Research Article | | Peer-Reviewed

Stakeholder’s Perceptions on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia

Received: 21 May 2024     Accepted: 11 June 2024     Published: 25 June 2024
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The study was focused on exploring stakeholder’s perceptions on the implemention Comprehensive Sexuality Education secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives was to determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation. The research employed Qualitative method and interpretivism paradigm. It used descriptive design which described the state of affairs of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as it existed at the time when the research was conducted. The study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 384. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews for headteachers, teachers, parents and learners, the close ended questionnaires administered on teachers, parents and learners whereas observation checklist was on used to teachers and learners. The research determined the perception of stakeholders and the responses were as follows; headteachers stated that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, while teachers echoed that it should be taught as a standalone subject but some felt that, the curriculum raised some sensitive issues that were previously taboo in African society. Most parents supported the implementation because learners were guided and regulated properly and their character and academic performance have improved while others’ opinion was that it should be taught by ifimbusa. Learners felt that they were being equipped with healthy sexuality lifestyle and decision making skills. The recommendation for this research are that; Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, school leadership in association with parents should champion the implementation of it, Parents should take responsibility of their children sexual life and behaviour, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of engaging parents while implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education and closely supervise its implementation in school should be devised and be reinforced in schools. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on exploring the potential reasons for implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public secondary schools from stakeholder’s perceptions would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in other rural settings in Muchinga Province other than Nakonde District.

Published in International Journal of Education, Culture and Society (Volume 9, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.17
Page(s) 162-173
Creative Commons

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Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


