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Risk Management Information Technology Based on ISO 31000:2018 at Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero

Received: 6 July 2022     Accepted: 29 July 2022     Published: 5 August 2022
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Risk is defined as a state of uncertainty, where an undesirable situation occurs and causes a loss for an agency. Therefore, risks need to be managed properly. Risk management is all activities to manage risks or threats that can occur in an agency. One of the standard risk management tools is the ISO 31000:2018. There have been many studies that present how to analyze IT risk management in an agency using the ISO 31000:2018 framework with various methods. From the many articles on risk management in an institution or organization, this framework becomes a reference for analyzing IT risk management in higher education institutions. This research is a case study conducted at the Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IPCT) at Ledalero. The IT risk management analysis work process used is ISO 31000:2018. The methods used in this study were interviews given to the head of the IT division, direct observation, and an open questionnaire given to all work units at IPCT. The purpose of this research is to identify IT assets, identify risks and their impacts, analyze, and treatment risks. The results of this study indicate that the risk impact of 28 elements which is the elaboration of 3 main factors, namely 2 elements are in the Low-Medium category with a scale (0.36-0.42), 5 elements are included in the Medium-Low category with a scale range (0.25-0.34), 7 elements are included in the Minimum-Low category with a scale range ((0.00-0.14), and the most are in the Low-Low category with a scale range (0.15-0.24) which is as many as 14 elements.

Published in American Journal of Computer Science and Technology (Volume 5, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajcst.20220503.13
Page(s) 170-177
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Risk Management, Information Technology, ISO 31000:2018

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  • APA Style

    Maria Florentina Rumba, Robertus Mirsel, Fransiskus Xaverius Sabu. (2022). Risk Management Information Technology Based on ISO 31000:2018 at Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero. American Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 5(3), 170-177. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajcst.20220503.13

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    ACS Style

    Maria Florentina Rumba; Robertus Mirsel; Fransiskus Xaverius Sabu. Risk Management Information Technology Based on ISO 31000:2018 at Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero. Am. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 2022, 5(3), 170-177. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcst.20220503.13

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    AMA Style

    Maria Florentina Rumba, Robertus Mirsel, Fransiskus Xaverius Sabu. Risk Management Information Technology Based on ISO 31000:2018 at Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero. Am J Comput Sci Technol. 2022;5(3):170-177. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcst.20220503.13

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      abstract = {Risk is defined as a state of uncertainty, where an undesirable situation occurs and causes a loss for an agency. Therefore, risks need to be managed properly. Risk management is all activities to manage risks or threats that can occur in an agency. One of the standard risk management tools is the ISO 31000:2018. There have been many studies that present how to analyze IT risk management in an agency using the ISO 31000:2018 framework with various methods. From the many articles on risk management in an institution or organization, this framework becomes a reference for analyzing IT risk management in higher education institutions. This research is a case study conducted at the Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IPCT) at Ledalero. The IT risk management analysis work process used is ISO 31000:2018. The methods used in this study were interviews given to the head of the IT division, direct observation, and an open questionnaire given to all work units at IPCT. The purpose of this research is to identify IT assets, identify risks and their impacts, analyze, and treatment risks. The results of this study indicate that the risk impact of 28 elements which is the elaboration of 3 main factors, namely 2 elements are in the Low-Medium category with a scale (0.36-0.42), 5 elements are included in the Medium-Low category with a scale range (0.25-0.34), 7 elements are included in the Minimum-Low category with a scale range ((0.00-0.14), and the most are in the Low-Low category with a scale range (0.15-0.24) which is as many as 14 elements.},
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    AB  - Risk is defined as a state of uncertainty, where an undesirable situation occurs and causes a loss for an agency. Therefore, risks need to be managed properly. Risk management is all activities to manage risks or threats that can occur in an agency. One of the standard risk management tools is the ISO 31000:2018. There have been many studies that present how to analyze IT risk management in an agency using the ISO 31000:2018 framework with various methods. From the many articles on risk management in an institution or organization, this framework becomes a reference for analyzing IT risk management in higher education institutions. This research is a case study conducted at the Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology (IPCT) at Ledalero. The IT risk management analysis work process used is ISO 31000:2018. The methods used in this study were interviews given to the head of the IT division, direct observation, and an open questionnaire given to all work units at IPCT. The purpose of this research is to identify IT assets, identify risks and their impacts, analyze, and treatment risks. The results of this study indicate that the risk impact of 28 elements which is the elaboration of 3 main factors, namely 2 elements are in the Low-Medium category with a scale (0.36-0.42), 5 elements are included in the Medium-Low category with a scale range (0.25-0.34), 7 elements are included in the Minimum-Low category with a scale range ((0.00-0.14), and the most are in the Low-Low category with a scale range (0.15-0.24) which is as many as 14 elements.
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Author Information
  • Philosophy Faculty, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero, Indonesia

  • Philosophy Faculty, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero, Indonesia

  • Library Bureau, Institute of Philosophy and Creative Technology, Ledalero, Indonesia

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