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Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Alstonia boonei Leaves Attenuates Haematological and Biochemical Changes Induced by Plasmodium berghei-Infection

Received: 29 April 2022     Accepted: 14 May 2022     Published: 8 June 2022
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Malaria has become a global scourge, particularly in the developing nations of the world. However, efforts to combat the malaria scourge have been hampered by the ability of plasmodium species to develop resistance to conventional anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and artemisinin. This necessitates the search for newer anti-malarial agents from other sources such as medicinal plants. This study investigated the anti-malarial activity of flavonoid-rich fraction of Alstonia boonei leaves (FRFABL) on haematological and various biochemical changes induced by plasmodium berghei-infected mice following a 5-day suppressive test. Forty eight (48) adult albino Wistar mice of average body weight of 30 ± 38 g were used for this study; 18 for the toxicity study while 30 mice consisting of six groups of five mice each were used for the anti-malarial study. Groups 4-6 were infected malaria and treated with 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg body weight of FRFABL respectively; group 3 mice was infected malaria and treated with 140 mg/kg body weight of Coartem® (standard anti-malarial drug); group 2 was infected malaria and no treatment (positive control) while group 1 was not infected and served as normal control. Quantitative phytochemical screening of FRFABL revealed high amounts of phenols, alkaloids and flavoinoids. Tannins and terpenoids were detected in moderate amounts, whereas steroids and saponins were found in smaller amounts. After oral administration of 5000 mg/kg body weight, the toxicity test revealed that FRFABL was not toxic. It was observed that the percentage parasitemia of mice in Group 2 was significantly (p < 0.05) higher when compared to mice in parasitized and treated groups. When compared to the positive control (group 2), the treated groups showed significant (p < 0.05) increases in packed cell volume (PCV), haemoglobin (Hb) concentrations, and red blood cell (RBC) count, but the white blood cell (WBC) count decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in the treated groups when compared to the positive control (group 2). Similarly, FRFABL treatment of infected mice significantly (p < 0.05) restored some malaria-modified biochemical parameters of plasmodium berghei-infected mice. The results showed that FRFABL possesses good anti-malarial properties and will serve as an excellent anti-malarial agent.

Published in Advances in Biochemistry (Volume 10, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15
Page(s) 71-80
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


FRFABL, Malaria, Biochemical Parameters, FRFABL Plasmodium berghei

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  • APA Style

    Osmund Chukwuma Enechi, Christian Chijioke Amah, Jacob Ikechukwu Okoro, Ursula Chidimma Obelenwa, Ernest Chinecherem Omeje, et al. (2022). Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Alstonia boonei Leaves Attenuates Haematological and Biochemical Changes Induced by Plasmodium berghei-Infection. Advances in Biochemistry, 10(2), 71-80. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15

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    ACS Style

    Osmund Chukwuma Enechi; Christian Chijioke Amah; Jacob Ikechukwu Okoro; Ursula Chidimma Obelenwa; Ernest Chinecherem Omeje, et al. Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Alstonia boonei Leaves Attenuates Haematological and Biochemical Changes Induced by Plasmodium berghei-Infection. Adv. Biochem. 2022, 10(2), 71-80. doi: 10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15

