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Validation of the EcH2O Electron-Activated Reactor for Purifying Contaminated Water in Parkersburg (West Virginia)

Received: 16 November 2015     Accepted: 29 November 2015     Published: 16 December 2015
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This paper discusses validation of the EcH2O portable ‘batch-treatment’ electron-activated reactor field unit designed to purify contaminated water to make it safe and potable. The basic EcH2O system consists of a 90-gallon plastic reactor tank (trash can), ionized nitrogen-oxygen (NI-OXTM) vapor-ion plasma generator, and 1-micron electron separation (e-SEPTM) porous cartridge water filter. While the NI-OXTM generator applies UV radiation to activate and split ambient air into aggressive water treatment agents in the form of free electrons and charged dissolved vapor ions, the e-SEPTM cartridge is designed to absorb NI-OXTM treatment agents and solvated (free) electrons to induce filtration and rapid disinfection-kill of bacteria and other pathogens. The study started by creating a water quality database from contaminated surface water, EPA/West Virginia water quality standards, and Vienna City water. The EcH2O purifier was run 14 days/month from April-September 2014 and samples analyzed for chemical and bacteriological quality. When the results were matched against published data, EcH2O compared favorably with both EPA/West Virginia water quality standards and Vienna City water (R2 = 0.99; p<0.011; N = 13). The EcH2O purifier was found to be affordable and capable of delivering potable water to households in poor countries at about $0.27 per person per day with economic savings of nearly $7.00 at this rate.

Published in American Journal of Chemical Engineering (Volume 3, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajche.20150306.12
Page(s) 80-88
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Validation, EcH2O Reactor, Contaminated Water, Electro-Chemistry, EPA Water Quality Standards

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  • APA Style

    Stephen Opoku-Duah, Gordon Wells, Wycliff Kipkemoi, Ashley Wilcox, Dennis Johnson, et al. (2015). Validation of the EcH2O Electron-Activated Reactor for Purifying Contaminated Water in Parkersburg (West Virginia). American Journal of Chemical Engineering, 3(6), 80-88. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajche.20150306.12

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    ACS Style

    Stephen Opoku-Duah; Gordon Wells; Wycliff Kipkemoi; Ashley Wilcox; Dennis Johnson, et al. Validation of the EcH2O Electron-Activated Reactor for Purifying Contaminated Water in Parkersburg (West Virginia). Am. J. Chem. Eng. 2015, 3(6), 80-88. doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20150306.12

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    AMA Style

    Stephen Opoku-Duah, Gordon Wells, Wycliff Kipkemoi, Ashley Wilcox, Dennis Johnson, et al. Validation of the EcH2O Electron-Activated Reactor for Purifying Contaminated Water in Parkersburg (West Virginia). Am J Chem Eng. 2015;3(6):80-88. doi: 10.11648/j.ajche.20150306.12

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    AB  - This paper discusses validation of the EcH2O portable ‘batch-treatment’ electron-activated reactor field unit designed to purify contaminated water to make it safe and potable. The basic EcH2O system consists of a 90-gallon plastic reactor tank (trash can), ionized nitrogen-oxygen (NI-OXTM) vapor-ion plasma generator, and 1-micron electron separation (e-SEPTM) porous cartridge water filter. While the NI-OXTM generator applies UV radiation to activate and split ambient air into aggressive water treatment agents in the form of free electrons and charged dissolved vapor ions, the e-SEPTM cartridge is designed to absorb NI-OXTM treatment agents and solvated (free) electrons to induce filtration and rapid disinfection-kill of bacteria and other pathogens. The study started by creating a water quality database from contaminated surface water, EPA/West Virginia water quality standards, and Vienna City water. The EcH2O purifier was run 14 days/month from April-September 2014 and samples analyzed for chemical and bacteriological quality. When the results were matched against published data, EcH2O compared favorably with both EPA/West Virginia water quality standards and Vienna City water (R2 = 0.99; p2O purifier was found to be affordable and capable of delivering potable water to households in poor countries at about $0.27 per person per day with economic savings of nearly $7.00 at this rate.
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Author Information
  • Ohio Valley University Environmental Group, West Virginia, USA

  • Ohio Valley University Environmental Group, West Virginia, USA

  • Ohio Valley University Environmental Group, West Virginia, USA

  • Ohio Valley University Environmental Group, West Virginia, USA

  • EcH2O International, LLC, Eco-Sustainability Division, Colorado, USA

  • TCG Global, LLC, Colorado, USA

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