Research Article | | Peer-Reviewed

Contribution of Home Farming on Academic Performance and Career Preferences: Evidence from Senior High Agricultural Science Students in Sagnarigu, Ghana

Received: 11 December 2024     Accepted: 13 January 2025     Published: 7 February 2025
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This research examines home farming experiences of Senior High School students and how that influences their academic achievements and career decisions. A cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study. A total of Two Hundred and Fifty-nine students were randomly sampled. A questionnaire and checklist were used for the data collection. The data was analysed using Chi-square tests and logistic regression to establish the significant relationship between home farming and students' decision to study agriculture, academic performance, and career preferences. Access to education was sex-dependent with males having more (66.8%) access. A majority (63.7%) of the respondents grew up in rural areas. A majority (87.2%) of respondents engaged in home farming. Students' Parents’ occupations significantly influenced their involvement in home farming. A greater proportion (90.3%) of the students deliberately chose to study Agriculture at the SHS level. Engagement in home farming significantly affected students' decision to study Agricultural Science, thus rejecting the null hypothesis (H01). This suggests that home farming has a strong, positive influence on the decision to study Agriculture. Students who did not engage in home farming are about 7.4 times more likely to be undecided about their future careers in Agriculture. Home farming did not significantly influence the actual academic performance of respondents. It was therefore concluded that students who engaged in home farming were more likely to choose Agricultural Science as a course of study. The study then recommends that early exposure to home farming should be encouraged at the basic education level.

Published in International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences (Volume 11, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijaas.20251101.12
Page(s) 10-23
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group


Academic Performance, Career Preference, Home Farming, Sagnerigu, Agricultural Science

