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Managing the Imminent Danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease: A Critical Review Article

Received: 31 July 2021     Accepted: 8 November 2021     Published: 24 December 2021
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Rice is one of the most important crop planted on earth. It provide food and employment for thousands of persons daily through out the world. In Guyana the rice industry is one of the largest user of agricultural lands and contributies more than 20% to the country gross domestic product (GDP). The rice crop is known to suffer from several biotic and abiotic factors. Of which rice blast (P. oryzae) and sheath blight (R. solani) disease identified as two of the most devastating disease affecting the rice cultivation in Guyana. In this context, the present critical review article entitled ‘Managing the imminent danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease’ was taken up to look at the most practical disease management approaches available and can be utilized to mitigate the imminent threat pose by the rice blast and sheath blight disease. The review will focus on: disease resistant screening and understand the genotype and environment interactions; study the expression pattern of proteins in resistant and susceptible genotypes against blast pathogen (P. oryzae); examine the efficacy of botanicals, biocontrol agents and new generation fungicides against blast and sheath blight disease under different conditions. This will form a foundation for the exploration of the various disease management stratigies for blast and sheath blight disease.

Published in American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Volume 9, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ajaf.20210906.20
Page(s) 409-423
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This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Rice Blast Disease, Sheath Blight, Resistant, Genotype by Environment, Protein, Plant Extracts, Bioagents, New Generation Fungicides

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  • APA Style

    Rajendra Persaud, Danata McGowan, Mahendra Persaud. (2021). Managing the Imminent Danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease: A Critical Review Article. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 9(6), 409-423. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ajaf.20210906.20

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    ACS Style

    Rajendra Persaud; Danata McGowan; Mahendra Persaud. Managing the Imminent Danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease: A Critical Review Article. Am. J. Agric. For. 2021, 9(6), 409-423. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20210906.20

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    AMA Style

    Rajendra Persaud, Danata McGowan, Mahendra Persaud. Managing the Imminent Danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease: A Critical Review Article. Am J Agric For. 2021;9(6):409-423. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaf.20210906.20

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ajaf.20210906.20,
      author = {Rajendra Persaud and Danata McGowan and Mahendra Persaud},
      title = {Managing the Imminent Danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease: A Critical Review Article},
      journal = {American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry},
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      abstract = {Rice is one of the most important crop planted on earth. It provide food and employment for thousands of persons daily through out the world. In Guyana the rice industry is one of the largest user of agricultural lands and contributies more than 20% to the country gross domestic product (GDP). The rice crop is known to suffer from several biotic and abiotic factors. Of which rice blast (P. oryzae) and sheath blight (R. solani) disease identified as two of the most devastating disease affecting the rice cultivation in Guyana. In this context, the present critical review article entitled ‘Managing the imminent danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease’ was taken up to look at the most practical disease management approaches available and can be utilized to mitigate the imminent threat pose by the rice blast and sheath blight disease. The review will focus on: disease resistant screening and understand the genotype and environment interactions; study the expression pattern of proteins in resistant and susceptible genotypes against blast pathogen (P. oryzae); examine the efficacy of botanicals, biocontrol agents and new generation fungicides against blast and sheath blight disease under different conditions. This will form a foundation for the exploration of the various disease management stratigies for blast and sheath blight disease.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Managing the Imminent Danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease: A Critical Review Article
    AU  - Rajendra Persaud
    AU  - Danata McGowan
    AU  - Mahendra Persaud
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    AB  - Rice is one of the most important crop planted on earth. It provide food and employment for thousands of persons daily through out the world. In Guyana the rice industry is one of the largest user of agricultural lands and contributies more than 20% to the country gross domestic product (GDP). The rice crop is known to suffer from several biotic and abiotic factors. Of which rice blast (P. oryzae) and sheath blight (R. solani) disease identified as two of the most devastating disease affecting the rice cultivation in Guyana. In this context, the present critical review article entitled ‘Managing the imminent danger of Rice Blast (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) and Sheath Blight (Rhizoctonia solani Kühn) Disease’ was taken up to look at the most practical disease management approaches available and can be utilized to mitigate the imminent threat pose by the rice blast and sheath blight disease. The review will focus on: disease resistant screening and understand the genotype and environment interactions; study the expression pattern of proteins in resistant and susceptible genotypes against blast pathogen (P. oryzae); examine the efficacy of botanicals, biocontrol agents and new generation fungicides against blast and sheath blight disease under different conditions. This will form a foundation for the exploration of the various disease management stratigies for blast and sheath blight disease.
    VL  - 9
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Guyana Rice Development Board, Rice Research Station, East Coast Demarara, Guyana

  • Guyana Rice Development Board, Rice Research Station, East Coast Demarara, Guyana

  • Guyana Rice Development Board, Rice Research Station, East Coast Demarara, Guyana

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