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Spatio-temporal Analysis Dynamics of the Landscape in the Classified Forest of Koulbi, Southwestern of Burkina Faso

Received: 21 November 2019     Accepted: 16 December 2019     Published: 25 December 2019
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Most of the protected areas in Burkina Faso are affected by deforestation and forest degradation. This study is done in order to analysis the spatial and temporal dynamics of the classified forest of Koulbi and to identify the drivers of deforestation in the forest. For that, three Landsat images from 1986, 1998 and 2014 were exploited. The supervised classification based on the artificial neural network algorithm, under the ENVI software, was used. A transition matrix was established to analyze land use/land cover changes. The standardized precipitation index of 1985 to 2014 was used to access climate trend. Survey data from riverside villages and field observations were used to assess the human impact. The results show that between 1986 and 2014, the woodlands and tree savannas areas were reduced by 7% and 0.49% per year, respectively. However, substantial yearly increases in the areas of shrub savanna (2.8%) and agricultural fields (1.4%) were observed. During this period, the rainfall had a sharp trend towards aridity, with 18 years of drought against 12 years of humidity. This show that deficit of rainfall is increase. The socio-economic survey revealed that the classified forest used to be highly occupied and 64% of the inhabitants were yam producers. Cattle breeders and gold diggers have also been observed. We conclude that human activities are the main cause of degradation of the vegetation cover of the Koulbi classified forest. And climatic factors to some extent. It will be necessary to take actions to better conservation.

Published in International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management (Volume 4, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17
Page(s) 205-215
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2019. Published by Science Publishing Group


Land Use, Land Cover, Neural Networks, Woodland, Deforestation

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Cite This Article
  • APA Style

    Zézouma Sanon, Mipro Hien, Boalidioa Tankoano, Martin Karlson, Irénée Somda. (2019). Spatio-temporal Analysis Dynamics of the Landscape in the Classified Forest of Koulbi, Southwestern of Burkina Faso. International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, 4(6), 205-215. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17

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    ACS Style

    Zézouma Sanon; Mipro Hien; Boalidioa Tankoano; Martin Karlson; Irénée Somda. Spatio-temporal Analysis Dynamics of the Landscape in the Classified Forest of Koulbi, Southwestern of Burkina Faso. Int. J. Nat. Resour. Ecol. Manag. 2019, 4(6), 205-215. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17

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    AMA Style

    Zézouma Sanon, Mipro Hien, Boalidioa Tankoano, Martin Karlson, Irénée Somda. Spatio-temporal Analysis Dynamics of the Landscape in the Classified Forest of Koulbi, Southwestern of Burkina Faso. Int J Nat Resour Ecol Manag. 2019;4(6):205-215. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17,
      author = {Zézouma Sanon and Mipro Hien and Boalidioa Tankoano and Martin Karlson and Irénée Somda},
      title = {Spatio-temporal Analysis Dynamics of the Landscape in the Classified Forest of Koulbi, Southwestern of Burkina Faso},
      journal = {International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management},
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      abstract = {Most of the protected areas in Burkina Faso are affected by deforestation and forest degradation. This study is done in order to analysis the spatial and temporal dynamics of the classified forest of Koulbi and to identify the drivers of deforestation in the forest. For that, three Landsat images from 1986, 1998 and 2014 were exploited. The supervised classification based on the artificial neural network algorithm, under the ENVI software, was used. A transition matrix was established to analyze land use/land cover changes. The standardized precipitation index of 1985 to 2014 was used to access climate trend. Survey data from riverside villages and field observations were used to assess the human impact. The results show that between 1986 and 2014, the woodlands and tree savannas areas were reduced by 7% and 0.49% per year, respectively. However, substantial yearly increases in the areas of shrub savanna (2.8%) and agricultural fields (1.4%) were observed. During this period, the rainfall had a sharp trend towards aridity, with 18 years of drought against 12 years of humidity. This show that deficit of rainfall is increase. The socio-economic survey revealed that the classified forest used to be highly occupied and 64% of the inhabitants were yam producers. Cattle breeders and gold diggers have also been observed. We conclude that human activities are the main cause of degradation of the vegetation cover of the Koulbi classified forest. And climatic factors to some extent. It will be necessary to take actions to better conservation.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Spatio-temporal Analysis Dynamics of the Landscape in the Classified Forest of Koulbi, Southwestern of Burkina Faso
    AU  - Zézouma Sanon
    AU  - Mipro Hien
    AU  - Boalidioa Tankoano
    AU  - Martin Karlson
    AU  - Irénée Somda
    Y1  - 2019/12/25
    PY  - 2019
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17
    T2  - International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
    JF  - International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
    JO  - International Journal of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
    SP  - 205
    EP  - 215
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2575-3061
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijnrem.20190406.17
    AB  - Most of the protected areas in Burkina Faso are affected by deforestation and forest degradation. This study is done in order to analysis the spatial and temporal dynamics of the classified forest of Koulbi and to identify the drivers of deforestation in the forest. For that, three Landsat images from 1986, 1998 and 2014 were exploited. The supervised classification based on the artificial neural network algorithm, under the ENVI software, was used. A transition matrix was established to analyze land use/land cover changes. The standardized precipitation index of 1985 to 2014 was used to access climate trend. Survey data from riverside villages and field observations were used to assess the human impact. The results show that between 1986 and 2014, the woodlands and tree savannas areas were reduced by 7% and 0.49% per year, respectively. However, substantial yearly increases in the areas of shrub savanna (2.8%) and agricultural fields (1.4%) were observed. During this period, the rainfall had a sharp trend towards aridity, with 18 years of drought against 12 years of humidity. This show that deficit of rainfall is increase. The socio-economic survey revealed that the classified forest used to be highly occupied and 64% of the inhabitants were yam producers. Cattle breeders and gold diggers have also been observed. We conclude that human activities are the main cause of degradation of the vegetation cover of the Koulbi classified forest. And climatic factors to some extent. It will be necessary to take actions to better conservation.
    VL  - 4
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Environment and Forests, Institute for Environmental and Agricultural Research, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

  • Institute for Rural Development, Nazi Boni University, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

  • Institute for Rural Development, Nazi Boni University, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

  • Department of Thematic Studies/Environmental Change, Link?ping University, Link?ping, Sweden

  • Institute for Rural Development, Nazi Boni University, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

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