1. Introduction
At the tertiary level, results in West Africa Examination grades in Agricultural Science serve as a pre-requisite for enrolling in disciplines like Agricultural Education, Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Technology, Animal Production, Fishery, Forestry, and Veterinary Nursing. As such Agricultural Science was included in the curriculum content of Senior High Schools after realizing its educational value and relevance to the needs of the individual learner and society as a whole posited that students home backgrounds and practical farm experiences are the major factors that influence learning because different home background characteristics of students exert a greater influence on what they can learn and retain.
Research conducted with students of Manokwari Polytechnic found out that the younger generation’s loss of interest in agricultural careers was due to factors such as the lack of external support and unstable agricultural market conditions. These factors also shaped the perception of agricultural students on work outside the agricultural sector .
However, observed that, when children participate in household, farm, and off-farm activities, it allows them to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as farmers or in other agricultural-related careers in the future. Experiential learning through activities like home farming has a variety of dimensions such as abstract conceptualization, active experimentation, concrete experience, observational learning, real experience, reflective thinking, and teacher-as-facilitator. However, the fact that children are sometimes dragged unwillingly to farms either at home or at school as a form of punishment ends up cultivating within these children the development of negative perceptions of agriculture, preventing them from viewing it as an enjoyable activity and a profitable career . It is, therefore, very problematic that students who participate in agriculture in school tend to view it only as a subject and engage in it mainly to pass their examinations but not to build a future out of it . Even more concerning is that a significant proportion of the few individuals who take on the challenge and pursue academic studies in agriculture ultimately do not engage in careers related to primary agricultural production and transformation . These graduates mostly opt for out-of-farm professions in the sector, like consultancy, extension, marketing, and teaching . Students' involvement in home farming is mostly influenced by the availability of agricultural activity taking place at home which offers them the opportunity to participate . However, what students learn at school is sometimes hindered from being put into practice at home since they are limited in introducing academically acquired knowledge because parents claim to have superior practical farming experiences . Agriculture in its current state seems unappealing and most youths are running away from agricultural careers or rural futures . The disparaging of farming and rural life and the absence of role models for young farmers appear among the possible reasons for Ghanaian youth, including students in the Sagnarigu Municipality, increasing resistance to pursuing agriculture-based livelihoods. Regrettably, this situation further discourages high school students offered the Agricultural Science programme from considering career prospects in agriculture . Considering the scanty job opportunities, unstable and very low remuneration, and severe working conditions, it is not surprising that most youth seldom consider farming a “good job” . In the West African Examinations Council (WAEC) chief examiners’ report, it was indicated that most candidates lost marks because they had no exposure to agricultural experiences in fishery, forestry, poultry management, arable crop production, plantation farming, among others . However, stated that practical works remain indispensable in the teaching and learning of agriculture. It is in the light of all these above-mentioned difficulties that this research is conceptualized, which is aimed at assessing and documenting the special role of home farming on the academic achievement and career preferences of SHS students studying Agricultural Science. The findings are anticipated to create awareness and insight about home farming as well as how the experience could impact students’ decision to study agriculture and its subsequent impact on their academic achievements. Specifically, the research intended to:
1) Determine the influence of home farming experiences on students’ decision to study Agricultural Science at the Senior High School.
2) Examine the effect of home farming experiences on students’ academic performance in Sagnarigu Municipal.
3) Investigate the effect of home farming on students’ career preferences in agriculture.
Hypotheses of the Study
The following null hypotheses were tested:
H01: Home farming experiences have no significant effect on students’ decision to study Agricultural Science at the Senior High School.
H02: Home farming experiences have no significant effect on students’ academic performance in Agricultural Science.
H03: Home farming experiences have no significant effect on students’ career preferences in agriculture.
2. Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework is presented in Figure 1. In this study, the independent variable is the student's home background. The dependent variables are choice of agricultural science, academic performance, and career preferences of SHS Agricultural Science students while the moderating/intervening variable is home farming. Students' home background (parents' age, gender, education, employment/career status, and locality i.e., rural or urban) are the perceived elements most likely to influence students' participation in home farming as well as the type of home farming and agricultural practices they are likely to be exposed to. That is: whether they will be involved in animal or crop farming; whether it will be on a commercial or subsistence basis; the quality and quantity of farm yield; the type of cultural practices they will engage in; the type of farm machinery they use; the agricultural professionals they meet, among other experiences, will rely on their socio-demographic characteristics of their parents. According to , these factors greatly affect students’ views, perceptions, and willingness to study Agricultural Science. Through these agricultural experiences, home farming will diversify students' perceptions of agriculture and influence their willingness to pursue Agricultural Science in Senior High School. Modification of students' perceptions and willingness to pursue Agricultural Science as a result of home farming will influence their decision to choose agricultural science, and affect their academic performance as well as their preference for careers in agriculture. An overall consequence will be an effect on; student enrolment in Agricultural Science; human resources in agricultural-related professions; advancement of agriculture-based innovations; food production; food security; employment opportunities in agriculture; and, income generated from agriculture.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework.
3. Methodology
This session presents information on the study area, research design, target population, sampling procedure, sample frame and sample size determination, sources of data collection, data analysis, and ethical considerations.
3.1. Study Area
The research was conducted in the Sagnarigu Municipal. The Sagnarigu Municipal is among six (6) districts curved out of the Northern Region of Ghana in the year 2012 . The Sagnarigu Municipal has Sagnarigu as its capital and covers 200.4 km² of land size with 79 communities. It is made up of 20 urban, 6 sub-urban, and 53 rural areas . It shares boundaries with Tamale Metropolis, Savelugu-Nanton Municipality, Tolon District, and Kumbungu District. Geographically, the Municipality lies between latitudes 9º16’ and 9º 34’ North and longitudes 0º 36’ and 0º 57’ West . Many schools are situated in the district namely the City Campus of the University for Development Studies (UDS); Tamale Technical University (TaTU); Tamale Teachers Training College; and Bagabaga Teachers Training College all of which are tertiary schools located in the district. The Pre-tertiary schools include Tamale Senior High School (TAMASCO); Kalpohini Senior High School (KASS); the Northern School of Business (NOBISCO); Islamic Science Senior High School; Business College International (BCI) among several other schools. The Sagnarigu District like many others in the Northern Region has a single rainy season, usually stretching from May to October, and this period naturally coincides with the farming activities in the district. Annual rainfall average ranges from 600mm to 1100mm, and peak rainfall usually occurs between July and August. During the rainy season, there is high humidity with relatively less sunshine and heavy thunderstorms. Daily temperatures vary from season to season. During the rainy season, there is high humidity with relatively less sunshine and heavy thunderstorms. The mean day temperatures range from 28ºC (December -mid-April) to about 38ºC (April -June) while the mean night temperatures range from 18ºC (December) to 25ºC (February, March). The dry season (November –March) is characterized by the dry Harmattan winds; the Harmattan season presents two extreme weather conditions, the extreme dry cold temperature of the early dawns and mornings and the very warm afternoons. The following map depicts the study area and the major towns relevant to the study.
Source: Ghana Statistical Service, GIS

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Figure 2. Map of Sagnarigu Municipal.
3.2. Study Design
A cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study. This is a type of research design in which the researcher collects data from different individuals at a single point in time . The purpose is to examine the effect of home farming experiences on students’ academic performance and career decisions within the Sagnarigu Municipality. Cross-sectional studies often utilize questionnaires to gather data from participants. Cross-sectional research design allows one to observe and study the relationship between variables without influencing them .
3.3. Sampling Procedure and Techniques
A purposive sampling technique was used to sample three (3) schools offering Agriculture programmes. Simple random sampling was then used to select the respondents from the three (3) schools. This was to grant each member of the population equal opportunity to be chosen as part of the study sample . One student was chosen randomly in the class using the register, thereafter, every third student from the first chosen student in the class register was then selected till the sample size was achieved. This procedure was repeated in each selected school.
3.4. Sample Frame
Table 1 presents the sample frame of Seven Hundred and Ninety-six (796) students obtained from a recognizance survey in the three study schools.
Table 1. Sample Frame and Size of Three Schools.


