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Multi Traits of Phosphate Solublizing Bacterial and Fungal Isolates and Evaluation of Their Potential as Biofertilizer Agent for Coffee Production

Received: 7 December 2020     Accepted: 17 December 2020     Published: 12 January 2021
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Exploitation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi as bioinoculants instead of chemical fertilizers is known to promote plant growth through the supply of plant nutrients. In view of this, the present investigation was planned to assess the phytobeneficial traits of phosphate solublizing bacterial and fungal isolates recovered from coffee arabica rhizosphere/ vermicompost and to determine their potential in growth promotion of coffee seedlings. They were isolated and purified following standard methods. A total number of 154 bacteria and 72 fungi were isolated from vermicompost and coffee rhizosphere. Out of these, twelve potent bacterial and nine fungal isolates were selected and investigated. Among twelve bacterial isolates, three of them showed significant potential to solubilize Ca3 (PO4)2 and had phytobeneficial traits, viz, indole acetic acid, NH3, HCN production and N-fixing ability. The three bacterial isolates (RCHVCB1, RScB1.19 and RMaB2.11) exhibited also remarkable tolerance to ecophysiological factors such as heavy metal, acidity and salinity. These potent isolates were selected for further identification based on morphological and biochemical characteristics and presumptively identified as genera of Pseudomonas (RCHVCB1) and Bacillus (RScB1.19 and RMaB2.11). Similarly, three fungal isolates with superior phosphate solubilizeation ability were characterized and identified as genera Penicillium (RSCF1.19) and Aspergillus (RCHVCF2 and RLVCF2). Consequently, these three efficient bacterial and fungal isolates were evaluated on the coffee seed germination on Petri dish based trial under laboratory condition. The results of inoculated seeds showed significant (p≤0.05) differences in germination rate and vigor index compared to the control. Among all inoculums RScB1.19, RMaB2.11+RSCF1.19 and RMaB2.11 + RLVCF2 showed significantly (p≤0.05) high germination rate (20.59%) over the control (13.33%). Moreover, a single inoculation of RLVCF2, RSCF1.19 and co-inoculation of RMaB2.11 with RLVCF2 also showed significant (p≤0.05) mean root length (1.31cm) and mean shoot length (1.48cm) over the control. These effective bacterial and fungal solublizers can be recommended under field condition as biofertilizer agent and reducing the cost required for chemical fertilizers and providing a step forward towards sustainable agriculture.

Published in International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences (Volume 7, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijaas.20210701.11
Page(s) 1-15
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Germination, Phosphate Solubilization, Bioinoculants, Phytobeneficial, Ecophysiology

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  • APA Style

    Reshid Abafita Abawari, Fasil Asefa Tuji, Diriba Muleta Yadete. (2021). Multi Traits of Phosphate Solublizing Bacterial and Fungal Isolates and Evaluation of Their Potential as Biofertilizer Agent for Coffee Production. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 7(1), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijaas.20210701.11

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    ACS Style

    Reshid Abafita Abawari; Fasil Asefa Tuji; Diriba Muleta Yadete. Multi Traits of Phosphate Solublizing Bacterial and Fungal Isolates and Evaluation of Their Potential as Biofertilizer Agent for Coffee Production. Int. J. Appl. Agric. Sci. 2021, 7(1), 1-15. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20210701.11

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    AMA Style

    Reshid Abafita Abawari, Fasil Asefa Tuji, Diriba Muleta Yadete. Multi Traits of Phosphate Solublizing Bacterial and Fungal Isolates and Evaluation of Their Potential as Biofertilizer Agent for Coffee Production. Int J Appl Agric Sci. 2021;7(1):1-15. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20210701.11

