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Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) Induced Inflammatory Lung Disease a Review on the Role of Renin–Angiotensin System and the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2

Received: 20 June 2020     Accepted: 10 July 2020     Published: 17 July 2020
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In December 2019, a novel infectious disease, caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified in Wuhan, China, now declared as a pandemic. The Renin–Angiotensin system (RAS) and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) have drawn special attention, as ACE2 acts as a receptor for SARS-CoV2. No specific therapy against SARS-COV2 has been invented yet. There is a constant need towards understanding of the underlying pathophysiology to aid the pharmacological research. We have looked at the current evidence on the relationship between SARS-COV-2 and RAS and ACE2. Articles in English language published between 1st January 2003 and 15th June 2020 were searched using keywords and MeSH (Medical Subject Heading). We used Google Scholar and Pubmed as search engines. Conclusion: Bats serve as primary reservoir for SARS-CoV2, but its intermediate host has not been identified yet. ‘Hot spots’ on ACE2, serve as receptors for SARS-COV2. Imbalance in the activity of ACE/ACE2 is an important contribution towards the pathogenesis of coronavirus related diseases. ACE2 also has protective role and recombinant ACE2 has been shown to improve lung injury and it is a potential therapeutic agent.

Published in American Journal of Internal Medicine (Volume 8, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14
Page(s) 159-171
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2020. Published by Science Publishing Group


Renin-Angiotensin System, Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2, Lung Inflammation, SARS-COV, Angiotensin-II

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  • APA Style

    Sanjeev Arya, David Maskill, Avinash Sharma, Ankit Khanduri, Prashant Kumar, et al. (2020). Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) Induced Inflammatory Lung Disease a Review on the Role of Renin–Angiotensin System and the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2. American Journal of Internal Medicine, 8(4), 159-171. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14

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    ACS Style

    Sanjeev Arya; David Maskill; Avinash Sharma; Ankit Khanduri; Prashant Kumar, et al. Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) Induced Inflammatory Lung Disease a Review on the Role of Renin–Angiotensin System and the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2. Am. J. Intern. Med. 2020, 8(4), 159-171. doi: 10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14

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    AMA Style

    Sanjeev Arya, David Maskill, Avinash Sharma, Ankit Khanduri, Prashant Kumar, et al. Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) Induced Inflammatory Lung Disease a Review on the Role of Renin–Angiotensin System and the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2. Am J Intern Med. 2020;8(4):159-171. doi: 10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14,
      author = {Sanjeev Arya and David Maskill and Avinash Sharma and Ankit Khanduri and Prashant Kumar and Dushyant Gaur and Haider Abbas and Sheetal Verma and Vinita Singh},
      title = {Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) Induced Inflammatory Lung Disease a Review on the Role of Renin–Angiotensin System and the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2},
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    T1  - Corona Virus (SARS-COV-2) Induced Inflammatory Lung Disease a Review on the Role of Renin–Angiotensin System and the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2
    AU  - Sanjeev Arya
    AU  - David Maskill
    AU  - Avinash Sharma
    AU  - Ankit Khanduri
    AU  - Prashant Kumar
    AU  - Dushyant Gaur
    AU  - Haider Abbas
    AU  - Sheetal Verma
    AU  - Vinita Singh
    Y1  - 2020/07/17
    PY  - 2020
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14
    T2  - American Journal of Internal Medicine
    JF  - American Journal of Internal Medicine
    JO  - American Journal of Internal Medicine
    SP  - 159
    EP  - 171
    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2330-4324
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajim.20200804.14
    AB  - In December 2019, a novel infectious disease, caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified in Wuhan, China, now declared as a pandemic. The Renin–Angiotensin system (RAS) and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) have drawn special attention, as ACE2 acts as a receptor for SARS-CoV2. No specific therapy against SARS-COV2 has been invented yet. There is a constant need towards understanding of the underlying pathophysiology to aid the pharmacological research. We have looked at the current evidence on the relationship between SARS-COV-2 and RAS and ACE2. Articles in English language published between 1st January 2003 and 15th June 2020 were searched using keywords and MeSH (Medical Subject Heading). We used Google Scholar and Pubmed as search engines. Conclusion: Bats serve as primary reservoir for SARS-CoV2, but its intermediate host has not been identified yet. ‘Hot spots’ on ACE2, serve as receptors for SARS-COV2. Imbalance in the activity of ACE/ACE2 is an important contribution towards the pathogenesis of coronavirus related diseases. ACE2 also has protective role and recombinant ACE2 has been shown to improve lung injury and it is a potential therapeutic agent.
    VL  - 8
    IS  - 4
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Critical Care, Max Super Specialty Hospital (Previously Worked), Mussoorie Road, Dehradun, India

  • Department of Internal Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, United Kingdom

  • Department of Internal Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, United Kingdom

  • Department of Microbiology, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Dehradun, India

  • Department of Critical Care, Kailash Hospital, Noida, UP, India

  • Department of Pathology and Head of Lab Services, Himalayan Institute OF Medical Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

  • Department of Emergency Medicine, King Georges Medical University, Lucknow, UP, India

  • Department of Virology, King Georges Medical University, Lucknow, UP, India

  • Department of Anaesthesia and Critical Care, King Georges Medical University, Lucknow, UP, India

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