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Biochar and Animal Manures Increased Yield of Three Varieties of Turnips

Received: 13 November 2021     Accepted: 8 December 2021     Published: 9 February 2022
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Biochar, a product of incineration of biomass is proposed for use as a soil amendment (SA) to enhance soil water holding capacity, increase soil microbial community, and plant nutrients availability. We studied the effect of six SA (sewage sludge SS, horse manure HM, chicken manure CM, vermicompost Vermi, commercial inorganic fertilizer (19N-19P-19K), commercial organic fertilizer (Nature Safe 10N-2P-8K), and biochar added to SA on the root, shoot, and plant weight of three varieties of field-grown turnips (Purple Top White Globe PTWG, Scarlet Queen Red SQR, and Tokyo Cross TC. Regardless of SA type used in this investigation, results revealed that varieties grown in soil treated with biochar had significantly greater root, shoot, and plant weight compared to similar varieties grown in SA not treated with biochhar. SQR significantly increased turnip yield compared to PTWG and TC varieties Overall turnip shoot, root, and plant weight obtained from CM amended soil not treated with biochar was significantly greater (295.9, 524.4, and 820.3 g, respectively) compared to yield obtained from the no-amendment (NM) control treatments (147.3, 242.5, and 389.8 g, respectively). Biochar added to SS, Org, Vermi, and HM significantly increased plant weight from 522.3, 482.5, 476.5, and 450.2 g to 737.5, 701.9, 673.3, and 640.8 g, respectively. This increase represents 41, 46, 41, and 42% increase in plant weight, respectively due to the addition of biochar. Regardless of biochar application to growing plants, variety SQR is recommend for growing turnips in CM amended soil. Substitution of inorganic fertilizer by animal manure mixed with biochar may help limited-resource farmers in growing turnips at affordable costs.

Published in International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences (Volume 8, Issue 1)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijaas.20220801.16
Page(s) 50-56
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Brassica rapa, Chicken Manure, Sewage Sludge, Organic Fertilizer, Vermicompost, Horse Manure

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  • APA Style

    George Fouad Antonious, Mohammad Hasan Dawood, Eric Todd Turley, Rance Bradley Paxton. (2022). Biochar and Animal Manures Increased Yield of Three Varieties of Turnips. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 8(1), 50-56. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijaas.20220801.16

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    ACS Style

    George Fouad Antonious; Mohammad Hasan Dawood; Eric Todd Turley; Rance Bradley Paxton. Biochar and Animal Manures Increased Yield of Three Varieties of Turnips. Int. J. Appl. Agric. Sci. 2022, 8(1), 50-56. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20220801.16

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    AMA Style

    George Fouad Antonious, Mohammad Hasan Dawood, Eric Todd Turley, Rance Bradley Paxton. Biochar and Animal Manures Increased Yield of Three Varieties of Turnips. Int J Appl Agric Sci. 2022;8(1):50-56. doi: 10.11648/j.ijaas.20220801.16

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    AU  - Eric Todd Turley
    AU  - Rance Bradley Paxton
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    AB  - Biochar, a product of incineration of biomass is proposed for use as a soil amendment (SA) to enhance soil water holding capacity, increase soil microbial community, and plant nutrients availability. We studied the effect of six SA (sewage sludge SS, horse manure HM, chicken manure CM, vermicompost Vermi, commercial inorganic fertilizer (19N-19P-19K), commercial organic fertilizer (Nature Safe 10N-2P-8K), and biochar added to SA on the root, shoot, and plant weight of three varieties of field-grown turnips (Purple Top White Globe PTWG, Scarlet Queen Red SQR, and Tokyo Cross TC. Regardless of SA type used in this investigation, results revealed that varieties grown in soil treated with biochar had significantly greater root, shoot, and plant weight compared to similar varieties grown in SA not treated with biochhar. SQR significantly increased turnip yield compared to PTWG and TC varieties Overall turnip shoot, root, and plant weight obtained from CM amended soil not treated with biochar was significantly greater (295.9, 524.4, and 820.3 g, respectively) compared to yield obtained from the no-amendment (NM) control treatments (147.3, 242.5, and 389.8 g, respectively). Biochar added to SS, Org, Vermi, and HM significantly increased plant weight from 522.3, 482.5, 476.5, and 450.2 g to 737.5, 701.9, 673.3, and 640.8 g, respectively. This increase represents 41, 46, 41, and 42% increase in plant weight, respectively due to the addition of biochar. Regardless of biochar application to growing plants, variety SQR is recommend for growing turnips in CM amended soil. Substitution of inorganic fertilizer by animal manure mixed with biochar may help limited-resource farmers in growing turnips at affordable costs.
    VL  - 8
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Author Information
  • Division of Environmental Studies, College of Agriculture, Community, and the Sciences, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, USA

  • Department of Horticulture and Landscape, College of Agriculture, University of Kufa, El-Najaf, Iraq

  • Division of Environmental Studies, College of Agriculture, Community, and the Sciences, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, USA

  • Division of Environmental Studies, College of Agriculture, Community, and the Sciences, Kentucky State University, Frankfort, USA

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