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Potentials and Endogenous Practices in the Exploitation of Natural Resources of a Forest Ecosystem in the Southern Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso

Received: 14 September 2023     Accepted: 8 October 2023     Published: 9 November 2023
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The Kuinima Classified Forest (KCF) is undergoing increasing degradation due to climatic hazards and anthropogenic pressures. The aim of this study is to propose options for conserving the forest resources of the KCF for the various ecological and socio-economic functions it provides. To this end, a survey was carried out among local residents. This survey involved a sample of 113 producers (chosen on the basis of availability) spread across the four villages bordering the FCK. The villages concerned were: Dingasso, Kouakoualé, Farakoba and Kuinima (Sector 6). In total, the survey concerned one hundred and thirteen (113) people, 70% of whom were men compared to 30% women. The main axes of the investigation are: (i) the potential and importance of the forest for the local populations, (ii) the endogenous practices of the exploitation of forest resources and (iii) the perception of the degradation of the forest and associated environmental problems. It appears that plants and animals are the most mentioned with 45% and 40% frequency respectively. The results of the study reveal the existence of plant and animal potential to be preserved. These include Vitellaria paradoxa, an abundant species (89%) used for food, medicine and fuel. The shea caterpillar (Cirina butyrospermi) is used by 100% of people interviewed, while 30.09% use it for medicinal purposes. Local residents (59.29%) believe that the condition of the KCF has improved, compared with 36.28% who consider it to be very degraded. To ensure sustainable management of the forest, local residents are unanimous on the need to continue planting, raising awareness and monitoring.

Published in American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Volume 11, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajaf.20231106.11
Page(s) 212-217
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Copyright © The Author(s), 2023. Published by Science Publishing Group


Kuinima Classified Forest, Degradation, Non-Wood Forest Product

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  • APA Style

    Kouhouyiwo, G. A. P., Basirou, D., Hamadé, S., Tegawindé, Y. J., Sobéré, T., et al. (2023). Potentials and Endogenous Practices in the Exploitation of Natural Resources of a Forest Ecosystem in the Southern Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 11(6), 212-217.

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    ACS Style

    Kouhouyiwo, G. A. P.; Basirou, D.; Hamadé, S.; Tegawindé, Y. J.; Sobéré, T., et al. Potentials and Endogenous Practices in the Exploitation of Natural Resources of a Forest Ecosystem in the Southern Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso. Am. J. Agric. For. 2023, 11(6), 212-217. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20231106.11

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    AMA Style

    Kouhouyiwo GAP, Basirou D, Hamadé S, Tegawindé YJ, Sobéré T, et al. Potentials and Endogenous Practices in the Exploitation of Natural Resources of a Forest Ecosystem in the Southern Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso. Am J Agric For. 2023;11(6):212-217. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20231106.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajaf.20231106.11,
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      title = {Potentials and Endogenous Practices in the Exploitation of Natural Resources of a Forest Ecosystem in the Southern Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso},
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      abstract = {The Kuinima Classified Forest (KCF) is undergoing increasing degradation due to climatic hazards and anthropogenic pressures. The aim of this study is to propose options for conserving the forest resources of the KCF for the various ecological and socio-economic functions it provides. To this end, a survey was carried out among local residents. This survey involved a sample of 113 producers (chosen on the basis of availability) spread across the four villages bordering the FCK. The villages concerned were: Dingasso, Kouakoualé, Farakoba and Kuinima (Sector 6). In total, the survey concerned one hundred and thirteen (113) people, 70% of whom were men compared to 30% women. The main axes of the investigation are: (i) the potential and importance of the forest for the local populations, (ii) the endogenous practices of the exploitation of forest resources and (iii) the perception of the degradation of the forest and associated environmental problems. It appears that plants and animals are the most mentioned with 45% and 40% frequency respectively. The results of the study reveal the existence of plant and animal potential to be preserved. These include Vitellaria paradoxa, an abundant species (89%) used for food, medicine and fuel. The shea caterpillar (Cirina butyrospermi) is used by 100% of people interviewed, while 30.09% use it for medicinal purposes. Local residents (59.29%) believe that the condition of the KCF has improved, compared with 36.28% who consider it to be very degraded. To ensure sustainable management of the forest, local residents are unanimous on the need to continue planting, raising awareness and monitoring.
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    T1  - Potentials and Endogenous Practices in the Exploitation of Natural Resources of a Forest Ecosystem in the Southern Sudanian Zone of Burkina Faso
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    AU  - Dembele Basirou
    AU  - Sigué Hamadé
    AU  - Yameogo Jérôme Tegawindé
    AU  - Traore Sobéré
    AU  - Ouédraogo Osée Wendsom
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    AB  - The Kuinima Classified Forest (KCF) is undergoing increasing degradation due to climatic hazards and anthropogenic pressures. The aim of this study is to propose options for conserving the forest resources of the KCF for the various ecological and socio-economic functions it provides. To this end, a survey was carried out among local residents. This survey involved a sample of 113 producers (chosen on the basis of availability) spread across the four villages bordering the FCK. The villages concerned were: Dingasso, Kouakoualé, Farakoba and Kuinima (Sector 6). In total, the survey concerned one hundred and thirteen (113) people, 70% of whom were men compared to 30% women. The main axes of the investigation are: (i) the potential and importance of the forest for the local populations, (ii) the endogenous practices of the exploitation of forest resources and (iii) the perception of the degradation of the forest and associated environmental problems. It appears that plants and animals are the most mentioned with 45% and 40% frequency respectively. The results of the study reveal the existence of plant and animal potential to be preserved. These include Vitellaria paradoxa, an abundant species (89%) used for food, medicine and fuel. The shea caterpillar (Cirina butyrospermi) is used by 100% of people interviewed, while 30.09% use it for medicinal purposes. Local residents (59.29%) believe that the condition of the KCF has improved, compared with 36.28% who consider it to be very degraded. To ensure sustainable management of the forest, local residents are unanimous on the need to continue planting, raising awareness and monitoring.
    VL  - 11
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research, National Centre of Technology and Scientific Research, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso; Institute of Rural Development, University of Nazi Boni, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

  • Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research, National Centre of Technology and Scientific Research, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso; Institute of Rural Development, University of Nazi Boni, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

  • National Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research, Centre of Technology and Scientific Research, Koudougou, Burkina Faso

  • Institute of Rural Development, University of Nazi Boni, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

  • Institute of Rural Development, University of Nazi Boni, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

  • Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research, National Centre of Technology and Scientific Research, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso; National Institute of Environment and Agricultural Research, Centre of Technology and Scientific Research, Koudougou, Burkina Faso; Partnership and Continuing Training Department, National School of Water and Forest, Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso

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