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    AMA Style

    Osmund Chukwuma Enechi, Christian Chijioke Amah, Jacob Ikechukwu Okoro, Ursula Chidimma Obelenwa, Ernest Chinecherem Omeje, et al. Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Alstonia boonei Leaves Attenuates Haematological and Biochemical Changes Induced by Plasmodium berghei-Infection. Adv Biochem. 2022;10(2):71-80. doi: 10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15,
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      title = {Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Alstonia boonei Leaves Attenuates Haematological and Biochemical Changes Induced by Plasmodium berghei-Infection},
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      abstract = {Malaria has become a global scourge, particularly in the developing nations of the world. However, efforts to combat the malaria scourge have been hampered by the ability of plasmodium species to develop resistance to conventional anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and artemisinin. This necessitates the search for newer anti-malarial agents from other sources such as medicinal plants. This study investigated the anti-malarial activity of flavonoid-rich fraction of Alstonia boonei leaves (FRFABL) on haematological and various biochemical changes induced by plasmodium berghei-infected mice following a 5-day suppressive test. Forty eight (48) adult albino Wistar mice of average body weight of 30 ± 38 g were used for this study; 18 for the toxicity study while 30 mice consisting of six groups of five mice each were used for the anti-malarial study. Groups 4-6 were infected malaria and treated with 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg body weight of FRFABL respectively; group 3 mice was infected malaria and treated with 140 mg/kg body weight of Coartem® (standard anti-malarial drug); group 2 was infected malaria and no treatment (positive control) while group 1 was not infected and served as normal control. Quantitative phytochemical screening of FRFABL revealed high amounts of phenols, alkaloids and flavoinoids. Tannins and terpenoids were detected in moderate amounts, whereas steroids and saponins were found in smaller amounts. After oral administration of 5000 mg/kg body weight, the toxicity test revealed that FRFABL was not toxic. It was observed that the percentage parasitemia of mice in Group 2 was significantly (p plasmodium berghei-infected mice. The results showed that FRFABL possesses good anti-malarial properties and will serve as an excellent anti-malarial agent.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Flavonoid-Rich Fraction of Alstonia boonei Leaves Attenuates Haematological and Biochemical Changes Induced by Plasmodium berghei-Infection
    AU  - Osmund Chukwuma Enechi
    AU  - Christian Chijioke Amah
    AU  - Jacob Ikechukwu Okoro
    AU  - Ursula Chidimma Obelenwa
    AU  - Ernest Chinecherem Omeje
    AU  - Thankgod Ugochukwu Nweke
    AU  - Mary Chiamaka Uzochukwu
    AU  - Sixtus Chidozie Ezimora
    AU  - Perpetua Chidimma Ike
    AU  - Lovelyn Ngozika Eze
    AU  - Chidubem Francis Okoye
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    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15
    DO  - 10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15
    T2  - Advances in Biochemistry
    JF  - Advances in Biochemistry
    JO  - Advances in Biochemistry
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    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2329-0862
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ab.20221002.15
    AB  - Malaria has become a global scourge, particularly in the developing nations of the world. However, efforts to combat the malaria scourge have been hampered by the ability of plasmodium species to develop resistance to conventional anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine and artemisinin. This necessitates the search for newer anti-malarial agents from other sources such as medicinal plants. This study investigated the anti-malarial activity of flavonoid-rich fraction of Alstonia boonei leaves (FRFABL) on haematological and various biochemical changes induced by plasmodium berghei-infected mice following a 5-day suppressive test. Forty eight (48) adult albino Wistar mice of average body weight of 30 ± 38 g were used for this study; 18 for the toxicity study while 30 mice consisting of six groups of five mice each were used for the anti-malarial study. Groups 4-6 were infected malaria and treated with 200, 400 and 600 mg/kg body weight of FRFABL respectively; group 3 mice was infected malaria and treated with 140 mg/kg body weight of Coartem® (standard anti-malarial drug); group 2 was infected malaria and no treatment (positive control) while group 1 was not infected and served as normal control. Quantitative phytochemical screening of FRFABL revealed high amounts of phenols, alkaloids and flavoinoids. Tannins and terpenoids were detected in moderate amounts, whereas steroids and saponins were found in smaller amounts. After oral administration of 5000 mg/kg body weight, the toxicity test revealed that FRFABL was not toxic. It was observed that the percentage parasitemia of mice in Group 2 was significantly (p plasmodium berghei-infected mice. The results showed that FRFABL possesses good anti-malarial properties and will serve as an excellent anti-malarial agent.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Medical Parasitology, Toxicology and Drug Development Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Department of Microbiology, Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu-Alike, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

  • Pharamacological Biochemistry Research Unit, Department of Biochemistry, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

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