Stakeholders, Perceptions, Comprehensive Sexuality Education

1. Introduction
Comprehensive Sexuality approach is recognized as an ‘age-appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching about sexuality and relationships by providing scientifically accurate, realistic, non-judgmental information and ultimately promotes sexual abstinence as the safest sexual choice . Sexual pleasure and gender are important aspects of Comprehensive approach to sexuality education . The policy is sensitivity to gender and human rights across topics . Comprehensive Sexuality Education curriculum promotes diversity and effectiveness of suitable teaching methods .
The parents were generally in favor of teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, and there has been strong citizen mobilization in demanding for it . The previous study exposed cultural taboo to be the main hindrance to the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Learners desired a lot more of Comprehensive Sexuality Education at school than home .
The three major factors have a significant and positive influence on parent’s perception towards sex education to primary schools which are parents’ education level, content within the sex education syllabus, and the ways of imparting sex education .
The implementation in school setting is largely dependent on an individual teacher’s decision on what, how and when to teach coupled with lack of guidance, lack of legitimacy of the curriculum, and lack of local ownership of the agenda. . Lacking parental involvement in delivery and none comprehensive integration of topics as teachers were not comfortable with some lessons but concentrated on issues of abstinence leaving important components in the approach such as values, attitudes, and skills; culture, society and human rights; sexual behavior and relationships. The findings further showed that, teachers were not adequately trained in Comprehensive Sexuality Education integration and delivery as they were just sensitized by others who attended workshop on the same who were also inadequately trained . It is against this background the study sought to explore the perceptions of stakeholders concerning the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in rural Secondary School.
1.1. Statement of the Problem
The controversy concerning the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education has been a challenge in teaching fraternity even though Comprehensive Sexuality Education is key to reduce cases of school dropouts due to early marriage, abuses, teenage pregnancies and the like vices by providing necessary information about their bodies, sexuality, reduction of misinformation, shame, anxiety and improving the ability to make safe and informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health .
According Central Statistics Office 2010 and 2012 reports revealed that, despite the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Zambia there is no tangible results to indicate improvement in issues such as decrease in levels of teenage pregnancies . The numbers subsequently continued rising in comparison of 2017 and 2018 demographic figure in terms of child marriage and high school drop outs which kept on increasing especially in rural areas .
There seem to have been great controversy in the implementations of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in that the challenge faced by Zambia is that it is a Christian nation and it’s against national values. Teachers’ perceived teaching sex education regarded the local terminology as insulting .
It’s not known if there is any documentation concerning the exploration of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in rural Secondary Schools of Zambia in the perspective of stakeholders. It is in light of the foregoing that, the study sought to explore the potential reasons for the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and its expected outcomes in selected rural public secondary schools from the lens of stakeholders.
1.2. Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the study was to explore the potential reasons for the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and its expected outcomes in selected rural public secondary schools of Muchinga province of Zambia.
1.3. Research Objectives
To determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
1.4. Research Questions
How do teachers, learners and parent perceived the concept of Comprehensive Sexuality Education schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia?
2. Presentation of Findings
Determining the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education concept in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
The research findings according to the perceptions of stakeholders on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education were revealed by the participant and classified as leadership, institutional, societal and individual perception which were drawn from the responses given by Headteachers, teachers, learners as well as parents.
2.1. Leadership Perception
These are perception from the headteachers of institutions on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The responses from headteacher respondents were as follows;
Headteacher at SB revealed that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education has assisted in the bettering of learner conduct in terms of missing lessons and school as well as sleeping around with clearing agents which is common in this community. Learners academic performance has improved, but there is needs for sensitization and training of more teachers to enhance implementation process because at this school only guidance teachers attended a work shop.”
Headteacher at SA revealed that,
The government needs to re-structure Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools so that it has the responsible head of department for close monitoring otherwise cases of pregnancies and eloping have reduced. All I feel teachers must be specialized so that they can participate in implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education objectively because none of our teachers has been trained or sensitized. The implementation must continue.
Headteacher at SC submitted that,
“It is important they come and orient us. We don’t have books even write ups, teachers need to be trained. We are living in a changing society, we are still behind in Comprehensive Sexuality Education matter. Nevertheless it’s a good subjects but needs a lot of preparation in terms of labor force and resources,” there is need for proper planning, good training and provision of teaching materials for us to introduce it at this school.
Headteacher at SD narrated that,
I am comfortable with Comprehensive Sexuality Education being implemented and learners are eager to learn and most culprits are have changed and numbers of dropouts have reduced though some teacher are not comfortable because of some questions learner ask which makes them complain and shun away from Comprehensive Sexuality Education topics implement of Comprehensive Sexuality Education must continue.
The discoveries of this study on determining the leadership perception on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia from the headteacher participants were both positive and negative. The leadership in three schools were strongly in support of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and wished that, the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education to the learners must continue in institution because learners conduct and academic performance has been improved, cases of pregnancies and eloping has reduced. The negative response was from one school where the school leaders did not support the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they lack interest and needed orientation, sensitization and training before implementing it also there was no provision of teaching and learning material.
2.2. Institutional Perceptions
These are some of the perceptions from teacher respondents that affect or influence the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in rural public secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
T4 at SC lamented that,
teaching learners Comprehensive Sexuality Education depends on an individual teacher because we are not trained and teaching it was not all that good these children we are teaching tukala kulafye utwa kamuka( these children will be growing naughty) and government should first of all be engaged to sensitize the implementors and attach the importance it deserves if any.”
T2 at SD expounded that,