Frame Size

Tamale Islamic Science SHS

439 143

Tamale SHS

185 60

Kalpohini SHS

172 56


796 259

Source: Field Survey, 2022
3.5. Sample Size Determination
The mathematical formula by was used in calculating the sample size.
That is: n=x²NP(1-P)N-1+x²P(1-P)(1)
Where: ‘n’ is the sample size, ‘x’ is the table value of chi-square at 0.05 which is 3.84, ‘N’ is the population size (796 students), ‘P’ is the expected proportion of the population accessible = 50% (0.5), and ‘d’ is the margin of error which in this case is (0.05).
N =3.84×796×0.5×1-0.50.052×796-1+3.84×0.51-0.5= 764.162.9475=259.257
n = 259 students
Using the formula propounded by , the sample size arrived at was 259 students.
The sample size of Two Hundred and Fifty-nine (259) was then distributed among the schools by simple proportion (i.e., dividing each school’s population by the total population (796) and multiplying by the sample size (259) to get each school’s sample size as presented in Table 1.
3.6. Data Collection Procedure
The questionnaire was used for data collection and copies were administered to students in their respective schools. students were given ample time to respond to the questionnaire. Completed copies of the questionnaire were collected on the same day. Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were also held with students of the selected schools to validate responses provided in the questionnaire.
3.7. Data Analysis
The analysis of this study was conducted using descriptive and rigorous statistical methods. The study employed descriptive statistics to better understand the data and to determine the percentages of different demographic groups represented in our findings. Specifically, these statistics provided insights into the backgrounds and experiences of the students and also their involvement in farming.
We employed a chi-square test to investigate the effects of home farming on students' decisions to study at the university and assess its impact on student’s academic performance. By using the chi-square test, we were able to identify whether any differences between the observed and expected data were due to chance. Additionally, we also measured the effect of home farming on student farming using a chi-square test.
The Chi-square model is presented as:
χ2= i=1rj=1c Oij-Eij2Eij (2)
χ2 represent the Chi-square test of independence, Oij represents observed frequency while Eij refers to expected frequency. However, degree of freedom is given by df = (r-1) (c-1), where r is the number of rows and c, the number of columns.
Where Ei.j is computed as:
Ei.j=k=1cOikk=1rOkjN (3)
Where Ei.j = expected value, k=1cOik = sum of observed frequencies in the ith column and k=1rOkj = sum of the observed frequencies in the jth row and N= total number of observations.
Next, we compared the value of the calculated Chi-square with the critical value from the Chi-square distribution table. The critical value is determined based on a pre-determined level of significance (typically 5%) and the degrees of freedom (df). The hypothesis will then be rejected if the calculated Chi-square value exceeds the critical value at the chosen level of significance. On the other hand, if the calculated Chi-square is less than the critical value, we fail to reject the null hypothesis, suggesting that the variables are independent.
Following this, we applied a logistic regression model to analyze the relationship between the factors influencing students' decisions to study agriculture, specifically related to their experiences with home farming.
The logistic function is defined as:
PY=1 X=1e-( β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 +........... + βKXK)(4)
P (Y =1| X) is the probability that the dependent variable Y equals 1 given the independent variable X.
β0 is the intercept.
β1X1 + β2X2 +........... + βKXK are the coefficients of the predictor variables
X1 +X2+ +XK are the independent variables
e is the base of the natural logarithm.
The odds can also be expressed as:
Odds(P) = P(Y = 1 | X)(1 - P(Y = 1| X)) (5)
The log-odds (or logit) is:
logit(P) = logP(Y =1 | X)1- P(Y =1 | X) = β0 + β1X1 + β2X2 +..... + βKXK
This equation allows for the interpretation of the relationship between the predictor variables and the log odds of the probability of the outcome occurring.
4. Results and Discussion
This section of the study presents the findings from the data collected from the field. The results are presented based on the objectives and hypotheses stated for this study. The significance of factors is considered for those with a p-value less than 0.05.
4.1. Socio-demographic Characteristics of Respondents
The socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents reveal several key insights shown in Table 2. A majority (66.8%) of the students were male, with females making up only 33.2% of the sampled population. This may suggest that access to SHS education in the Sagnarigu Municipality is sex-dependent with males having more access than females. This finding agrees with who affirmed in a study conducted in the Sagnarigu-Dungu Community in Tamale observed that parents and guardians would prefer to send boys to school with the mindset that the girl child will one day get married and go away from the father's house. This family preference tends to favour males over females. Most (59.1%) of the respondents are between the ages of 17-18, which is typical for Senior High School students, with a significant number (32.4%) being over 18 years, potentially due to delays in schooling. In terms of living arrangements, 71.8% live with both parents, suggesting a stable home environment, while the rest live with either one parent or extended family members.
When it comes to parental education, a proportion (43.4%) of fathers had no formal education, while 21.7% had tertiary education, which could affect their support for educational pursuits. The educational levels of mothers are even lower, with 61.2% having no formal education. The employment status of parents shows that most (77.5%) fathers and (89.2%) of mothers were self-employed, particularly in informal sectors. A significant portion (58.8%) of fathers were engaged in farming, whereas most (63.2%) mothers were traders. The respondents come from predominantly large households, with 42.5% having 10 or more members whilst only a smaller (7.7%) representation came from smaller households with at most three (3) members. In Ghana, a larger household implies that more income is needed to provide the necessities of life for improved livelihoods . This implies that parents may involve themselves in other minor occupations such as backyard gardens or home farming.
Table 2. Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Respondents.