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      title = {Multi Traits of Phosphate Solublizing Bacterial and Fungal Isolates and Evaluation of Their Potential as Biofertilizer Agent for Coffee Production},
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      abstract = {Exploitation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi as bioinoculants instead of chemical fertilizers is known to promote plant growth through the supply of plant nutrients. In view of this, the present investigation was planned to assess the phytobeneficial traits of phosphate solublizing bacterial and fungal isolates recovered from coffee arabica rhizosphere/ vermicompost and to determine their potential in growth promotion of coffee seedlings. They were isolated and purified following standard methods. A total number of 154 bacteria and 72 fungi were isolated from vermicompost and coffee rhizosphere. Out of these, twelve potent bacterial and nine fungal isolates were selected and investigated. Among twelve bacterial isolates, three of them showed significant potential to solubilize Ca3 (PO4)2 and had phytobeneficial traits, viz, indole acetic acid, NH3, HCN production and N-fixing ability. The three bacterial isolates (RCHVCB1, RScB1.19 and RMaB2.11) exhibited also remarkable tolerance to ecophysiological factors such as heavy metal, acidity and salinity. These potent isolates were selected for further identification based on morphological and biochemical characteristics and presumptively identified as genera of Pseudomonas (RCHVCB1) and Bacillus (RScB1.19 and RMaB2.11). Similarly, three fungal isolates with superior phosphate solubilizeation ability were characterized and identified as genera Penicillium (RSCF1.19) and Aspergillus (RCHVCF2 and RLVCF2). Consequently, these three efficient bacterial and fungal isolates were evaluated on the coffee seed germination on Petri dish based trial under laboratory condition. The results of inoculated seeds showed significant (p≤0.05) differences in germination rate and vigor index compared to the control. Among all inoculums RScB1.19, RMaB2.11+RSCF1.19 and RMaB2.11 + RLVCF2 showed significantly (p≤0.05) high germination rate (20.59%) over the control (13.33%). Moreover, a single inoculation of RLVCF2, RSCF1.19 and co-inoculation of RMaB2.11 with RLVCF2 also showed significant (p≤0.05) mean root length (1.31cm) and mean shoot length (1.48cm) over the control. These effective bacterial and fungal solublizers can be recommended under field condition as biofertilizer agent and reducing the cost required for chemical fertilizers and providing a step forward towards sustainable agriculture.},
     year = {2021}

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    T1  - Multi Traits of Phosphate Solublizing Bacterial and Fungal Isolates and Evaluation of Their Potential as Biofertilizer Agent for Coffee Production
    AU  - Reshid Abafita Abawari
    AU  - Fasil Asefa Tuji
    AU  - Diriba Muleta Yadete
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    AB  - Exploitation of phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi as bioinoculants instead of chemical fertilizers is known to promote plant growth through the supply of plant nutrients. In view of this, the present investigation was planned to assess the phytobeneficial traits of phosphate solublizing bacterial and fungal isolates recovered from coffee arabica rhizosphere/ vermicompost and to determine their potential in growth promotion of coffee seedlings. They were isolated and purified following standard methods. A total number of 154 bacteria and 72 fungi were isolated from vermicompost and coffee rhizosphere. Out of these, twelve potent bacterial and nine fungal isolates were selected and investigated. Among twelve bacterial isolates, three of them showed significant potential to solubilize Ca3 (PO4)2 and had phytobeneficial traits, viz, indole acetic acid, NH3, HCN production and N-fixing ability. The three bacterial isolates (RCHVCB1, RScB1.19 and RMaB2.11) exhibited also remarkable tolerance to ecophysiological factors such as heavy metal, acidity and salinity. These potent isolates were selected for further identification based on morphological and biochemical characteristics and presumptively identified as genera of Pseudomonas (RCHVCB1) and Bacillus (RScB1.19 and RMaB2.11). Similarly, three fungal isolates with superior phosphate solubilizeation ability were characterized and identified as genera Penicillium (RSCF1.19) and Aspergillus (RCHVCF2 and RLVCF2). Consequently, these three efficient bacterial and fungal isolates were evaluated on the coffee seed germination on Petri dish based trial under laboratory condition. The results of inoculated seeds showed significant (p≤0.05) differences in germination rate and vigor index compared to the control. Among all inoculums RScB1.19, RMaB2.11+RSCF1.19 and RMaB2.11 + RLVCF2 showed significantly (p≤0.05) high germination rate (20.59%) over the control (13.33%). Moreover, a single inoculation of RLVCF2, RSCF1.19 and co-inoculation of RMaB2.11 with RLVCF2 also showed significant (p≤0.05) mean root length (1.31cm) and mean shoot length (1.48cm) over the control. These effective bacterial and fungal solublizers can be recommended under field condition as biofertilizer agent and reducing the cost required for chemical fertilizers and providing a step forward towards sustainable agriculture.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Jimma Agricultural Research Centre, Jimma, Ethiopia

  • Department of Microbial, Cellular and Molecular Biology, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

  • Institute of Biotechnology, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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