if we don’t teach our children as situation is, we may live our generation in limbo. It’s very important to teach learners holistically that is to pass exams and also to teach them in order to have the knowledge they require to survive in future and also to pass on to their next generation as well. Though Comprehensive Sexuality has from some individuals receives mixed feelings but it’s a very important subjects because it gives the learner the right knowledge they require in order to be relevant to the community. And some of the learners don’t know much but only excited with the vapor that comes with it from the very beginning but the repacation of it they don’t know. So they need to be informed very well. I believe the mind that is informed is able to make the right decisions. These learners who have contracted these diseases didn’t know the consequences. Those I have talked to have end up making right decisions and thanking me.
T5 at SB revealed that,
teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education is recommendable and very good initiative to help learners become assertive and confident looking at the levels of learners we are teaching, what is not good is to go beyond age of the learners. Comprehensive Sexuality Education benefit learners in many ways. However, it's essential to ensure that the content is age-appropriate and that it's delivered in a way that is sensitive to the individual needs and experiences of learners. Some learners may not be ready to engage with certain topics or information, and it's important to respect that.”
T2 at SA reported that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is good and interesting as it make learners to be aware of the dangers of STI’S, pregnancies at the early stage. It’s very important as teachers we have to engage ourselves though we must not go into details and must be limited according to age group. A balance must be struck between providing information that is comprehensive and providing information that is appropriate for each learner. It's also important to ensure that learners feel comfortable asking questions and seeking further information. Tailoring it to the age and maturity of the learners can strike a very good balance and its purpose can be achieved.”
T5 at SD stated that,
It’s a good initiative to raise learner self-awareness and self-esteem. Raising learners' self-awareness and self-esteem is a crucial part of CSE, as it helps them to develop a positive self-image and a sense of agency. By promoting self-awareness, learners are encouraged to understand and reflect on their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This can help them to become more resilient, confident, and independent individuals. In addition, by promoting self-esteem, learners are encouraged to value and respect themselves, regardless of external factors such as appearance, race, or economic status.
T3 at SA echoed that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is okay to be taught because these learners even have more information than teachers and at times they get this information from unreliable sources. The teacher is there to help verify and sieve information for the learners so that they are aware of their sexuality, what they should avoid and supposed to do. They can even reduce teenage pregnancies and they will not be sexually abused because some are abused unknowingly.”
T4 at SB indicated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is a good ideal but a 50:50 on the other hand it appears as if learners are being subjected to information that they are not supposed to have at a particular age. Some they experiment but others serve as a warning. It helps them to make adjustments. It has an advantage part and a disadvantage part.
T1 at SC stated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is not being taken seriously unless it was a subject it could have been better. I don’t include it anyhow especially if I am not interested. It depends on individual teacher’s interest, personally I have no interest. This is a very honest and revealing statement. While Comprehensive Sexuality Education it’s an important topic, it's clear that not all teachers are equally interested or invested in teaching it. This lack of engagement can have a negative impact on the learners, who may not receive the information and support they need.”
T1 at SB stated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is viewed as a very good move to help lessen truancy in learners and most learners are shy and never open up to talk about Comprehensive Sexuality Education at home and with friends while dangers of unsex sex are real so most learners would be helped and saved from reckless behaviour. By creating a safe space for learners to discuss sensitive topics, we can help them to make informed decisions and protect themselves from potential harm.
T3 at SD resonated that,
it’s a very good ideal and I am very comfortable because a lot of learners use to stop school because they didn’t know. Comprehensive Sexuality Education was not taught in schools that time since CSE is taught in schools it is very easy for the child to defend oneself especially when someone is making sexual advancement, the child will be able to answer objectively to that one who want to take advantage of her/him.”
T1 at SD indicated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation must continue because it allows to have knowledge of what usually happens when one is abused sexually and provides the health information of what to do immediately you get involved.
T2 at SB narrated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is good. it gives learners knowledge on how to use condoms if not able to manage to abstain. Comprehensive Sexuality Education might help to equip learners with the knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health. It's important to provide information on a variety of topics, including contraception, abstinence, and safe sex practices.”
T3 at SC echoed that,
it’s not being taken seriously unless it was a subject it could have been better. I don’t include it anyhow especially if I am not interested. It depends on individual teacher’s interest, personally I have no interest the responded further stated that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education gives teenagers sexual excitement causing them to do practical’s in society thereby resulting in unplanned pregnancies.”
T4 at SD exposed that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education provides knowledge on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies through menstrual cycles or contraception method. One of the key benefits of CSE is that it can help prevent unwanted pregnancies and other negative consequences of unprotected sex. It's important to provide accurate and comprehensive information about the menstrual cycle and various contraception methods, so that learners can make informed decisions about their sexual health.
T5 at SA echoed that,
its sky locating where you see most girls are getting pregnant and boys STI’s. It’s a good one. It should be taught as a standalone subject to all since HIV / AIDS is everywhere and on rampart. I think you raise a really important point about the prevalence of STIs and unwanted pregnancies among young people. It's clear that Comprehensive Sexuality Education needed now more than ever, as a way to combat the negative consequences of unprotected sex. It's encouraging to hear that you feel that CSE should be a standalone subject, rather than being tacked onto other subjects.”
T4 at SA reported that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is good and interesting as it make learners to be aware of the dangers of STI’S, pregnancies at the early stage. It’s very important as teachers we have to engage ourselves though we must not go into details and must be limited according to age group. The point about balancing the need for information with the age and maturity of learners is an important one. Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be tailored to the specific needs and understanding of the learners.
T3 at SB stated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is viewed as a very good move to help lessen truancy in learners and most learners are shy and never open up to talk about Comprehensive Sexuality Education at home and with friends while dangers of unsex sex are real so implementing CSE in school will help most learners would be helped and saved from reckless behaviour.
The findings of this study on determining the institutional teachers views on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia revealed that, some teachers were in support of implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education because it has promoted teaching learners holistically e.g. sexually, physically, academically, spiritually, socially, intellectually, it is recommendable and it’s a good initiative to make learners become assertive and confident, learners become aware of Sexually Transmitted Infections, dangers of early pregnancy, and substance abuse, it helps learners not to be abused, it helps learners to select and verify sexuality information very well, reduced school dropout out of school, it has reduced truancy in learners and helps them to be knowledgeable about sexuality matters. On the contrary some institutional perceptions indicated that, some teachers were not willing to teach and stated that, learners are given information at the time they are not supposed to have acquired such information because cultural aspect was not followed and I gives sexual excitement to the learners, another view was that, they wanted Comprehensive Sexuality Education to be taught as a standalone subject not integrated in another subject which time consuming.
