Climate variability and extreme events are major threats of food production that exacerbates the existing food security challenges in developing countries where agriculture is climate sensitive while adaptive capacity is low to remain productive under undoubtedly changing climate. On the other hand, the dynamically increasing human population increase the demands for more food than ever in the past while the worst climate change scenarios indicate as it would get even harder in fifty to hundred years in the future. Understanding the climate, crop and cropping system have significant importance in effective management of climate risks and designing suitable adaptation strategies for sustainable food production. Therefore, the main objecive of the study was to evaluate and identify climate change adaptation practices for sorghum production over Kobo, Melkassa and Miesso as representative growing agroecologies of Ethiopia. The study was conducted using DSSAT-CSM approach depending on EMI’s historical climate data and climate change data from Global Climate Models (GCMs) for mid (2040-2069) and end-term (2070-2099) periods using delta method downscaling while soil profile data was used from secondary sources. Three planting windows (16th June to 30th June, 1st July to 15th July and 16th July to 30th July) were used to evaluate planting date response of ESH-1, ESH-2 and Melkam Sorghum varieties to be tested in early, normal (intermidate) and late planting, respectively. The result indicated that the rainfall is expected to be increased by 3.1% at Melkassa, 4.5% at Kobo and to 7.9% at Miesso by 2050s whrereas 9.2%, 12.5% and 20.4% increment change is expected by 2080s, respectivley. The projected temperature indicated an increament of close to 2.3°C to 3.8°C. The sorghum yield response of future climate over Kobo and Miesso in both mid-term and end-term is riskier as compared to Melkassa, the one in intermediate agroecology. In the case of end-term, the yield reduction ranges from 38 percent for Melkam Varity over Kobo to 25 percent over Melkassa. On the other hand, combination of early planting and increasing the fertilizer rate by 50% would increase sorghum productivity in all cases. In general, the results indicated that climate change would aggravate the ongoing food production challenges unless appropriate adaptation plans be designed and implemented. Indeed, the findings of this study would have a potential impact for policy makers, researchers, and agricultural experts by looking for appropriate adaptation options that enable sustainable production under future climate changes scenarios.
Published in | International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences (Volume 11, Issue 1) |
DOI | 10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.15 |
Page(s) | 48-57 |
Creative Commons |
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Copyright |
Copyright © The Author(s), 2025. Published by Science Publishing Group |
Adaptation, Climate Change Impact, Sorghum Production
Locations | Annual | JJAS |
Kobo | 679.3 | 405.9 |
Melkassa | 823.7 | 557.5 |
Miesso | 726.6 | 403.7 |
Genetic parameters | Description | Estimated coef. | |
Teshale | Melkam | ||
P1 | Thermal time from seedling emergence to the end of the juvenile phase (expressed in degree days above a base temperature of 8°C) during which the plant is not responsive to changes in photoperiod | 250.1 | 311.7 |
P2O | Critical photoperiod or the longest day length (in hours) at which development occurs at a maximum rate. At values higher than P20, the rate of development is reduced | 12.46 | 12.46 |
P2R | Extent to which phasic development leading to panicle initiation (expressed in degree days) is delayed for each hour increase in photoperiod above P20. | 101.7 | 154.4 |
P5 | Thermal time (degree days above a base temperature of 8°C) from beginning of grain filling (3 - 4 days after flowering) to physiological maturity | 492.8 | 480.8 |
G1 | Scaler for relative leaf size | 5.512 | 6.4 |
G2 | Scaler for partitioning of assimilates to the panicle (head). | 5.255 | 5.0 |
Nutrient Type | Treatment-1 | Treatment-2 | Treatment-3 | |||
DAP (150 kg/ha) | Urea (100 kg/ha) | DAP (100 kg/ha) | Urea (75 kg/ha) | DAP (75 kg/ha) | Urea (50 kg/ha) | |
N-kg/ha | 27 | 46 | 18 | 35 | 14 | 23 |
P-kg/ha | 69 | 46 | 35 |
AgMIP | Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project |
AR5 | Fifth Assessement Report |
BD | Bulk Density |
CERES | Crop Environment Resource Synthesis |
CSM | Crop System Model |
DLL | Drained Lower Limit |
DSSAT | Decision Support System Agrotechnology Transfer |
DUL | Drained Upper Limit |
EIAR | Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research |
EMI | Ethiopian Meteorological Institute |
GCM | Global Climate Model |
GDP | Growth Domestic Product |
GHGs | Greenhouse Gases |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change |
ITCZ | Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone |
JJAS | June, July, Augest and September |
RCP | Representative Concentration Pathway |
RGF | Root Growth Factor |
SAT | Saturation |
SBUILD | Soil Data Uitility |
SKs | Saturated Hydroulic Condactivity |
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APA Style
Dessalegn, O., Zewdu, E. (2025). Climate Change Adaptation Practices for Sustainable Sorghum Production in Drylands of Ethiopia. International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences, 11(1), 48-57.
