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Natural Charcoal in Water Treatment Through Metal Bed Filters Fe°/S/Pz/C: The Concept of Wood-Energy-Sanitation

Received: 1 February 2022     Accepted: 16 February 2022     Published: 28 February 2022
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The concept of the W.E.S (Wood-Energy-Sanitation) for raising awareness among populations far from the distribution networks of drinking water is established. The process of decontaminating filter columns made up of natural charcoal (NC) as porous non-expansive absorbent/adsorbent materials such as pozzolan (Pz) is experienced. The contribution of the NC to the filtering power of the Fe°-based filters, whose decontamination involves the electrochemical oxidation processes of Fe°, and corrosion products (CPs) that can cause a blockage of the reactive surface is studied. To do this, seven systems were tested with reactive zones (RZ) respectively consisting of (1) C (pure NC), (2) Pz (pure Pozzolan), (3) Fe°/C (iron/NC), (4) Fe°/Pz (iron/Pozzolan), (5) Fe°/S/C (Iron/Sand/NC), (6) Fe°/S/Pz (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan), (7) Fe°/S/Pz/C (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/NC). OM (orange methyl) of 2 mg/L concentration was used as operative indicator. The experiments lasted 40 days per device. Performance parameters such as pH, residual iron, OM discoloration and flow rate were measured. As a result, it appears that the NC alone or associated in the Fe°/C, Fe°/S/C devices has a better filtering power than the Pz. The combination of NC and Pz in the same Fe°/S/Pz/C device improves strikingly the results, such as Fe°/S/Pz/C > Fe°/S/C > Fe°/S/Pz > Fe°/C > Fe°/Pz > C > Pz. Combining two non-expansive porous materials in the RZ stabilizes the Fe°/S/Pz/C-filter and improves its lifespan.

Published in American Journal of Applied Chemistry (Volume 10, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajac.20221001.14
Page(s) 28-37
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Aqueous Corrosion, Fe°-bed Filters, Natural Charcoal, Orange Methyl, Pozzolan, Sand, Zero-valent Iron

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  • APA Style

    Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche, Suzanne Makota S. N., Mbarga Landry Valère, Mintang Fongang Ulrich Armel, Dika Manga Joseph Marchand, et al. (2022). Natural Charcoal in Water Treatment Through Metal Bed Filters Fe°/S/Pz/C: The Concept of Wood-Energy-Sanitation. American Journal of Applied Chemistry, 10(1), 28-37. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajac.20221001.14

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    ACS Style

    Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche; Suzanne Makota S. N.; Mbarga Landry Valère; Mintang Fongang Ulrich Armel; Dika Manga Joseph Marchand, et al. Natural Charcoal in Water Treatment Through Metal Bed Filters Fe°/S/Pz/C: The Concept of Wood-Energy-Sanitation. Am. J. Appl. Chem. 2022, 10(1), 28-37. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20221001.14

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    AMA Style

    Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche, Suzanne Makota S. N., Mbarga Landry Valère, Mintang Fongang Ulrich Armel, Dika Manga Joseph Marchand, et al. Natural Charcoal in Water Treatment Through Metal Bed Filters Fe°/S/Pz/C: The Concept of Wood-Energy-Sanitation. Am J Appl Chem. 2022;10(1):28-37. doi: 10.11648/j.ajac.20221001.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajac.20221001.14,
      author = {Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche and Suzanne Makota S. N. and Mbarga Landry Valère and Mintang Fongang Ulrich Armel and Dika Manga Joseph Marchand and Nassi Achille},
      title = {Natural Charcoal in Water Treatment Through Metal Bed Filters Fe°/S/Pz/C: The Concept of Wood-Energy-Sanitation},
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      abstract = {The concept of the W.E.S (Wood-Energy-Sanitation) for raising awareness among populations far from the distribution networks of drinking water is established. The process of decontaminating filter columns made up of natural charcoal (NC) as porous non-expansive absorbent/adsorbent materials such as pozzolan (Pz) is experienced. The contribution of the NC to the filtering power of the Fe°-based filters, whose decontamination involves the electrochemical oxidation processes of Fe°, and corrosion products (CPs) that can cause a blockage of the reactive surface is studied. To do this, seven systems were tested with reactive zones (RZ) respectively consisting of (1) C (pure NC), (2) Pz (pure Pozzolan), (3) Fe°/C (iron/NC), (4) Fe°/Pz (iron/Pozzolan), (5) Fe°/S/C (Iron/Sand/NC), (6) Fe°/S/Pz (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan), (7) Fe°/S/Pz/C (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/NC). OM (orange methyl) of 2 mg/L concentration was used as operative indicator. The experiments lasted 40 days per device. Performance parameters such as pH, residual iron, OM discoloration and flow rate were measured. As a result, it appears that the NC alone or associated in the Fe°/C, Fe°/S/C devices has a better filtering power than the Pz. The combination of NC and Pz in the same Fe°/S/Pz/C device improves strikingly the results, such as Fe°/S/Pz/C > Fe°/S/C > Fe°/S/Pz > Fe°/C > Fe°/Pz > C > Pz. Combining two non-expansive porous materials in the RZ stabilizes the Fe°/S/Pz/C-filter and improves its lifespan.},
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    T1  - Natural Charcoal in Water Treatment Through Metal Bed Filters Fe°/S/Pz/C: The Concept of Wood-Energy-Sanitation
    AU  - Dipita Kolye Ernest Yves Herliche
    AU  - Suzanne Makota S. N.
    AU  - Mbarga Landry Valère
    AU  - Mintang Fongang Ulrich Armel
    AU  - Dika Manga Joseph Marchand
    AU  - Nassi Achille
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajac.20221001.14
    AB  - The concept of the W.E.S (Wood-Energy-Sanitation) for raising awareness among populations far from the distribution networks of drinking water is established. The process of decontaminating filter columns made up of natural charcoal (NC) as porous non-expansive absorbent/adsorbent materials such as pozzolan (Pz) is experienced. The contribution of the NC to the filtering power of the Fe°-based filters, whose decontamination involves the electrochemical oxidation processes of Fe°, and corrosion products (CPs) that can cause a blockage of the reactive surface is studied. To do this, seven systems were tested with reactive zones (RZ) respectively consisting of (1) C (pure NC), (2) Pz (pure Pozzolan), (3) Fe°/C (iron/NC), (4) Fe°/Pz (iron/Pozzolan), (5) Fe°/S/C (Iron/Sand/NC), (6) Fe°/S/Pz (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan), (7) Fe°/S/Pz/C (Iron/Sand/Pozzolan/NC). OM (orange methyl) of 2 mg/L concentration was used as operative indicator. The experiments lasted 40 days per device. Performance parameters such as pH, residual iron, OM discoloration and flow rate were measured. As a result, it appears that the NC alone or associated in the Fe°/C, Fe°/S/C devices has a better filtering power than the Pz. The combination of NC and Pz in the same Fe°/S/Pz/C device improves strikingly the results, such as Fe°/S/Pz/C > Fe°/S/C > Fe°/S/Pz > Fe°/C > Fe°/Pz > C > Pz. Combining two non-expansive porous materials in the RZ stabilizes the Fe°/S/Pz/C-filter and improves its lifespan.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 1
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Douala, Douala, Cameroon

  • Sections