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Importance of Design Factor in Improvement of Fishway Efficiency

Received: 23 November 2015     Accepted: 7 December 2015     Published: 25 December 2015
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Properly designed fishway plays an important role to mitigate the migrating problem of fish and help them meet their life cycle’s basic requirements, especially the spawning activities with enhancing the local ecosystem as well. However, the fishways are still constricted at the small section of the dam or weir giving less priority and the designs of fishways are further limited by engineering, hydraulic and economic constraints. Thus, this paper presents an overview of the fishway design history and their consequences following different available literatures till date. Furthermore this paper also suggests on considering some important parameters during design such as turbulence, roughness coefficient, minimum head difference, slope which have a key role in improving the working efficiency of fishway. In addition, this review provides following recommendations: i) Need to improve downstream design of fishway and associated experimental methodology, ii) Consideration of river temperature with dissolved oxygen and their effect on fish behavior during design work, iii) Importance of further research work on coarse species along with other economically important fish, and iv) Updating the fishway design by considering fluctuating water level condition in the river. Hence this paper can contribute in the enhancement and restoration of fisheries resources from the perspective of fish passage design problems and their solution. Furthermore it may help the new researchers and designers to upgrade the existing design concept for the better result in fishway efficiency in coming future.

Published in American Journal of Environmental Protection (Volume 4, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21
Page(s) 344-353
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2015. Published by Science Publishing Group


Attraction Efficiency, Dam, Discharge, Fishway, Passage Efficiency, Velocity

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  • APA Style

    Prashant Mandal, Zhiying Tu, Xi Yuan, Yong Gao, Yingping Huang, et al. (2015). Importance of Design Factor in Improvement of Fishway Efficiency. American Journal of Environmental Protection, 4(6), 344-353. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21

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    ACS Style

    Prashant Mandal; Zhiying Tu; Xi Yuan; Yong Gao; Yingping Huang, et al. Importance of Design Factor in Improvement of Fishway Efficiency. Am. J. Environ. Prot. 2015, 4(6), 344-353. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21

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    AMA Style

    Prashant Mandal, Zhiying Tu, Xi Yuan, Yong Gao, Yingping Huang, et al. Importance of Design Factor in Improvement of Fishway Efficiency. Am J Environ Prot. 2015;4(6):344-353. doi: 10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21,
      author = {Prashant Mandal and Zhiying Tu and Xi Yuan and Yong Gao and Yingping Huang and Hui Peng},
      title = {Importance of Design Factor in Improvement of Fishway Efficiency},
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      abstract = {Properly designed fishway plays an important role to mitigate the migrating problem of fish and help them meet their life cycle’s basic requirements, especially the spawning activities with enhancing the local ecosystem as well. However, the fishways are still constricted at the small section of the dam or weir giving less priority and the designs of fishways are further limited by engineering, hydraulic and economic constraints. Thus, this paper presents an overview of the fishway design history and their consequences following different available literatures till date. Furthermore this paper also suggests on considering some important parameters during design such as turbulence, roughness coefficient, minimum head difference, slope which have a key role in improving the working efficiency of fishway. In addition, this review provides following recommendations: i) Need to improve downstream design of fishway and associated experimental methodology, ii) Consideration of river temperature with dissolved oxygen and their effect on fish behavior during design work, iii) Importance of further research work on coarse species along with other economically important fish, and iv) Updating the fishway design by considering fluctuating water level condition in the river. Hence this paper can contribute in the enhancement and restoration of fisheries resources from the perspective of fish passage design problems and their solution. Furthermore it may help the new researchers and designers to upgrade the existing design concept for the better result in fishway efficiency in coming future.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Importance of Design Factor in Improvement of Fishway Efficiency
    AU  - Prashant Mandal
    AU  - Zhiying Tu
    AU  - Xi Yuan
    AU  - Yong Gao
    AU  - Yingping Huang
    AU  - Hui Peng
    Y1  - 2015/12/25
    PY  - 2015
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21
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    T2  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    JF  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
    JO  - American Journal of Environmental Protection
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajep.20150406.21
    AB  - Properly designed fishway plays an important role to mitigate the migrating problem of fish and help them meet their life cycle’s basic requirements, especially the spawning activities with enhancing the local ecosystem as well. However, the fishways are still constricted at the small section of the dam or weir giving less priority and the designs of fishways are further limited by engineering, hydraulic and economic constraints. Thus, this paper presents an overview of the fishway design history and their consequences following different available literatures till date. Furthermore this paper also suggests on considering some important parameters during design such as turbulence, roughness coefficient, minimum head difference, slope which have a key role in improving the working efficiency of fishway. In addition, this review provides following recommendations: i) Need to improve downstream design of fishway and associated experimental methodology, ii) Consideration of river temperature with dissolved oxygen and their effect on fish behavior during design work, iii) Importance of further research work on coarse species along with other economically important fish, and iv) Updating the fishway design by considering fluctuating water level condition in the river. Hence this paper can contribute in the enhancement and restoration of fisheries resources from the perspective of fish passage design problems and their solution. Furthermore it may help the new researchers and designers to upgrade the existing design concept for the better result in fishway efficiency in coming future.
    VL  - 4
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Engineering Research Center of Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Ministry of Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China

  • Engineering Research Center of Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Ministry of Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China

  • Engineering Research Center of Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Ministry of Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China

  • Hubei Key Laboratory of Three Gorges Project for Conservation of Fishes, Chinese sturgeon Research Institute, China Three Gorges Corporation, Yichang, China

  • Engineering Research Center of Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Ministry of Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China

  • Engineering Research Center of Eco-Environment in Three Gorges Reservoir Region, Ministry of Education, China Three Gorges University, Yichang, China

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