ACS Style
Dessalegn, O.; Zewdu, E. Climate Change Adaptation Practices for Sustainable Sorghum Production in Drylands of Ethiopia. Int. J. Appl. Agric. Sci. 2025, 11(1), 48-57. doi: 10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.15
@article{10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.15, author = {Olika Dessalegn and Eshetu Zewdu}, title = {Climate Change Adaptation Practices for Sustainable Sorghum Production in Drylands of Ethiopia }, journal = {International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {48-57}, doi = {10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.15}, url = {}, eprint = {}, abstract = {Climate variability and extreme events are major threats of food production that exacerbates the existing food security challenges in developing countries where agriculture is climate sensitive while adaptive capacity is low to remain productive under undoubtedly changing climate. On the other hand, the dynamically increasing human population increase the demands for more food than ever in the past while the worst climate change scenarios indicate as it would get even harder in fifty to hundred years in the future. Understanding the climate, crop and cropping system have significant importance in effective management of climate risks and designing suitable adaptation strategies for sustainable food production. Therefore, the main objecive of the study was to evaluate and identify climate change adaptation practices for sorghum production over Kobo, Melkassa and Miesso as representative growing agroecologies of Ethiopia. The study was conducted using DSSAT-CSM approach depending on EMI’s historical climate data and climate change data from Global Climate Models (GCMs) for mid (2040-2069) and end-term (2070-2099) periods using delta method downscaling while soil profile data was used from secondary sources. Three planting windows (16th June to 30th June, 1st July to 15th July and 16th July to 30th July) were used to evaluate planting date response of ESH-1, ESH-2 and Melkam Sorghum varieties to be tested in early, normal (intermidate) and late planting, respectively. The result indicated that the rainfall is expected to be increased by 3.1% at Melkassa, 4.5% at Kobo and to 7.9% at Miesso by 2050s whrereas 9.2%, 12.5% and 20.4% increment change is expected by 2080s, respectivley. The projected temperature indicated an increament of close to 2.3°C to 3.8°C. The sorghum yield response of future climate over Kobo and Miesso in both mid-term and end-term is riskier as compared to Melkassa, the one in intermediate agroecology. In the case of end-term, the yield reduction ranges from 38 percent for Melkam Varity over Kobo to 25 percent over Melkassa. On the other hand, combination of early planting and increasing the fertilizer rate by 50% would increase sorghum productivity in all cases. In general, the results indicated that climate change would aggravate the ongoing food production challenges unless appropriate adaptation plans be designed and implemented. Indeed, the findings of this study would have a potential impact for policy makers, researchers, and agricultural experts by looking for appropriate adaptation options that enable sustainable production under future climate changes scenarios. }, year = {2025} }
TY - JOUR T1 - Climate Change Adaptation Practices for Sustainable Sorghum Production in Drylands of Ethiopia AU - Olika Dessalegn AU - Eshetu Zewdu Y1 - 2025/02/22 PY - 2025 N1 - DO - 10.11648/j.ajasr.20251101.15 T2 - International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences JF - International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences JO - International Journal of Applied Agricultural Sciences SP - 48 EP - 57 PB - Science Publishing Group SN - 2469-7885 UR - AB - Climate variability and extreme events are major threats of food production that exacerbates the existing food security challenges in developing countries where agriculture is climate sensitive while adaptive capacity is low to remain productive under undoubtedly changing climate. On the other hand, the dynamically increasing human population increase the demands for more food than ever in the past while the worst climate change scenarios indicate as it would get even harder in fifty to hundred years in the future. Understanding the climate, crop and cropping system have significant importance in effective management of climate risks and designing suitable adaptation strategies for sustainable food production. Therefore, the main objecive of the study was to evaluate and identify climate change adaptation practices for sorghum production over Kobo, Melkassa and Miesso as representative growing agroecologies of Ethiopia. The study was conducted using DSSAT-CSM approach depending on EMI’s historical climate data and climate change data from Global Climate Models (GCMs) for mid (2040-2069) and end-term (2070-2099) periods using delta method downscaling while soil profile data was used from secondary sources. Three planting windows (16th June to 30th June, 1st July to 15th July and 16th July to 30th July) were used to evaluate planting date response of ESH-1, ESH-2 and Melkam Sorghum varieties to be tested in early, normal (intermidate) and late planting, respectively. The result indicated that the rainfall is expected to be increased by 3.1% at Melkassa, 4.5% at Kobo and to 7.9% at Miesso by 2050s whrereas 9.2%, 12.5% and 20.4% increment change is expected by 2080s, respectivley. The projected temperature indicated an increament of close to 2.3°C to 3.8°C. The sorghum yield response of future climate over Kobo and Miesso in both mid-term and end-term is riskier as compared to Melkassa, the one in intermediate agroecology. In the case of end-term, the yield reduction ranges from 38 percent for Melkam Varity over Kobo to 25 percent over Melkassa. On the other hand, combination of early planting and increasing the fertilizer rate by 50% would increase sorghum productivity in all cases. In general, the results indicated that climate change would aggravate the ongoing food production challenges unless appropriate adaptation plans be designed and implemented. Indeed, the findings of this study would have a potential impact for policy makers, researchers, and agricultural experts by looking for appropriate adaptation options that enable sustainable production under future climate changes scenarios. VL - 11 IS - 1 ER -