International Journal of Materials Science and Applications

Special Issue

Structural Design of Carbon Fiber and Research on Its Heat Dissipation and Mechanical Properties  

  • Submission Deadline: 12 December 2024
  • Status: Open for Submission
  • Lead Guest Editor: Yiqi Fang
About This Special Issue
Traditional electronic devices such as radars use a large number of stainless steel and aluminum alloy materials in their structures. With the increasing demand for lightweight and high maneuverability in radar electronic devices, the requirements for weight and environmental adaptability have increased. The use of carbon fiber materials to manufacture radar structural components can greatly reduce the weight of the radar. However, using carbon fiber for lightweight design poses certain design difficulties.
The primary goal of this special issue is to discuss several common engineering problems concerned with the structural design of carbon fibers. We invite contributions that explore heat dissipation and mechanical properties in structure design, with particular interest in lightweight design and sealing design.
Types of articles welcomed: Original research articles, review articles, case studies, etc.
Through this special issue, we aim to improve the quality of structural design of carbon fiber. We welcome researchers from various disciplines to provide interdisciplinary perspectives on structural design of carbon fiber and research on its heat dissipation and mechanical properties. Your contributions will play a crucial role in advancing knowledge in this field.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. On electrochemical corrosion in structural design of carbon fiber
  2. On thermal design in structural design of carbon fiber
  3. On electromagnetic shielding in structural design of carbon fiber
  4. On water-proof or full sealing design in structural design of carbon fiber
  5. On embedded part and layer processing in structural design of carbon fiber
  6. On mold cost effective structural design of carbon fiber
  7. On buckling indicators of materials within carbon fiber layers in structural design of carbon fiber
  8. On mechanical properties of carbon fiber between and within layers in structural design of carbon fiber, including strength, stiffness, dynamic vibration loads, fatigue failure, and surface buckling failure
Lead Guest Editor
  • Yiqi Fang

    System Architecture Technology Overall Department, Xi'an Electronic Engineering Research Institute, Xi'an, China

Guest Editors
  • Lingling Sun

    Department of Foreign Language, Xidian University , Xi'an, China

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Structural Design of Carbon Fiber and Research on Its Heat Dissipation and Mechanical Properties   970 USD
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