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Historical Context of the Treaties Between Genoa and the Golden Horde 1380 - 1381

Received: 21 March 2022     Accepted: 12 April 2022     Published: 20 April 2022
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The year 1380 became one of the critical points in the history of Eastern Europe: the twenty-year civil war in the Ulus of Jochi ended, the Tatars suffered their first major defeat from Moscow in the Battle of Kulikovo, and a long-term system of political relations between Genoa and the Golden Horde developed in the Crimea. Each of these topics has a significant historiography. However, until today there is no comprehensive, systematic and holistic analysis of the relationship between these events. Even their mutual chronological sequence is not entirely clear. The causal relationships between them on the basis of the same sources are interpreted inconsistently, and in some cases - mutually exclusive. Important documents reflecting the political situation in the Ulus of Jochi at this turning point are two treaties signed by the Genoese consul of Kaffa and the Tatar governor of Solkhat in November 1380 and February 1381. This material analyzes political, legal, and economic provisions of the treaties of 1380–1381, the composition of the persons who participated in their signing, the circumstances of the concluding. Although the content of both documents is identical, and they differ only in the composition of the persons who signed them on the Horde’s side, the author believes that these are two independent acts. According to the author, both agreements were concluded on behalf of and in the interests of Toqtamïsh Khan. Wherein, based on numismatic data, the dating of the yarliq (jarlyg) to Bek Hajji and records in the Book of Caffan Massaria, the author is inclined to an early (before March 1380) dating of the establishment of Toqtamïsh Khan’ power in Crimea. The author is of the opinion that the existence of two agreements was in connection with a change of administration in Solkhat (although the details of this are unclear). He also considers N. Murzakevich’s assumption as highly probable in that the cession to the Genoese of Soldaia district and Crimean Gothia, stipulated by treaties, was a reward for the murder of Mamai which occurred perhaps between 28 November 1380 and 23 January 1381. The author offers three alternative scenarios for the development of events in the Crimea in autumn 1380 - early 1381 and propose further steps to establish the true one.

Published in International Journal of Science, Technology and Society (Volume 10, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14
Page(s) 49-65
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Genova, Caffa, Ulus of Jochi, Crimean Gothia, Soldaia, Toqtamïsh, Mamai

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  • APA Style

    Victor Mykolayovych Talakh. (2022). Historical Context of the Treaties Between Genoa and the Golden Horde 1380 - 1381. International Journal of Science, Technology and Society, 10(2), 49-65. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14

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    ACS Style

    Victor Mykolayovych Talakh. Historical Context of the Treaties Between Genoa and the Golden Horde 1380 - 1381. Int. J. Sci. Technol. Soc. 2022, 10(2), 49-65. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14

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    AMA Style

    Victor Mykolayovych Talakh. Historical Context of the Treaties Between Genoa and the Golden Horde 1380 - 1381. Int J Sci Technol Soc. 2022;10(2):49-65. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14,
      author = {Victor Mykolayovych Talakh},
      title = {Historical Context of the Treaties Between Genoa and the Golden Horde 1380 - 1381},
      journal = {International Journal of Science, Technology and Society},
      volume = {10},
      number = {2},
      pages = {49-65},
      doi = {10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14},
      url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14},
      eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.ijsts.20221002.14},
      abstract = {The year 1380 became one of the critical points in the history of Eastern Europe: the twenty-year civil war in the Ulus of Jochi ended, the Tatars suffered their first major defeat from Moscow in the Battle of Kulikovo, and a long-term system of political relations between Genoa and the Golden Horde developed in the Crimea. Each of these topics has a significant historiography. However, until today there is no comprehensive, systematic and holistic analysis of the relationship between these events. Even their mutual chronological sequence is not entirely clear. The causal relationships between them on the basis of the same sources are interpreted inconsistently, and in some cases - mutually exclusive. Important documents reflecting the political situation in the Ulus of Jochi at this turning point are two treaties signed by the Genoese consul of Kaffa and the Tatar governor of Solkhat in November 1380 and February 1381. This material analyzes political, legal, and economic provisions of the treaties of 1380–1381, the composition of the persons who participated in their signing, the circumstances of the concluding. Although the content of both documents is identical, and they differ only in the composition of the persons who signed them on the Horde’s side, the author believes that these are two independent acts. According to the author, both agreements were concluded on behalf of and in the interests of Toqtamïsh Khan. Wherein, based on numismatic data, the dating of the yarliq (jarlyg) to Bek Hajji and records in the Book of Caffan Massaria, the author is inclined to an early (before March 1380) dating of the establishment of Toqtamïsh Khan’ power in Crimea. The author is of the opinion that the existence of two agreements was in connection with a change of administration in Solkhat (although the details of this are unclear). He also considers N. Murzakevich’s assumption as highly probable in that the cession to the Genoese of Soldaia district and Crimean Gothia, stipulated by treaties, was a reward for the murder of Mamai which occurred perhaps between 28 November 1380 and 23 January 1381. The author offers three alternative scenarios for the development of events in the Crimea in autumn 1380 - early 1381 and propose further steps to establish the true one.},
     year = {2022}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Historical Context of the Treaties Between Genoa and the Golden Horde 1380 - 1381
    AU  - Victor Mykolayovych Talakh
    Y1  - 2022/04/20
    PY  - 2022
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14
    T2  - International Journal of Science, Technology and Society
    JF  - International Journal of Science, Technology and Society
    JO  - International Journal of Science, Technology and Society
    SP  - 49
    EP  - 65
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2330-7420
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsts.20221002.14
    AB  - The year 1380 became one of the critical points in the history of Eastern Europe: the twenty-year civil war in the Ulus of Jochi ended, the Tatars suffered their first major defeat from Moscow in the Battle of Kulikovo, and a long-term system of political relations between Genoa and the Golden Horde developed in the Crimea. Each of these topics has a significant historiography. However, until today there is no comprehensive, systematic and holistic analysis of the relationship between these events. Even their mutual chronological sequence is not entirely clear. The causal relationships between them on the basis of the same sources are interpreted inconsistently, and in some cases - mutually exclusive. Important documents reflecting the political situation in the Ulus of Jochi at this turning point are two treaties signed by the Genoese consul of Kaffa and the Tatar governor of Solkhat in November 1380 and February 1381. This material analyzes political, legal, and economic provisions of the treaties of 1380–1381, the composition of the persons who participated in their signing, the circumstances of the concluding. Although the content of both documents is identical, and they differ only in the composition of the persons who signed them on the Horde’s side, the author believes that these are two independent acts. According to the author, both agreements were concluded on behalf of and in the interests of Toqtamïsh Khan. Wherein, based on numismatic data, the dating of the yarliq (jarlyg) to Bek Hajji and records in the Book of Caffan Massaria, the author is inclined to an early (before March 1380) dating of the establishment of Toqtamïsh Khan’ power in Crimea. The author is of the opinion that the existence of two agreements was in connection with a change of administration in Solkhat (although the details of this are unclear). He also considers N. Murzakevich’s assumption as highly probable in that the cession to the Genoese of Soldaia district and Crimean Gothia, stipulated by treaties, was a reward for the murder of Mamai which occurred perhaps between 28 November 1380 and 23 January 1381. The author offers three alternative scenarios for the development of events in the Crimea in autumn 1380 - early 1381 and propose further steps to establish the true one.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Independent Researcher, Kyiv, Ukraine

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