2.3. Societal Perception
Societal views are the opinions given by parents which are viewed at community or society level. These are views that either affect or influence the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in rural public secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The following views were coming from parents on how they view the teaching of sexuality;
P2 at SB pointed out that,
Comprehensive sexuality must be taught in schools because since I became Parent Teacher Association chairperson at this school, learners conduct is now good and school academic results have improved and I am able to see my children studying together without sexual attachment.”
P2 at SA echoed that,
It’s not a bad idea because most parents are not comfortable so they fail to teach such issues of sexuality to their children, so when you find teacher teaching them you feel secure and comfortable because our children will be able to know how to survive using sexuality knowledge.
P4 at SA indicated that,
we parents are the best is to teach and counsel children on sexuality matters ourselves not the teachers. Parents are best placed to teach and counsel their own children about sexuality. After all, they know their children best and are in a unique position to understand their needs and concerns.
P5 at SD indicated that,
most of these learners come from disgruntled families and some are almost homeless, so they need Comprehensive sexuality information in order for them to be well behaved and responsible not prostitutes. Many learners come from difficult backgrounds and may not have the support they need at home. This makes it even more important for schools to provide them with accurate and comprehensive information about sexuality, as well as support and guidance.”
P3 at SA narrated that,
step parents and so called uncles have been abusing the children and they don’t know where to take that pain and shameful information. The issue of child abuse, particularly by family members, is a very difficult and sensitive one. It's clear that these children are in need of support and resources to help them cope with the trauma they've experienced.”
P1 at SD narrated that,
It’s an excellent thing, most parents don’t teach their children about sexuality education so if teachers can take up that role, then will be able to know that our children are very safe about Comprehensive Sexuality Education. There is a need for teachers to step up and fill the gap in sexuality education that may be left by parents. However, this raises the question of whether teachers have the training and resources they need to effectively teach Comprehensive Sexuality Education.”
P2 at SB submitted that,
schools have been helpful, school children know how to dress and behave and they no longer snatch our husbands so just continue teaching them Comprehensive Sexuality Education it seems that a positive impact from CSE in terms of improved behavior and decision-making among school children.
P3 at SD revealed that,
it’s good to teach Comprehensive Sexuality Education to our children so that they can protect themselves and report to relevant authorities in of times any form of sexual advancement and the consequences that follows. It’s important for children to be aware of the consequences of sexual activity, and to be equipped with the knowledge and resources to protect themselves and seek help when needed. One aspect of CSE that is particularly important is teaching children about consent, so that they know when they are being pressured or coerced into sexual activity.”
P4 at SB stated that,
In my own view as a parent and pastor the age is not acceptable. These things are (mashiku) a taboo. Stop teaching it until grade 10s who are in senior grades or 12 years old. He even gave an example of his child as an example who is in grade 8 but 12 years old. Many parents have similar concerns about the age at which children are exposed to sexuality education. However, it allows children to develop a healthy understanding of their bodies and sexuality from an early age.”
P1 at SC indicated that,
these children of nowadays watch a lot of things even on internet through phones so it’s better they learn at school where they will be regulated and guided. The reality is that children are exposed to a lot of information about sexuality, both accurate and inaccurate, from a variety of sources. It's crucial that they have access to accurate information in a safe and supportive environment, so they can make informed decisions and protect themselves.”
P2 at SD resonated that,
it’s a good subject because our children most times watch a lot of things which are not good morally and some parents do not monitor and control T. V programmes especially destructive channel even from neighbors. There are a lot of negative influences that children are exposed to, both from the media and from their peers. CSE can provide a way for children to understand and process the information they are exposed to, and to make healthy decisions for themselves.”
P5 at SB expounded that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education must be taught in schools because my children are able to defend themselves and their bodies from these useless boys in our village. It’s really helping children to grow up being observant on how they should look after themselves related with others even how to grow in a better matter especially when it comes to helping them to understand and protect their bodies. It's important for children to learn about bodily autonomy and consent, so that they can navigate relationships in a healthy and safe way.
P4 at SC pointed out that,
it is destroying children at a tender age. This was not in our old syllabus. The age is not appropriate. In the past the children were taught at Insaka which complimented todays teaching pansaka is better that teaching it in classes because there the people we respect and are well known are handling our children. They are supposed to be taught when they are of age by traditional teachers.
P5 at SA highlighted that,
teaching and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools must continue because most of my children are concentrating at school, they no longer give me pressure and worries. Comprehensive Sexuality Education has had a positive impact on your children's behavior and performance at school, which is really wonderful. It has change has changed my relationship with children, and has it made it easier for you to communicate with them about sensitive topics.”
P4 at SD resonated that,
this subject must continue because my children are able to share their sexual life with me and I am having a chance to talk to them about it unlike when we were growing that’s why we made a lot of mistakes. Comprehensive Sexuality Education has created a more open and trusting relationship between you and your children. This type of parent-child communication is so important for children's development and well-being.
P1 at SA narrated that,
it’s an excellent thing, most parents are too busy don’t teach their children about sexuality education so if teachers can take up that role, then will be able to know that our children are very safe about Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Many parents simply don't have the time or the resources to provide comprehensive sexuality education for their children. It's clear that teachers and schools can play a vital role in filling this gap, and providing a safe and supportive environment for children to learn about Comprehensive Sexuality Education.”
P2 at SC echoed that,
learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education is an welcome move for learners to know what is wrong and right. Like discouraging them from drinking beer, self-distraction like sleeping with a lot of men. It has helped learners to understand the consequences of risky behaviors like drinking alcohol or engaging in unprotected sex. In addition to teaching about the risks associated with these behaviors.”
P1 at SB highlighted that,
teaching and learning of Comprehensive Sexuality Education makes our children growing responsibly and has learnt how a girl must take care of herself which place to be found with a man and what times. It has helped children to grow up responsibly and make healthy choices is a really powerful one. In addition to teaching about the physical aspects of sexuality, it's also important to emphasize the emotional and psychological aspects of sexuality.”
P3 at SC lamented that,