Below 15









Above 18



Person staying with




Both parents



Only father



Only mother



Other family relations



Non-family member



Educational level of father










No formal education



Educational level of mother










No formal education



Employment status of father

Self employed



Formally employed






Employment status of mother

Self employed



Formally employed






Main Occupation of father













Main Occupation of mother













Household size










10 and above



Source: Field Survey, 2022 Missing data is excluded in the analysis
4.2. Respondents' Involvement in Home Farming
The results in Table 3 highlight the respondents' involvement in home farming and provide insights into their background and experiences. A significant portion (63.7%) of the respondents grew up in rural areas, while the remaining (36.3%) were raised in urban settings. Respondents were further asked if they engaged in home farming and were asked to indicate further who introduced them. An overwhelming (87.2%) of respondents indicated they were engaged in home farming, reflecting a high level of participation in agricultural activities at home, with only (12.8%) not involved. Among those involved in farming, the majority (74.0%) were introduced to it by their parents, showing that farming knowledge and practices are largely passed down within the family. A smaller percentage (9.9%) were introduced to farming by themselves, with family relatives being (8.3%), and those introduced by neighbors constituting (5.0%). This finding agrees with who stated that students’ involvement in home farming is mostly influenced by the availability of agricultural activity at home which offers them the opportunity to participate. It is worth noting that most of these students were introduced to home farming by their parents because children who engaged in and supported family businesses increased their self-esteem and social security . Regarding frequency, about half (50.8%) of the respondents reported being engaged in home farming sometimes while 24.0% engage in it all the time and 11.6% are very often engaged. A smaller proportion (13.6%) rarely participated in home farming activities.
Regarding the scale of farming, most respondents (50.8%) reported practicing farming at a medium scale, while 38.8% engaged in subsistence farming, and only 10.3% were involved in large-scale farming. According to , students’ interest in Agricultural Science depends largely on their perception of agriculture. Most (50.8%) of the respondents’ engagement in medium-scale home farming expressed interest in going into commercial production in the future. If these respondents actualize their interest in the future, this could positively impact food security not only within the Sagnarigu Municipality area but also across the entire country, especially considering the projection by that approximately 70% more food will be needed to feed the growing global population by 2050. Additionally, the findings show that the number of years respondents have spent engaging in home farming varies, with 34.7% reporting 1-3 years of experience, 21.1% having 7-9 years, and 25.6% having 10 or more years.
Table 3. Involvement in Home Farming.




