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Interplay of Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Crop Yield and Farm Households Food Security in Offin River Basin, Ghana

Received: 3 November 2021     Accepted: 27 November 2021     Published: 3 December 2021
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Climate variability and adapted land use systems have altered climate systems. Their impact on agro-ecosystems adversely affects crop yield, food security and livelihoods of farm households. This paper examines the coupled effects of climate variability and land use change on crop yield and food security among farm households in the Offin River Basin. The study used remote sensing, geographic information systems, time series climate and crop yield data and farm household survey in examining the impacts of climate variability and land use change on crop yield and farm household food security. Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) were used to assess land use and land cover change and agricultural drought conditions in the area. Spline interpolation techniques and Spearmans’ rank correlation were employed to assess the trend and spatial distribution of rainfall and temperatures in the basin. Multiple linear regression model (MLRM) and Pearson correlation were used to assess the effect of rainfall and temperature on major food crop yields. Household Food Balance Model (HFBM) was used to measure food security status at farm household level. The results revealed that climate variability coupled with adapted land use systems in Offin River basin have contributed to massive deforestation, accelerated soil degradation and recurrent agricultural droughts resulting in the loss of productive farmlands and low food crop yields. Household food balance model (HFBM) analysis revealed that 60.8% of the farm households in the basin could not meet the minimum recommended energy level of 2900 kilo calories intake per person per day while 39.2% of farm households were food secured subsisting on more than recommended kilo calories per person per day. Utilization of inland valleys, food crop management practices, soil and water conservation and management technologies, mixed cropping systems and crop diversification were found to have contributed positively and significantly to farm household food security. It is recommended that Government agencies such as MoFA, GASIP and existing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) should increase investment in soil and water conservation strategies (SWCS) and inland valleys food production systems to enhance food production and food security systems among farm households.

Published in International Journal of Sustainable Development Research (Volume 7, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijsdr.20210704.14
Page(s) 102-116
Creative Commons

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Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Food Security, Farm Households, Offin River Basin

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  • APA Style

    Mensah-Brako Bismark, Nyatuame Mexoese, Yakanu Nutifafa Pearl, Ahorsu Kojo Samuel, Oppong Kwabena Paul. (2021). Interplay of Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Crop Yield and Farm Households Food Security in Offin River Basin, Ghana. International Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 7(4), 102-116. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijsdr.20210704.14

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    ACS Style

    Mensah-Brako Bismark; Nyatuame Mexoese; Yakanu Nutifafa Pearl; Ahorsu Kojo Samuel; Oppong Kwabena Paul. Interplay of Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Crop Yield and Farm Households Food Security in Offin River Basin, Ghana. Int. J. Sustain. Dev. Res. 2021, 7(4), 102-116. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsdr.20210704.14

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    AMA Style

    Mensah-Brako Bismark, Nyatuame Mexoese, Yakanu Nutifafa Pearl, Ahorsu Kojo Samuel, Oppong Kwabena Paul. Interplay of Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Crop Yield and Farm Households Food Security in Offin River Basin, Ghana. Int J Sustain Dev Res. 2021;7(4):102-116. doi: 10.11648/j.ijsdr.20210704.14

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      title = {Interplay of Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Crop Yield and Farm Households Food Security in Offin River Basin, Ghana},
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      abstract = {Climate variability and adapted land use systems have altered climate systems. Their impact on agro-ecosystems adversely affects crop yield, food security and livelihoods of farm households. This paper examines the coupled effects of climate variability and land use change on crop yield and food security among farm households in the Offin River Basin. The study used remote sensing, geographic information systems, time series climate and crop yield data and farm household survey in examining the impacts of climate variability and land use change on crop yield and farm household food security. Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) were used to assess land use and land cover change and agricultural drought conditions in the area. Spline interpolation techniques and Spearmans’ rank correlation were employed to assess the trend and spatial distribution of rainfall and temperatures in the basin. Multiple linear regression model (MLRM) and Pearson correlation were used to assess the effect of rainfall and temperature on major food crop yields. Household Food Balance Model (HFBM) was used to measure food security status at farm household level. The results revealed that climate variability coupled with adapted land use systems in Offin River basin have contributed to massive deforestation, accelerated soil degradation and recurrent agricultural droughts resulting in the loss of productive farmlands and low food crop yields. Household food balance model (HFBM) analysis revealed that 60.8% of the farm households in the basin could not meet the minimum recommended energy level of 2900 kilo calories intake per person per day while 39.2% of farm households were food secured subsisting on more than recommended kilo calories per person per day. Utilization of inland valleys, food crop management practices, soil and water conservation and management technologies, mixed cropping systems and crop diversification were found to have contributed positively and significantly to farm household food security. It is recommended that Government agencies such as MoFA, GASIP and existing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) should increase investment in soil and water conservation strategies (SWCS) and inland valleys food production systems to enhance food production and food security systems among farm households.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Interplay of Climate Variability, Land Use Change, Crop Yield and Farm Households Food Security in Offin River Basin, Ghana
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    AU  - Nyatuame Mexoese
    AU  - Yakanu Nutifafa Pearl
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    AB  - Climate variability and adapted land use systems have altered climate systems. Their impact on agro-ecosystems adversely affects crop yield, food security and livelihoods of farm households. This paper examines the coupled effects of climate variability and land use change on crop yield and food security among farm households in the Offin River Basin. The study used remote sensing, geographic information systems, time series climate and crop yield data and farm household survey in examining the impacts of climate variability and land use change on crop yield and farm household food security. Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus (ETM+) were used to assess land use and land cover change and agricultural drought conditions in the area. Spline interpolation techniques and Spearmans’ rank correlation were employed to assess the trend and spatial distribution of rainfall and temperatures in the basin. Multiple linear regression model (MLRM) and Pearson correlation were used to assess the effect of rainfall and temperature on major food crop yields. Household Food Balance Model (HFBM) was used to measure food security status at farm household level. The results revealed that climate variability coupled with adapted land use systems in Offin River basin have contributed to massive deforestation, accelerated soil degradation and recurrent agricultural droughts resulting in the loss of productive farmlands and low food crop yields. Household food balance model (HFBM) analysis revealed that 60.8% of the farm households in the basin could not meet the minimum recommended energy level of 2900 kilo calories intake per person per day while 39.2% of farm households were food secured subsisting on more than recommended kilo calories per person per day. Utilization of inland valleys, food crop management practices, soil and water conservation and management technologies, mixed cropping systems and crop diversification were found to have contributed positively and significantly to farm household food security. It is recommended that Government agencies such as MoFA, GASIP and existing Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) should increase investment in soil and water conservation strategies (SWCS) and inland valleys food production systems to enhance food production and food security systems among farm households.
    VL  - 7
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana

  • Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana

  • Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana

  • Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana

  • Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ho Technical University, Ho, Ghana

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