the mentality of children is based on the desire to practice what they learn. The child will have a desire to practice what they are learning. Percentage has gone high for the children who are misbehaving due to these teachings. There is always a risk that children may take what they learn in CSE and apply it in unhealthy or inappropriate ways. However, it's important to remember that education is just one piece of the puzzle. Many other factors, such as parenting, peer pressure, and community norms, can also have a big impact on children's behavior.”
P5 at SC indicated that,
teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school must be discontinued because it has brought in more harm than good. Because what is known as (ifyafina) taboos are now too light. The initiators are destroying children because these children are coming from different homes, cultures and they have been taught differently. Especially using local languages. Today learners have girlfriends and nowadays learners even propose teachers instead we respected them. This curriculum which is influenced by American must be discontinued because you want money from them. Revisit the curriculum to that which was then in the time of Doctor Kenneth Kaunda.
P5 at SB revealed that,
it’s good to teach Comprehensive sexuality Education to our children can protect themselves and report to relevant authorities in times any form of sexual advancement and the consequences that follows. One of the key goals of Comprehensive sexuality Education is to empower children to advocate for themselves and to seek help when they need it.”
The empirical discoveries of this study on determining the society parental perceptions on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia exposed positive and negative views. Those who were positive concerning the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education viewed that, it should be implemented because academic performance results have been improved at school ever since they started teaching it, homeless children needs such information from school, because us parents are not comfortable teaching sexuality to our children, some of those orphans abused by guardians don’t know how and where to report, because most parents don’t take up the roles of teaching sexuality issues to their children. children are now well behaved because of Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons, our children are able to protect themselves, the children of nowadays learn a lot from the social media so they need to learn at school so that they can be regulated and guided properly, its make learners be alert and able to look after themselves sexually, the children nowadays concentrate in school, children are able to share and discuss sexual matters with parents, most parents are very busy to attend to their children so teachers makes work simple for them, learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education helps learners to know what is wrong and right resulting in making right and good decisions and it makes learners responsible of their bodies and the actions they take. The negative views from some parents were that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school must be discontinued because parents are the best teachers for sexuality issues, learners are too young they should only be taught sexuality matters when they are in grade 10, learners are supposed to be taught when they are of age by traditional instructors (ifimbusa) and not in school by these modern teacher, it makes some children practice what they learn, the curriculum open up what is hidden to growing children in African society which is teamed as a taboo.
2.4. Individual Views
These are responses attributed to individual perception concerning the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The responses were given in the following manner.
L3 at SD highlighted that,
Some of us learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school is the only source of organized information were we able to freely ask because only my grandparents used to talk about it before they all died and my family now is not united to find one to provide those teachings. I appreciate teachers for teaching us. Sexuality is very interesting and I enjoy it especially during debate and assembly.”
L2 at SD stated that,
It is good to learn Comprehensive Sexuality Education because we need to know outcome of sexual involvement. The goals of Comprehensive Sexuality Education is to ensure that people have accurate and comprehensive information about the potential outcomes of sexual activity, such as pregnancy, STIs, and emotional implications.
L1 at SB submitted that,
It is good to learn Comprehensive Sexuality Education when we learn that having sex before marriage is wrong and you may get pregnant while still at school also how to protect myself from contracting diseases. Comprehensive Sexuality Education provides information about the risks and consequences of early sexual activity, including pregnancy and STIs.”
L1 at SA revealed that,
I am comfortable and interested learning Comprehensive Sexuality education because realities about sexuality are discussed. It's also important for people to have the opportunity to ask questions and get accurate information. It's so important for people to feel like they can ask questions without judgment or shame, and to know that they're getting the most accurate and up-to-date information.
L3 at SB narrated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is educative and significant because we are even teaching each other on how to set priorities in life attaching level of importance. Comprehensive Sexuality Education have a broader impact beyond just providing information about sexuality. It also help young people to develop important life skills, such as decision-making and goal-setting.”
L4 at SA stated that,
It should continue, a lot of people are behind on how to use condoms and contraceptives. Many people lack the basic knowledge and skills they need to make informed decisions about their sexual health. CSE can play a vital role in filling this gap. For example, the needs of a 10-year-old might be different from the needs of a 16-year-old.”
L1 at SD indicated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is a good topic, everything has got advantages and disadvantages. When we are learning you will know how the disadvantages are even the bible says if you have sex before marriage it is a sin so we need to abstain ourselves from this sexuality activities. We confirm some of the things taught at church.
L5 at SB pointed out that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is good because it informs us that alcohol and drug abuse can lead to sexual abuse. The link between alcohol and drug abuse and sexual abuse is well-documented. Comprehensive Sexuality Education play a role in educating people about the dangers of substance abuse and the potential consequences, including sexual violence.”
L3 at SA stated that,
we enjoy discussing sexuality in class because it is very interesting and learning Comprehensive sexuality has made even quiet friends to start sharing experiences and knowledge even in other subjects. It has the potential to build social skills, create friendships, and improve academic engagement.”
L4 as SC pointed out that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is real especially when we are discussing ourselves only that we don’t learn as a subject in class. But we love it very much it should have its own teacher not this one talks about this part and another teacher on a different. Madam tell them to give us teacher for this subject because everything in it is true about from some words which are too big.
L2 at SB indicated that,
I enjoy it because it is real and interesting especially when we are given research to come and present, my friend confess about the consequences sexuality comes with is, so I learn from them during class discussions and presentations. Peer-to-peer learning is such an important aspect of Comprehensive Sexuality Education. By sharing their own experiences and perspectives, learners can help each other to better understand and navigate the complex world of sexuality.
L4 at SB submitted that,
it is good to learn Comprehensive Sexuality Education when we learn that having sex before marriage is wrong and you may get pregnant while still at school also how to protect myself from contracting diseases. Peer-to-peer learning is such an important aspect of CSE. By sharing their own experiences and perspectives, learners help each other to better understand and navigate the complex world of sexuality.
L4 at SD revealed that,
I am comfortable and interested learning Comprehensive Sexuality education because am comfortable and interested learning Comprehensive Sexuality education because physical, emotional, and social realities of sexuality are discussed. For example the physical aspect of sexuality, one example might be learning about the reproductive system and how it works. For the emotional aspect, an example might be learning about the feelings of intimacy, desire, or love that can be associated with sexuality. And for the social aspect, an example might be learning about the different social norms and expectations around sexuality.
