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Fracturing and Hydrogeological Potentialities of the Gneisso-Migmatitic Units Along the Keve – Amoussoukope Road in the Southwest of Togo (West Africa)

Published in Hydrology (Volume 10, Issue 4)
Received: 29 September 2022     Accepted: 20 October 2022     Published: 28 October 2022
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In this study, photogeology is coupled with pre-existing well data to examine the impact of lineaments on aquifer productivity in an area where access to potable water is a serious challenge. The photogeological study of the peneplain portion along the Keve - Amoussoukope (SW-Togo) road has revealed a dense lineament network mainly represented in the NNE-SSW (N10-N20), NE-SW (N30-N50) and ENE-WSW (N60-N80) directions. The network components are dominated in number and weight (cumulative length of lineaments or fractures in a given direction) by the NE-SW lineament family. The brittle tectonic data from the field and the geological map confirm the network characteristics and validate the fracturing state of the gneisso-migmatitic formations belonging to the internal units of the Panfrican Dahomeyides Belt (600 ± 50 My). The lineament or fracture network density confers discontinuous aquifer properties to the gneisso-migmatitic formations in the study area. In fact, the major lineament and well coupling shows that wells with high flow rate (Q > 5 m3/h) are associated with the NE-SW dominant lineament network. Statistical analysis established with well data in the area highlights a large variation in productivity of the wells, probably linked to the lithological heterogeneity.

Published in Hydrology (Volume 10, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.hyd.20221004.11
Page(s) 65-74
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Lineaments, Fracture Aquifer, Gneisso-Migmatitic Units, Dahomeyides, South-west Togo

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  • APA Style

    Kodjovi Zondokpo, Mahaman Sani Tairou, Alassani Arouna Mouhamad Bang’na, Masamaeya Dadja-Toyou Gnazou. (2022). Fracturing and Hydrogeological Potentialities of the Gneisso-Migmatitic Units Along the Keve – Amoussoukope Road in the Southwest of Togo (West Africa). Hydrology, 10(4), 65-74. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.hyd.20221004.11

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    ACS Style

    Kodjovi Zondokpo; Mahaman Sani Tairou; Alassani Arouna Mouhamad Bang’na; Masamaeya Dadja-Toyou Gnazou. Fracturing and Hydrogeological Potentialities of the Gneisso-Migmatitic Units Along the Keve – Amoussoukope Road in the Southwest of Togo (West Africa). Hydrology. 2022, 10(4), 65-74. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20221004.11

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    AMA Style

    Kodjovi Zondokpo, Mahaman Sani Tairou, Alassani Arouna Mouhamad Bang’na, Masamaeya Dadja-Toyou Gnazou. Fracturing and Hydrogeological Potentialities of the Gneisso-Migmatitic Units Along the Keve – Amoussoukope Road in the Southwest of Togo (West Africa). Hydrology. 2022;10(4):65-74. doi: 10.11648/j.hyd.20221004.11

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      abstract = {In this study, photogeology is coupled with pre-existing well data to examine the impact of lineaments on aquifer productivity in an area where access to potable water is a serious challenge. The photogeological study of the peneplain portion along the Keve - Amoussoukope (SW-Togo) road has revealed a dense lineament network mainly represented in the NNE-SSW (N10-N20), NE-SW (N30-N50) and ENE-WSW (N60-N80) directions. The network components are dominated in number and weight (cumulative length of lineaments or fractures in a given direction) by the NE-SW lineament family. The brittle tectonic data from the field and the geological map confirm the network characteristics and validate the fracturing state of the gneisso-migmatitic formations belonging to the internal units of the Panfrican Dahomeyides Belt (600 ± 50 My). The lineament or fracture network density confers discontinuous aquifer properties to the gneisso-migmatitic formations in the study area. In fact, the major lineament and well coupling shows that wells with high flow rate (Q > 5 m3/h) are associated with the NE-SW dominant lineament network. Statistical analysis established with well data in the area highlights a large variation in productivity of the wells, probably linked to the lithological heterogeneity.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Fracturing and Hydrogeological Potentialities of the Gneisso-Migmatitic Units Along the Keve – Amoussoukope Road in the Southwest of Togo (West Africa)
    AU  - Kodjovi Zondokpo
    AU  - Mahaman Sani Tairou
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    AU  - Masamaeya Dadja-Toyou Gnazou
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    AB  - In this study, photogeology is coupled with pre-existing well data to examine the impact of lineaments on aquifer productivity in an area where access to potable water is a serious challenge. The photogeological study of the peneplain portion along the Keve - Amoussoukope (SW-Togo) road has revealed a dense lineament network mainly represented in the NNE-SSW (N10-N20), NE-SW (N30-N50) and ENE-WSW (N60-N80) directions. The network components are dominated in number and weight (cumulative length of lineaments or fractures in a given direction) by the NE-SW lineament family. The brittle tectonic data from the field and the geological map confirm the network characteristics and validate the fracturing state of the gneisso-migmatitic formations belonging to the internal units of the Panfrican Dahomeyides Belt (600 ± 50 My). The lineament or fracture network density confers discontinuous aquifer properties to the gneisso-migmatitic formations in the study area. In fact, the major lineament and well coupling shows that wells with high flow rate (Q > 5 m3/h) are associated with the NE-SW dominant lineament network. Statistical analysis established with well data in the area highlights a large variation in productivity of the wells, probably linked to the lithological heterogeneity.
    VL  - 10
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Author Information
  • Geology Department, University of Lome, Lome, Togo

  • Geology Department, University of Lome, Lome, Togo

  • Geology Department, University of Lome, Lome, Togo

  • Geology Department, University of Lome, Lome, Togo

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