Place grew up

Rural area



Urban area



Engagement in home farming







Who introduce to home farming







Family relative









Frequency of engaging in home farming




Very often









Scale of farming










Years in home farming










10 and more



Source: Field Survey, 2022. Missing data is excluded in the analysis.
The analysis revealed a few missing data which the author is unable to account for in Tables 3 & 4. The missing data could have happened because the respondents refrained from answering or did not have answers to the requested questions. Despite this fact, the missing data did not significantly affect the overall outcomes of the findings, it would be an interesting research direction to explore different missing data imputation techniques in future studies.
4.3. Effects of Home Farming on Student’s Decision to Study Agricultural Science at SHS
Table 5 presents the relationship between students' engagement in home farming and their decision to study Agricultural Science at Senior High School (SHS). From the descriptive statistics in Table 5, out of the total number of students who decided to study Agricultural Science at SHS, an overwhelming majority (92.9%) had engaged in home farming, while only 7.1% of these students had not been involved in home farming. In contrast, among those who did not choose to study Agricultural Science, 69.4% had participated in home farming, and a higher proportion (30.6%) had not. A Chi-square test was further conducted to test the null hypothesis that:
Ho: Home Farming Experiences have no Significant Effect on Students' Decision to Study Agricultural Science at Senior High School.
The results show a significant association between the two variables. Evidence from the Chi-square analysis (Table 4), indicates a statistically significant relationship between home farming experiences and students’ decisions to pursue Agricultural Science (X2 = 23.323, P < 0.001). This means that engagement in home farming has a significant effect on the student’s decision to study Agricultural Science at SHS, thus rejecting the null hypothesis (H01), which stated that home farming experiences have no significant effect on this decision. These findings suggest that exposure to home farming influences students’ academic choices, with those involved in home farming being more likely to pursue Agricultural studies in high school than those without such experiences.
Table 4. Effects of Home Farming on Student’s Decision to Study Agriculture Science at SHS.

Decision to study agriculture science at SHS

Engagement in Home Farming






n (%)









Source: Field Survey, 2022
4.4. Influence of Home Farming on Student’s Decision to Study Agricultural Science at SHS
Table 5. Influence of Home Farming on Student’s Decision to Study Agriculture Science at SHS.

Decision to study agriculture science at SHS

Engagement in Home Farming



95% C.I.










Source: Field Survey, 2022
Table 5 presents the results of a logistic regression analysis examining the influence of home farming on students' decisions to study Agricultural Science at Senior High School (SHS). The odds ratio for students who did not engage in home farming is 5.744 [95% CI=2.670-12.359], meaning they are approximately 5.7 times more likely not to choose Agricultural Science at SHS compared to those who were involved in home farming. The p-value is less than 0.001, showing that this relationship is statistically significant. This suggests that home farming has a strong, positive influence on the decision to study Agricultural Science, as students without home farming experiences are significantly more likely to opt out of studying the subject at SHS.
This finding is in harmony with who asserted that prior experience in Agriculture is the most influencing factor on students' choice of a major in agriculture.
When students were asked during a Focus Group Discussion to indicate how home farming influenced their decision to study Agricultural Science at the SHS level. A respondent said:
“…Knowledge transfer from home farming helped me pass school examinations and develop a positive attitude towards agriculture. It allowed me to equip myself with knowledge which I sometimes use to help my parents improve their local farming methods”.
These reasons correspond with what posited that students’ interest in agriculture depends on how they perceive it. Therefore, frequent engagement in home farming activities may tend to drive the students to seek more knowledge about it as seen in their responses. To this investigated the exerting influence of a group of factors on students’ choice to pursue a major in agriculture and identified “Exposure to agriculture” as the most influencing factor. Also, pointed out that, the perception and attitude of the youth toward agriculture is a major influencer of their volition to pursue Agricultural Science in quest of a higher degree. However, their perception and attitudes are largely influenced by environmental and individual socioeconomic factors like home farming experiences. It is therefore not very surprising that most of the students’ decision to study Agricultural Science was influenced by their home farming experiences.
4.5. Effects of Home Farming on Student’s Academic Performance
This section examines the effects of home farming on students' academic performance, specifically Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) grades, Senior High School (SHS) performance, and the perceived contribution of home farming to academic outcomes. For BECE grades, the results (Chi-Square = 2.468, p = 0.481) suggest no statistically significant association between engagement in home farming and BECE performance. The percentages of students across the grade ranges (6-13, 14-21, 22-29, and 30 and above) are similar, irrespective of their engagement in engaged in home farming. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H2), which states that home farming experiences have no significant effect on students' academic performance, fails to be rejected for BECE grades.
Table 6. Effects of Home Farming on Student’s Academic Performance.