L5 at SA narrated that,
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is educative and significant because we are even teaching each other on how to set priorities in our lives with level of importance. Comprehensive Sexuality Education is not only about teaching facts and information, but also about helping learners to develop critical thinking skills and apply that knowledge to their own lives.”
The discoveries of this study on determining the individual learner opinions on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia determined that learners are in total support of learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, they stated that learning it is the best way for us to ask questions on sexuality freely, it brings awareness of the outcome of sexual involvement, it equips us with skills for protection against sexual indulgence which can result into getting pregnancy or contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections, It gives out realities about sexuality activities and we free to discuss them, we peer teach each other, it helps in giving us more information on use of condom and contraceptives also discourages us not to get engaged in sexual activities while young, we are informed on substance abuse and how it leads one into sexual acts, it helps us share sexual experiences with friends and our parents freely, we love the subject and we are very much interested and comfortable to learn sexuality lesson, it is educative and we are well informed about sexuality knowledge.
The leadership in three schools were strongly in support of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and wished that, the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education to the learners must continue in institution because learners conduct and academic performance has been improved, cases of pregnancies and eloping has reduced. The negative response was from one school where school administrators did not implement the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they lack interest and needs orientation, sensitization and training before implementing it, there is no provision of teaching and learning material.
Whereas from institutional view, some teachers were in support of implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education because it has promoted teaching learners holistically e.g. sexually, physically, academically, spiritually, socially, intellectually, it is recommendable and it’s a good initiative to make learners become assertive and confident, learners become aware of Sexually Transmitted Infections, dangers of early pregnancy, and substance abuse, it helps learners not to be abused, it helps learners to select and verify every sexuality information very well, it has reduced numbers of dropout outs from school, it has reduced truancy in learners and helps them to be knowledgeable about sexuality matters. On the contrary some other teachers views indicated that, some teachers were not willing to teach and stated that, learners are given information at the time they are not supposed to have acquired such information because cultural aspect was not followed and I gives sexual excitement to the learners, another view was that, they wanted Comprehensive Sexuality Education must be taught as a standalone subject not as integrated in another subject which is time consuming.
The societal views were that, that it should be implemented because academic performance results have been improved at school ever since they started teaching it, homeless children needs such information from school, because us parents are not comfortable teaching sexuality to our children, some of those orphans abused by guardians don’t know how and where to report, because most parents don’t take up the roles of teaching sexuality issues to their children. children are now well behaved because of Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons, our children are able protect themselves, the children of nowadays learn a lot from the social media so they need to learn at school so that they can be regulated and guided properly, its make learners be alert and able to look after themselves sexually, the children nowadays concentrate in school, children are able to share and discuss sexual matters with parents, most parents are very busy to attend to their children so teachers makes work simple for them, learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education helps learners to know what is wrong and right resulting in making right and good decisions and it makes learners responsible of and on their bodies and the actions they take. The negative views from some parents were that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school must be discontinued because parents are the best teachers for sexuality issues, learners are too young they should only be taught sexuality matters when they are in grade 10, learners are supposed to be taught when they are of age by traditional instructors and not in school by these modern teachers, it makes some children practice what they learn, the curriculum open up to what is hidden to growing children in African society which is teamed as a taboo.
Individual learner were in total support of learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, they stated that learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education is the best way for them to ask questions on sexuality freely, it brings awareness of the outcome of sexual involvement, it equips learners with skills for protection against sexual indulgence which can result into getting pregnancy or contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections, It gives out realities about sexuality activities and free to discuss them, learners are able to peer teach each other, it helps in giving learners more information on the use of condom and contraceptives, it correspondingly discourages learners not to get engaged in sexual activities while young, learners are informed on substance abuse and how it leads one into sexual acts, it helps learners share sexual experiences with friends and their parents freely, learners love the subject and are very much interested and comfortable to learn sexuality lesson, it is educative and they are well informed about sexuality knowledge.
3. Discussions and Interpretation of Findings
Determining the perception of stakeholders concerning the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia.
The research discussions according to the perceptions of stakeholders on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as revealed by the participant and classified as leadership, institutional, societal and individual views drawn from the responses given by Headteachers, teachers, learners as well as parents.
3.1. Leadership Perceptions
The study determined that, responses from the headteachers were both positive and negative. The leadership in three schools were strongly in support of Comprehensive Sexuality Education and wished that, the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education to the learners must continue in institution because learners conduct and academic performance has been improved, cases of pregnancies and eloping has reduced. The negative response was from one school where school administrators did not implement the teaching of Comprehensive Sexuality Education because they lack interest and needs orientation, sensitization and training before implementing it, there is no provision of teaching and learning material.
The current study is in line with Healthy Belief Model by Rosenstoch which states that, learners must weigh different variables before deciding on an action or behavior on the issues of sexuality . Additionally, learners must also believe their actions or behaviors leads to a desirable outcome and they must feel confident that they can attain this outcome. The Comprehensive Sexuality Education offered to learners must be capable of helping learners make health personal well informed and sound decisions on the issues of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in order to improve their wellbeing .
The researcher’s thought concerning leadership perception on the implementation of Comprehensive sexuality Education in which they said that implementation Comprehensive Sexuality Education should continue, the researcher is in agreement with this perception because headteachers have supported the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education.
3.2. Institutional Perceptions
