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Pilot Review Study on Current Research Status and Economic Value Limitations of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in Ethiopia

Published in Economics (Volume 11, Issue 4)
Received: 27 June 2022     Accepted: 13 September 2022     Published: 22 November 2022
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The primary goal of this review study is to convey an impression of the existing research status and economic value limitations of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in Ethiopia. Bread wheat is a widespread crop in temperate countries and is being used as human food and livestock nourishments. It produces on wide farm lands than any other food crop and is one of the most significant sources of nutrients for humans in several countries of the world. The intent look of the plant is classic of the grass family, however the head or a spike is thickly overflowing with ounces. The utmost cultivars have awns, which are the attachments close to each spikelet, giving the spikes a hairy appearance. The good achievement of bread wheat production depends relatively on its adaptableness and great yield capacity, and also on the gluten protein parts, which weigh up the viscous-elastic things that permit its bread to be handled into bread, pasta, noodles, and other food produces. In terms of the human diet, it donates nutritive elements, useful phytochemicals, and nutritional fiber components. The existing minor review study relates with recent and the upcoming worries that comprise bread wheat production and quality with minimized inputs of agrochemicals and developing lines with improved quality for precise end-uses, notably for biofuels and human nourishment. The Economic value limitations analysis by means of a partial budgeting method was done on purposely designated bread wheat cultivars grain yields in order to decide the preeminent treatment by the utmost cost-effective earnings. The valuable marginal rate of return (8.50) and valuable benefit-cost ratio (8.07) was attained from the variety Hidassie/large seed size at a plant population of 300 seeds m-2 followed by a marginal rate of return (9.55) and benefit-cost ratio (8.05) were also gained once more from the variety Hidassie/large seed size at a plant population of 250 plants m-2. So the most profitable cultivar and plant population level for farmers with low cost of production and higher profits were recognized to be the variety Hidassie/large seed size at the plant population level of 300 plants m-2 in the rain-fed cropping time is recognized as minimized cost of production with the maximum profit and can be validated for the farmers of bread wheat producers.

Published in Economics (Volume 11, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11
Page(s) 137-166
Creative Commons

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Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Ethiopia, Economic Benefit, Marketing Opportunity, Soil Nutrients, Wheat Production and Productivity

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  • APA Style

    Anbessie Debebe Aboye, Asrat Mekonnen Teto. (2022). Pilot Review Study on Current Research Status and Economic Value Limitations of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in Ethiopia. Economics, 11(4), 137-166. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11

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    ACS Style

    Anbessie Debebe Aboye; Asrat Mekonnen Teto. Pilot Review Study on Current Research Status and Economic Value Limitations of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in Ethiopia. Economics. 2022, 11(4), 137-166. doi: 10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11

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    AMA Style

    Anbessie Debebe Aboye, Asrat Mekonnen Teto. Pilot Review Study on Current Research Status and Economic Value Limitations of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in Ethiopia. Economics. 2022;11(4):137-166. doi: 10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11

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      url = {https://doi.org/10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11},
      eprint = {https://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/pdf/10.11648.j.eco.20221104.11},
      abstract = {The primary goal of this review study is to convey an impression of the existing research status and economic value limitations of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in Ethiopia. Bread wheat is a widespread crop in temperate countries and is being used as human food and livestock nourishments. It produces on wide farm lands than any other food crop and is one of the most significant sources of nutrients for humans in several countries of the world. The intent look of the plant is classic of the grass family, however the head or a spike is thickly overflowing with ounces. The utmost cultivars have awns, which are the attachments close to each spikelet, giving the spikes a hairy appearance. The good achievement of bread wheat production depends relatively on its adaptableness and great yield capacity, and also on the gluten protein parts, which weigh up the viscous-elastic things that permit its bread to be handled into bread, pasta, noodles, and other food produces. In terms of the human diet, it donates nutritive elements, useful phytochemicals, and nutritional fiber components. The existing minor review study relates with recent and the upcoming worries that comprise bread wheat production and quality with minimized inputs of agrochemicals and developing lines with improved quality for precise end-uses, notably for biofuels and human nourishment. The Economic value limitations analysis by means of a partial budgeting method was done on purposely designated bread wheat cultivars grain yields in order to decide the preeminent treatment by the utmost cost-effective earnings. The valuable marginal rate of return (8.50) and valuable benefit-cost ratio (8.07) was attained from the variety Hidassie/large seed size at a plant population of 300 seeds m-2 followed by a marginal rate of return (9.55) and benefit-cost ratio (8.05) were also gained once more from the variety Hidassie/large seed size at a plant population of 250 plants m-2. So the most profitable cultivar and plant population level for farmers with low cost of production and higher profits were recognized to be the variety Hidassie/large seed size at the plant population level of 300 plants m-2 in the rain-fed cropping time is recognized as minimized cost of production with the maximum profit and can be validated for the farmers of bread wheat producers.},
     year = {2022}

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Pilot Review Study on Current Research Status and Economic Value Limitations of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Production in Ethiopia
    AU  - Anbessie Debebe Aboye
    AU  - Asrat Mekonnen Teto
    Y1  - 2022/11/22
    PY  - 2022
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11
    DO  - 10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11
    T2  - Economics
    JF  - Economics
    JO  - Economics
    SP  - 137
    EP  - 166
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2376-6603
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.eco.20221104.11
    AB  - The primary goal of this review study is to convey an impression of the existing research status and economic value limitations of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production in Ethiopia. Bread wheat is a widespread crop in temperate countries and is being used as human food and livestock nourishments. It produces on wide farm lands than any other food crop and is one of the most significant sources of nutrients for humans in several countries of the world. The intent look of the plant is classic of the grass family, however the head or a spike is thickly overflowing with ounces. The utmost cultivars have awns, which are the attachments close to each spikelet, giving the spikes a hairy appearance. The good achievement of bread wheat production depends relatively on its adaptableness and great yield capacity, and also on the gluten protein parts, which weigh up the viscous-elastic things that permit its bread to be handled into bread, pasta, noodles, and other food produces. In terms of the human diet, it donates nutritive elements, useful phytochemicals, and nutritional fiber components. The existing minor review study relates with recent and the upcoming worries that comprise bread wheat production and quality with minimized inputs of agrochemicals and developing lines with improved quality for precise end-uses, notably for biofuels and human nourishment. The Economic value limitations analysis by means of a partial budgeting method was done on purposely designated bread wheat cultivars grain yields in order to decide the preeminent treatment by the utmost cost-effective earnings. The valuable marginal rate of return (8.50) and valuable benefit-cost ratio (8.07) was attained from the variety Hidassie/large seed size at a plant population of 300 seeds m-2 followed by a marginal rate of return (9.55) and benefit-cost ratio (8.05) were also gained once more from the variety Hidassie/large seed size at a plant population of 250 plants m-2. So the most profitable cultivar and plant population level for farmers with low cost of production and higher profits were recognized to be the variety Hidassie/large seed size at the plant population level of 300 plants m-2 in the rain-fed cropping time is recognized as minimized cost of production with the maximum profit and can be validated for the farmers of bread wheat producers.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Natural Resource Management Research Process, Asella, Ethiopia

  • Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Natural Resource Management Research Process, Asella, Ethiopia

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