Engagement in Home Farming





n (%)

n (%)

BECE Grade












30 and above



Performance at SHS






Above Average






Contribution of home farming to academic performance









Source: Field Survey, 2022
Similarly, for performance at SHS, the results (Chi-Square = 2.849, p = 0.241) show no significant relationship between home farming engagement and SHS performance. Students who performed above average, or averagely at SHS did not differ significantly based on whether they had home farming experience. Hence, the null hypothesis (H2) also fails to be rejected about SHS performance. However, the analysis of the contribution of home farming to academic performance yields a statistically significant result (Chi-Square = 24.743, p < 0.001). Majority (91.7%) of students who believed home farming positively contributed to their academic performance had engaged in home farming, compared to only 8.3% who had not. In contrast, 36.6% of those who did not think home farming contributed to their academic success had not engaged in it. This indicates that students who engage in home farming are significantly more likely to perceive it as beneficial to their academic achievements. Thus, in terms of students' perception of home farming's contribution to academic performance, the null hypothesis (H02) is rejected. Which is:
H02: Home farming experiences have no significant effect on students’ Academic performance in Agricultural Science.
In summary, the hypothesis that home farming experiences do not significantly affect students' academic performance fails to be rejected based on actual BECE and SHS performance. However, the hypothesis is rejected when considering students' perceptions of how home farming contributes to their academic success. posited that the methods and approaches adopted in presenting agricultural lessons to students can greatly influence the student’s attitude toward their learning.
4.6. Impact of Home Farming on Student’s Academic Performance
Table 7 presents the results of a logistic regression analysis assessing the impact of home farming on students' academic performance, specifically focusing on BECE grades, SHS performance, and the perceived contribution of home farming to academic outcomes. For BECE grades, the odds ratios for the grades range 14-21, 22-29, and 30 and above, when compared to the reference group (6-13), show no statistically significant impact of home farming on students’ BECE performance. The p-values for each grade range (14-21: p = 0.865, 22-29: p = 0.252, and 30 and above p = 0.682) indicate that the differences are not statistically significant. Therefore, the odds of obtaining higher BECE grades (6-13) are not significantly influenced by home farming engagement.
Table 7. Impact of Home Farming on Student’s Academic Performance.


Engagement in Home Farming


95% C.I.




BECE grade













30 and above





Performance at SHS



Above Average










Contribution of home farming to academic performance







< 0.001

Source: Field Survey, 2022
Similarly, for performance at SHS, students who performed above average (OR = 0.481, p = 0.118) and average (OR = 0.334, p = 0.064) compared to those who performed excellent do not show significant differences related to home farming. Although the odds ratios suggest that students engaged in home farming might be less likely to perform at average or above average levels than those who perform excellently, these results are not statistically significant, as both p-values are above the 0.05 threshold. However, the perceived contribution of home farming to academic performance reveals a highly significant result. Students who do not believe home farming contributed to their academic performance are 8.035 times more likely to hold this view than those who believe it did (95% C.I. = 3.407 to 18.948, p<0.001). This shows a strong association between engagement in home farming and the perception that it positively impacts academic performance.
In summary, home farming does not significantly influence actual academic performance (as measured by BECE grades and SHS performance) since the p-values for these variables are not significant. However, home farming significantly impacts students' perception of its contribution to their academic success, with those engaged in home farming much more likely to view it as beneficial.
When respondents were asked during FGD to mention some of the positive and negative effects of home farming on their academic performance. The positive effects they mentioned included the following:
Home farming helped them acquire a better understanding of concepts and this helped them pass their examinations; revenue from the sale of farm proceeds they said helped pay their school fees, buy books and pay for their extra classes.
The negative effects identified included: Tiredness from home farming they said made it difficult for them to study at night; they tend to miss school because of home farming activities during the time of harvesting when they had to help parents on their farms. The research on the negative effects of home farming supports and who indicated that the act of dragging children unwillingly to farms either at home or at school as a form of punishment ends up cultivating within these children, the development of very negative perceptions of agriculture, preventing them from viewing it as an enjoyable activity and a profitable career. This shows that a balance should be found between students’ involvement in home farming and their academic work so that they are not exhausted by home farming activities to the detriment of their academic work. This should be considered a priority by all stakeholders of Agricultural Science education because it can result in the development of negative perceptions and attitudes towards agriculture and consequently lead to a decline in enrolment as well as the academic achievement and career preferences of these students in Agricultural Science.
4.7. Effect of Home Farming on Student’s Career Preference
Table 8 evaluates the effect of home farming on students' career preferences, focusing on their future career decisions, preferred mode of employment, and plans to engage in home farming in the future. This is tested under the third hypothesis (H03) as:
H03: Home farming experiences have no significant effect on students’ career preferences in agriculture.
Table 8. Effect of Home Farming on Student’s Career Preference.