The research revealed that, some teachers were in support of implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education because it has promoted teaching learners holistically e.g. sexually, physically, academically, spiritually, socially, intellectually, it is recommendable and it’s a good initiative to make learners become assertive and confident, learners become aware of Sexually Transmitted Infections, dangers of early pregnancy, and substance abuse, it helps learners not to be abused, it helps learners to select and verify every sexuality information very well, it has reduced numbers of dropout outs from school, it has reduced truancy in learners and helps them to be knowledgeable about sexuality matters. On the contrary some other teachers views indicated that, some teachers were not willing to teach and stated that, learners are given information at the time they are not supposed to have acquired such information because cultural aspect was not followed and I gives sexual excitement to the learners, another view was that, they wanted Comprehensive Sexuality Education must be taught as a standalone subject not as integrated in another subject which is time consuming.
The previous study discoveries on the negative responses from the teachers were in agreement with Chavula who discovered that, teachers were not comfortable teaching some Comprehensive Sexuality Education topics due to cultural and normative factors and teachers’ perceived teaching sex education regarded the local terminology as insulting .
The current study is partially similar to Bass Transformational leadership model which stated that, leaders influence their subordinated by expanding their understandings of the importance of tasks making them realize to keep goals above the individual interests. In this case the goal is to help learners make sound decisions concerning their sexual wellbeing .
On the perception of teachers concerning the implemention of Comprehensive Sexuality Education some teachers said that it should continue because teachers regulate and guide learners properly, while a few another’s pointed out that it should not be taught to learners because they are young. The researchers’ point of view was that not all teachers were in agreement in the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education it would be of benefit if all teachers can be oriented and trained on matters of sexuality and in Comprehensive Sexuality Education for them to understand its significance and accord it the importance it deserves.
3.3. Societal Perception
The study empirical determined that, it should be implemented because academic performance results have been improved at school ever since they started teaching it, homeless children needs such information from school, because us parents are not comfortable teaching sexuality to our children, some of those orphans abused by guardians don’t know how and where to report, because most parents don’t take up the roles of teaching sexuality issues to their children. children are now well behaved because of Comprehensive Sexuality Education lessons, our children are able protect themselves, the children of nowadays learn a lot from the social media so they need to learn at school so that they can be regulated and guided properly, its make learners be alert and able to look after themselves sexually, the children nowadays concentrate in school, children are able to share and discuss sexual matters with parents, most parents are very busy to attend to their children so teachers makes work simple for them, learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education helps learners to know what is wrong and right resulting in making right and good decisions and it makes learners responsible of and on their bodies and the actions they take. The negative views from some parents were that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school must be discontinued because parents are the best teachers for sexuality issues, learners are too young they should only be taught sexuality matters when they are in grade 10, learners are supposed to be taught when they are of age by traditional instructors and not in school by these modern teachers, it makes some children practice what they learn, the curriculum open up to what is hidden to growing children in African society which is teamed as a taboo.
That parents were generally in favor of teaching Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, and there has been strong citizen mobilization in demanding for it . The main challenges highlighted that Zambia being a Christian nation, Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation experienced some opposition, as it was seen to go against Christian teachings and national values, some parents were not in full support Comprehensive Sexuality Education being taught in schools to their children, parents were worried about the age appropriateness of the topics . The other challenges faced are; parents’ education level, content within the sex education syllabus, and the ways of imparting sex education .
The current study is incongruent with Bass Transformational Leadership theory who pointed out that, the role of a leader is to be a role model and this can bring about change in the lives of the subordinates who are learners .
The societal perception on the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in which they said that implementation Comprehensive Sexuality Education which came from parents was that, implementation should continue because learners sexual behaviour and academic have improved, learners know how and where to report sexuality cases contrary to others who echoed that the only people who are supposed to teach sexuality matters are ifimbusa not teachers, and the curriculum open up to what is hidden to growing children in African society which is teamed as a taboo. The researchers’ opinion was that, parents must be sensitized through an extra-ordinary meeting specifically for Comprehensive Sexuality matters.
3.4. Individual Views
The research determined that, learners are in total support of learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education in school, they stated that learning Comprehensive Sexuality Education is the best way for them to ask questions on sexuality freely, it brings awareness of the outcome of sexual involvement, it equips learners with skills for protection against sexual indulgence which can result into getting pregnancy or contracting Sexually Transmitted Infections, It gives out realities about sexuality activities and free to discuss them, learners are able to peer teach each other, it helps in giving learners more information on the use of condom and contraceptives, it correspondingly discourages learners not to get engaged in sexual activities while young, learners are informed on substance abuse and how it leads one into sexual acts, it helps learners share sexual experiences with friends and their parents freely, learners love the subject and are very much interested and comfortable to learn sexuality lesson, it is educative and they are well informed about sexuality knowledge.
The findings of the current study was in congruent with Sharan who determined that, learners desired a lot more from Comprehensive Sexuality Education than what was currently offered for sexual decision-making and they favoured school-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education as discussion surrounding the topic was very interesting and that they were limited at home due to traditions, cultural beliefs and taboos .
The discoveries in the current study were in agreement with Healthy Belief Model on learner’s perception and attitude in knowing the positive and negative aspects of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in order to have the right altitude .
The perception of learners on the implemention of Comprehensive Sexuality were that implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education should continue because learners are well informed about sexuality matters, equipped with sexuality skills, empowered with knowledge and are able to make informed decisions on sexuality matters. The researchers’ opinion was in congruent with the learners’ perception in that learner’s character and academic performance have improved coupled with abilities to make informed decisions.
4. Conclusion
The researcher investigated and established whether perceptions and attitudes are taken into consideration during the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education of which the current study intended to confirm. It is evident that some parents were in support and demanded for Comprehensive sexuality Education to be taught in schools, also some teachers were implementing it on learners while others were not this was made possible because headteachers provided leadership in matters of sexuality. it is therefore, highly recommended that, school leaders to take a lead in ensuring that teachers, parents and learners finding it difficulty concerning the implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education be respectively, oriented, sensitized and trained through cascading model so that parents champion the individualized counseling to their children on sexuality matters.


