published in International Journal of Science, Technology and Society (Volume 11, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijsts.20231103.12
Page(s) 95-102
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Governance, Internet, Digital Networks, Intention to Use, Information Selectivity

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  • APA Style

    Minerva Isabel Perez Ortega, Cruz Garcia Lirios, Jose Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes, Gabriel Perez Crisanto, Victor Hugo Meriño Cordoba, et al. (2023). Confirmatory Factorial Model of Searching for Information on the Internet During COVID-19. International Journal of Science, Technology and Society, 11(3), 95-102. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.20231103.12

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    ACS Style

    Minerva Isabel Perez Ortega; Cruz Garcia Lirios; Jose Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes; Gabriel Perez Crisanto; Victor Hugo Meriño Cordoba, et al. Confirmatory Factorial Model of Searching for Information on the Internet During COVID-19. Int. J. Sci. Technol. Soc. 2023, 11(3), 95-102. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsts.20231103.12

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    AMA Style

    Minerva Isabel Perez Ortega, Cruz Garcia Lirios, Jose Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes, Gabriel Perez Crisanto, Victor Hugo Meriño Cordoba, et al. Confirmatory Factorial Model of Searching for Information on the Internet During COVID-19. Int J Sci Technol Soc. 2023;11(3):95-102. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsts.20231103.12

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      abstract = {The pandemic directly impacted the educational system by moving from the traditional classroom to the electronic blackboard. In this transition process, an educational habitus emerged that consisted of facing the health, economic, social and educational crisis in a self-management of opportunities. In this sense, the search for information was a fundamental tool to promote self-knowledge. The objective of the present was to establish the reliability and validity of an instrument that measures the intention to search for information in digital networks with a non-probabilistic selection of 253 students from a public university in the State of Mexico. The results show the establishment of eight factors among which the intention to select information explained 21% of the total variance. Lines of research are noted regarding the construction of an agenda with central information processing axes and issues to anticipate discussion scenarios and shared agreements. In relation to the state of knowledge in which stigma prevails towards the proximity of people and distancing as well as confinement as central strategies of anti-COVID-19 policies, the establishment of an agenda focused on the self-management of knowledge is recommended. The management, production and transfer of knowledge is recommended from the self-management of resources and opportunities, as well as from the interrupted collaboration between the parties involved in the public education system.},
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    AU  - Minerva Isabel Perez Ortega
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    AU  - Jose Alfonso Aguilar Fuentes
    AU  - Gabriel Perez Crisanto
    AU  - Victor Hugo Meriño Cordoba
    AU  - Francisco Espinoza Morales
    AU  - Juan Antonio Garza Sanchez
    AU  - Hector Daniel Molina Ruiz
    AU  - Javier Carreoon Guillen
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    AU  - Isabel Cristina Rincón Rodríguez
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    AB  - The pandemic directly impacted the educational system by moving from the traditional classroom to the electronic blackboard. In this transition process, an educational habitus emerged that consisted of facing the health, economic, social and educational crisis in a self-management of opportunities. In this sense, the search for information was a fundamental tool to promote self-knowledge. The objective of the present was to establish the reliability and validity of an instrument that measures the intention to search for information in digital networks with a non-probabilistic selection of 253 students from a public university in the State of Mexico. The results show the establishment of eight factors among which the intention to select information explained 21% of the total variance. Lines of research are noted regarding the construction of an agenda with central information processing axes and issues to anticipate discussion scenarios and shared agreements. In relation to the state of knowledge in which stigma prevails towards the proximity of people and distancing as well as confinement as central strategies of anti-COVID-19 policies, the establishment of an agenda focused on the self-management of knowledge is recommended. The management, production and transfer of knowledge is recommended from the self-management of resources and opportunities, as well as from the interrupted collaboration between the parties involved in the public education system.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Education, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain

  • Department of Social Work, University of Huehuetoca, Huehuetoca, Mexico

  • Department of Communication, University of Huehuetoca, Huehuetoca, Mexico

  • Department of Communication, University of Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico

  • Department of Economy, University of Sonora, Hermosillo, Mexico

  • Department of Communication, University of Leon, Leon, Mexico

  • Department of Computation, University of Hidalgo, Pachuca, Mexico

  • Department of Social Work, University of Pedregal, Mexico City, Mexico

  • School of Administrative, Accounting, Economic and Business Sciences, ECACEN UNAD, Bogotá, Colombia

  • Faculty of Economic, Administrative and Accounting Sciences, University of Santander UDES, Bucaramanga, Colombia

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