Engagement in Home Farming



n (%)

n (%)



Decision of future career









Prefer mode of employment















Planning to engage in home farming in the future












Source: Field Survey, 2022
For decisions on future careers, there is a significant relationship between engagement in home farming and students' career preferences. Among those who have decided on a future career, 93.1% had engaged in home farming, compared to only 6.9% who had not. In contrast, among those who were undecided about their future career, 64.8% had engaged in home farming, and a lower proportion (35.2%) had not. The results (Chi-Square = 30.705, p < 0.001) indicate a statistically significant effect of home farming on career preferences, suggesting that students involved in home farming are more likely to have a defined career path. Therefore, the null hypothesis (H03), which posits that home farming has no significant effect on career preferences, is rejected for future career decisions.
For the preferred mode of employment, no statistically significant relationship is found between home farming engagement and students' employment preferences (self-employment, government, NGO, or partnership). The results (Chi-Square = 4.084, p=0.253) indicate that students’ preferences for their future mode of employment are not significantly affected by their engagement in home farming. As a result, the null hypothesis (H3) fails to be rejected for mode of employment.
Regarding plans to engage in home farming in the future, the results (Chi-Square = 2.239, p=0.326) indicate no significant relationship between past engagement in home farming and students' intentions to engage in farming in the future. Whether students plan to engage in home farming, do not plan to, or are undecided, their previous home farming experiences do not significantly influence these intentions. Thus, the null hypothesis (H03) fails to be rejected for future home farming plans.
4.8. Influence of Home Farming on Student’s Career Preference
Table 9 presents the results of a logistic regression analysis that examines the influence of home farming on students' decisions regarding their future careers. The odds ratio for students who have not engaged in home farming is 7.445 [95% CI=3.336-16.613], meaning they are about 7.4 times more likely to be undecided about their future careers compared to those who have engaged in home farming. The p-value is less than 0.001, which confirms that the relationship is statistically significant. This result suggests that students who participated in home farming are significantly more likely to have a clear decision about their future career, whereas those who have not engaged in home farming are much more likely to be uncertain about their career paths. From the findings of the study, the null hypothesis states that:
“Home farming experiences have no significant effect on students career preferences in agriculture” has been rejected since home farming was found to significantly influence the career choices of students.
Table 9. Influence of Home Farming on Student’s Career Preference.

Decision of future career

Engagement in Home Farming


95% C.I.











Source: Field Survey, 2022
This finding agrees with who observed that, when children participate in household, farm, and off-farm activities, it allows them to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as farmers or in other agricultural-related careers in the future.
5. Conclusions
The studies concluded that:
1) An overwhelming number of respondents indicated they were engaged in home farming, reflecting a high level of participation in agricultural activities at home, with a few of them not involved.
2) Secondly, the majority of them were introduced to home farming by their parents, showing that farming knowledge and practices are largely passed down within the family.
3) Home farming has a strong, positive influence on the decision to study Agricultural Science, as students without home farming experiences are significantly more likely to opt out of studying the subject at SHS. This is an indication that hands-on farming activities at home are a key factor in determining students’ choice of Agricultural Science as a course of study at the SHS level in the future.
4) The results indicated further that, home farming does not significantly influence actual academic performance (as measured by BECE grades and SHS performance) however, home farming has a significant impact on students' perception of its contribution to their academic success, with those engaged in home farming much more likely to view it as beneficial.
6. Recommendations
The following recommendations can be drawn from the study:
1) Schools should formally integrate home farming activities into the Agricultural Science curriculum. Practical farming assignments and projects can be made a mandatory part of the coursework to enhance students' understanding of theoretical concepts and improve academic performance.
2) Schools should establish partnerships with local agricultural experts and organizations to supplement the farming knowledge passed down by parents.
3) Schools should develop programs to increase parental and community involvement in students' agricultural education. Workshops, community farming initiatives, and family farming competitions could be organized to foster an environment that supports students in their home farming efforts and aligns their career aspirations with community needs.
4) To increase the likelihood of students choosing to study Agricultural Science at Senior High School (SHS), early exposure to home farming should be encouraged at the basic education level. Schools, in collaboration with local agricultural organizations, could introduce farming clubs, school gardens, and hands-on agricultural projects for younger students. This early exposure will help cultivate an interest in agriculture among students who may not have farming experiences at home, making them more likely to pursue the subject at higher educational levels.
5) Government and educational institutions should provide the necessary resources and training for home farming, such as seeds, tools, and agricultural education materials. This would encourage more students to engage in home farming, helping them practice agriculture at home and translate those experiences into academic and career success.