United Nations Educational Scientific Culture Organisation


Comprehensive Sexuality Education.


United Nations Population Fund

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Chibalange, M. M., Annie, P. (2024). Stakeholder’s Perceptions on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. International Journal of Education, Culture and Society, 9(3), 162-173.

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    ACS Style

    Chibalange, M. M.; Annie, P. Stakeholder’s Perceptions on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. Int. J. Educ. Cult. Soc. 2024, 9(3), 162-173. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.17

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    AMA Style

    Chibalange MM, Annie P. Stakeholder’s Perceptions on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. Int J Educ Cult Soc. 2024;9(3):162-173. doi: 10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.17

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijecs.20240903.17,
      author = {Mulenga Memory Chibalange and Penda Annie},
      title = {Stakeholder’s Perceptions on the Implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Secondary Schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia
      journal = {International Journal of Education, Culture and Society},
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      abstract = {The study was focused on exploring stakeholder’s perceptions on the implemention Comprehensive Sexuality Education secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives was to determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation. The research employed Qualitative method and interpretivism paradigm. It used descriptive design which described the state of affairs of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as it existed at the time when the research was conducted. The study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 384. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews for headteachers, teachers, parents and learners, the close ended questionnaires administered on teachers, parents and learners whereas observation checklist was on used to teachers and learners. The research determined the perception of stakeholders and the responses were as follows; headteachers stated that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, while teachers echoed that it should be taught as a standalone subject but some felt that, the curriculum raised some sensitive issues that were previously taboo in African society. Most parents supported the implementation because learners were guided and regulated properly and their character and academic performance have improved while others’ opinion was that it should be taught by ifimbusa. Learners felt that they were being equipped with healthy sexuality lifestyle and decision making skills. The recommendation for this research are that; Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, school leadership in association with parents should champion the implementation of it, Parents should take responsibility of their children sexual life and behaviour, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of engaging parents while implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education and closely supervise its implementation in school should be devised and be reinforced in schools. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on exploring the potential reasons for implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public secondary schools from stakeholder’s perceptions would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in other rural settings in Muchinga Province other than Nakonde District.
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    AB  - The study was focused on exploring stakeholder’s perceptions on the implemention Comprehensive Sexuality Education secondary schools of Muchinga Province of Zambia. The main objectives was to determine the perception of stakeholders concerning Comprehensive Sexuality Education implementation. The research employed Qualitative method and interpretivism paradigm. It used descriptive design which described the state of affairs of Comprehensive Sexuality Education as it existed at the time when the research was conducted. The study sample comprised of headteachers, teachers, parents and learners with the total number of 384. It employed three instruments namely; semi structured interviews for headteachers, teachers, parents and learners, the close ended questionnaires administered on teachers, parents and learners whereas observation checklist was on used to teachers and learners. The research determined the perception of stakeholders and the responses were as follows; headteachers stated that, Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, while teachers echoed that it should be taught as a standalone subject but some felt that, the curriculum raised some sensitive issues that were previously taboo in African society. Most parents supported the implementation because learners were guided and regulated properly and their character and academic performance have improved while others’ opinion was that it should be taught by ifimbusa. Learners felt that they were being equipped with healthy sexuality lifestyle and decision making skills. The recommendation for this research are that; Comprehensive Sexuality Education should be implemented in all schools, school leadership in association with parents should champion the implementation of it, Parents should take responsibility of their children sexual life and behaviour, learners should take responsibility of acquiring sexuality skills, knowledge, values, right altitude and of making informed decisions appropriately. It is highly recommended that, the government should develop a deliberate policy of engaging parents while implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education and closely supervise its implementation in school should be devised and be reinforced in schools. The future recommendation from this study was that, A research on exploring the potential reasons for implementing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in selected rural public secondary schools from stakeholder’s perceptions would be worthwise in order to establish the expected outcomes on learners. The same research should be conducted in other rural settings in Muchinga Province other than Nakonde District.
    VL  - 9
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    ER  - 

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    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Presentation of Findings
    3. 3. Discussions and Interpretation of Findings
    4. 4. Conclusion
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