Business College International


Basic Education Certificate Examination


Focus Group Discussion


Ghana Statistical Service


Kalipohini Senior High School


Northern School of Business


Senior High School


Tamale Senior High School


Tamale Technical University


University for Development Studies


West African Examinations Council

Author Contributions
Afishata Mohammed Abujaja: Conceptualization, Data curation, Methodology, Project administration, Supervision, Writing – review & editing
Ibrahim Muhammad Gadafi: Formal Analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing
Zakaria Saidatu: Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Resources, Writing – original draft
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Abujaja, A. M., Gadafi, I. M., Saidatu, Z. (2025). Contribution of Home Farming on Academic Performance and Career Preferences: Evidence from Senior High Agricultural Science Students in Sagnarigu, Ghana. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 11(1), 10-23.

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    ACS Style

    Abujaja, A. M.; Gadafi, I. M.; Saidatu, Z. Contribution of Home Farming on Academic Performance and Career Preferences: Evidence from Senior High Agricultural Science Students in Sagnarigu, Ghana. Int. J. Appl. Agric. Sci. 2025, 11(1), 10-23. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20251101.12

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    AMA Style

    Abujaja AM, Gadafi IM, Saidatu Z. Contribution of Home Farming on Academic Performance and Career Preferences: Evidence from Senior High Agricultural Science Students in Sagnarigu, Ghana. Int J Appl Agric Sci. 2025;11(1):10-23. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20251101.12

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijaas.20251101.12,
      author = {Afishata Mohammed Abujaja and Ibrahim Muhammad Gadafi and Zakaria Saidatu},
      title = {Contribution of Home Farming on Academic Performance and Career Preferences: Evidence from Senior High Agricultural Science Students in Sagnarigu, Ghana
      journal = {International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences},
      volume = {11},
      number = {1},
      pages = {10-23},
      doi = {10.11648/j.ijaas.20251101.12},
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      abstract = {This research examines home farming experiences of Senior High School students and how that influences their academic achievements and career decisions. A cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study. A total of Two Hundred and Fifty-nine students were randomly sampled. A questionnaire and checklist were used for the data collection. The data was analysed using Chi-square tests and logistic regression to establish the significant relationship between home farming and students' decision to study agriculture, academic performance, and career preferences. Access to education was sex-dependent with males having more (66.8%) access. A majority (63.7%) of the respondents grew up in rural areas. A majority (87.2%) of respondents engaged in home farming. Students' Parents’ occupations significantly influenced their involvement in home farming. A greater proportion (90.3%) of the students deliberately chose to study Agriculture at the SHS level. Engagement in home farming significantly affected students' decision to study Agricultural Science, thus rejecting the null hypothesis (H01). This suggests that home farming has a strong, positive influence on the decision to study Agriculture. Students who did not engage in home farming are about 7.4 times more likely to be undecided about their future careers in Agriculture. Home farming did not significantly influence the actual academic performance of respondents. It was therefore concluded that students who engaged in home farming were more likely to choose Agricultural Science as a course of study. The study then recommends that early exposure to home farming should be encouraged at the basic education level.
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Contribution of Home Farming on Academic Performance and Career Preferences: Evidence from Senior High Agricultural Science Students in Sagnarigu, Ghana
    AU  - Afishata Mohammed Abujaja
    AU  - Ibrahim Muhammad Gadafi
    AU  - Zakaria Saidatu
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    AB  - This research examines home farming experiences of Senior High School students and how that influences their academic achievements and career decisions. A cross-sectional survey was adopted for the study. A total of Two Hundred and Fifty-nine students were randomly sampled. A questionnaire and checklist were used for the data collection. The data was analysed using Chi-square tests and logistic regression to establish the significant relationship between home farming and students' decision to study agriculture, academic performance, and career preferences. Access to education was sex-dependent with males having more (66.8%) access. A majority (63.7%) of the respondents grew up in rural areas. A majority (87.2%) of respondents engaged in home farming. Students' Parents’ occupations significantly influenced their involvement in home farming. A greater proportion (90.3%) of the students deliberately chose to study Agriculture at the SHS level. Engagement in home farming significantly affected students' decision to study Agricultural Science, thus rejecting the null hypothesis (H01). This suggests that home farming has a strong, positive influence on the decision to study Agriculture. Students who did not engage in home farming are about 7.4 times more likely to be undecided about their future careers in Agriculture. Home farming did not significantly influence the actual academic performance of respondents. It was therefore concluded that students who engaged in home farming were more likely to choose Agricultural Science as a course of study. The study then recommends that early exposure to home farming should be encouraged at the basic education level.
    VL  - 11
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    1. 1. Introduction
    2. 2. Conceptual Framework
    3. 3. Methodology
    4. 4. Results and Discussion
    5. 5. Conclusions
    6. 6. Recommendations
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